-Caveat Lector-

This is the url for this site.  I copied the information because of frames
and I did not know if I would be able to find it again.  Any way this seems
like it might be a good site for MISC information - just don't get lost.

I have one question - with HMO's which doctor is going to have the money to
do this kind of research?

 PURE FACTS: Adapted from September 1996, Vol. 20, No. 7
The New Regulations on Pesticides

 New Regulations
 Relation to food additives
 Encouraging developments & remaining questions

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The Feingold Association of the United States
127 E. Main St., Suite 106,
Riverhead, NY 11901
(516) 369-9340

 The New Regulations

On August 3 President Clinton signed into law a bill which will change the
regulation of pesticides used on foods. But this leaves Feingold families
with many uncertainties over how this might affect food additives.
The Food Quality Protection Act was passed with overwhelming support by both
the Senate and House, and was approved by consumer and industry groups which
generally find themselves on opposing sides. The main issue was: How far
should the law go in protecting the public from the risk of cancer
triggererd by exposure to pesticides used on foods? How bad must a pesticide
be before it is considered too dangerous to use?

The law will require that pesticides be judged to cause no more than one
additional case of cancer for every one million people who are exposed to it
during their lifetime. It replaces the 1960 Delaney Clause, which states
that no chemical could be deliberately added to food if it was found to
cause cancer in humans or animals. While Delaney did not address pesticides
which are sprayed on crops, it did apply to the pesticide residue which
would be found in processed food.

At the time the Delaney Clause was adopted, the technology for identifying
chemical residue in foods was primitive by today's standards. It is now
possible to detect such residue in minute quantities. Critics of the current
regulations pointed out that new pesticides were being excluded so as a
result, older ones, which actually posed greater risks, were continuing to
be used.

The details of the new regulations are being worked out by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and they will be enforced by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). It will be several years before the effects of this
new law show up in the supermarket. Unfortunately for consumer advocates,
the new federal law will prevent states from enacting stricter standards for
products grown in their state.

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 How will this relate to food additives?

Although the Delaney Clause will no longer apply to pesticides, it is still
in effect regarding food additives. FAUS has long protested that this law
has been repeatedly violated and ignored, but it nevertheless has been a
powerful deterrent to the introduction of even more food additives than we
now have. [The best example of such a violation is the continued use of Red
No. 3, which is an acknowledged carcinogen.] Bills continue to be introduced
to do away with Delaney altogether, but the Clause has withstood such
assaults for many years. Its fate may be determined by the outcome of the
elections in November; a pro-business Congress and Administration could
finally repeal this protection.

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 Encouraging developments & remaining questions

It is a major victory for environmentalists that this new regulation will
take into account the fact that pesticides are potentially more damaging for
the very young or those in poor health. Another plus is that the EPA will
also look at the potential for pesticides to add estrogen-like compounds
into our food and water; these have been cited as possible causes for
increases in breast cancer and for reduced fertility in animals and humans.

We do not know how the EPA will reach the conclusion that a particular
chemical will cause no more than one new cancer per million people. (One of
the loopholes in this brand new law is that it allows the use of pesticides
with double the risk -- 2 cancers per million -- if growers convince EPA
that the riskier pesticide is necessary.) It is also unclear if there will
be any acknowledgment that consumers rarely eat only one single synthetic
chemical at a time. What happens when one consumes an apple with one
pesticide and grapes with another? what is the effect of mixing the
pesticide residue on food with synthetic dyes, with medicine, or with

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