-Caveat Lector-

>Did you see this peice?  I just quickly scanned it and pass it on. (I am not
>vouching for every detail).  This is what Clinton and Hillary, Mr Hyde and
>Ken Starr and so many others really are...that is reptiles; an asuric race.
>These look like ordinary people but they are not.  I have been saying this
>for over two years.
>    The Bible speaks of the preformace of the "Great Sacrilage" that will
>become common in the last days,,,, that is demonic ritualism. The AntiChrist
>is here and the next century will be his. The Anti Christ "Ahriman" is here
>to open up an 'Ahrimanic immortality" to those that serve him; just as
>true religious or mystical experience opens up an immortality to
>those servents of God.

    Excuse me:  I emailed that peice to another.
    I have been on CtrL list for close to a year and have never upload
anything.  Supriseingly one can learn more by reading and listening.  What
caught my attention about the Andrew Hennessey peice is that i believe that
something here is true, as bizzare as it may sound.  I am not much of a UFO
buff, and I enjoy science fiction, but I prefer it to stay in the realm of
    What gives validity to this post to me, is my own past time as a
'pendulum dowser'.  Like looking for water, etc.  For the past several years
I have dowsed for disease and various health problems.  One of the first
things I learned about this very old technology (that is binary in
nature-that is, like all methods of divination-a yes or no, or a single or
double line like in the I-Ching) is the vital importance of the questions
asked.  If all you get is a yes or no, then the question must be carefully
put together.
    In dealing with a person; one of the first questions that needs to be
answered is "this a true human being?"  Without that established any further
questions can be misleading.  What I have learned (and other dowsers too) is
that not all who walk on two legs is necessairly human in the "real
spiritual' sense of the word.
    Dowseing needs a focus, and this focus is a picture, hair, blood sample
or signature etc; something to form a link with the entity in question.  I
have dowsed many photos of the politicans, bankers, generals, high rollers
of every catagory.  And, in contrast to most state and local officals, those
of a national character; many of the latter do not dowse as human at all.
At first I could not put my finger on the difference because the body was a
physical human body.  Later as my practice evolved (or as some may think; my
Alzihammers got worse) I found that alien abductions were vastly more common
than I would ever have guessed.  Likewise when I came to understand the
'grays' and the 'reptoids' and various and asundry entities that are making
their way into our public conversations, I found that many in positions of
power and influence were diffently not human and were often, in fact, dowsed
for being reptillian in soul.
    These beings do not have any human moral values at all.  The whole sorry
specticle of the Clinton impeachment was just a shell game and sham brought
about by entities that have no true human interest at all.  DP.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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