-Caveat Lector-

prioryofsion digest 496

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Message: 1

   Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:53:50 -0800 (PST)

   From: Txxxxxxxx>

Subject: Barbeau's Knights of Sion

A genealogist/faux order hound pal of mine in Canada (let's just call

him "Dave") sent me a fascinating URL to an organization called "Cross

and Shield", aka the Chevaliers du Notre Dame du Sion.  The address is:


The general history of the order gives the date of it's foundation by

Godfrey de Bouillon and Hugues de Payens as 1099.  The history reads

very much like that which we assume to be true of the Priory of Sion,

mixed with generous doses of Templar history.

Most interesting to me, however, is that it was founded in North

America (St. James, Long Island, New York to be exact) under the

ecclesiastical authority of the late Archbishop Andre Barbeau.  The

Grand Master of the Order, based in Europe, is cited as the late

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (it may have been awhile since this page

was updated, as both have been deceased for a few years).

I wrote to the Order's current head, the Right Reverend Dr. Douglas

Trees, hoping that he could shed some light on the question of

Barbeau's role in the PoS and the succession of Carl La Fleur.  Dr.

Trees responded by telling me that, to the best of his knowledge,

Barbeau was not the Grand Master of the PoS, and he has never heard of

Carl La Fleur.

However, "Dave" has done some sleuthing on his own and is leaning

towards the identity of La Fleur as Charles William de Bourbon, son or

grandson of Charles Louis de Bourbon, formerly styled Duke of Berry

and one of the two Naundorffiste claimants to the throne of France.

(Note:  I had previously mis-identified Charles Louis as Charles

Edmond.  In fact, his Paris-based cousin and rival Naundorffiste

claimant is Charles Louis Edmond - the Canadian gentleman is simply


For those unfamiliar with the Naundorffiste claim, it derives it's

name from Karl Wilhelm Naundorff, the great-grandfather of the

aforementioned Louis Charles and Louis Charles Edmond, who claimed to

be the long-lost Louis XVII, boy-King of France.  Naundorff and his

son, another Charles Louis, were VERY well connected in esoteric and

occult circles in 19th-century France, many of the same circles that

our friend Berenguer Sauniere ran with.  Among Naundorff's other

talents, he spent time in a German prison for forgery.

The Naundorffs were successful in having their family name legally

changed in the Dutch courts to Bourbon.  Naundorff's tomb in Delft is

inscribed "Louis XVII, Duc de Normandie, Roi de France et Navarre".

In June of 1998, the body of Naundorff was exhumed with the express

consent of both Charles Louis and Charles Louis Edmond de Bourbon (who

were able to put aside their differences for the occasion) so that

tissue samples could be collected.  DNA testing was conducted by

researchers from the Katholieke Univeriteit Leuven (Belgium) and the

Universite de Nantes.  Naundorff's samples were compared to hair

samples belonging to two sisters of Marie Antoinette (the mother of

Louis XVII).  Unfortunately for the Naundorffiste Bourbons, the

results were negative.

Although the Paris-based Charles Louis Edmond continues fighting for

his family's honor by challenging any and all articles and editorials

in print, his Canadian cousin Charles Louis has accepted his fate and

retired from the public view.  It is not known whether Charles William

has similarly made himself scarce.  It is known that Charles Louis no

longer advertises membership in his "Ordre du Saint-Esprit".

If I find anything else out, I'll pass it along...


<A HREF="http://www.catholicanswer.org/homepage.html">The Cross and the Shield
The Cross and Shield
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomine Tuo, da gloriam!

Welcome to the Home Page of
Chevaliers de Notre Dame
Ordre Religieux militaire souverain de Jerusalem
The Knights of the Ordre are adherents of the Sangreal.
The Chalice may be perceived as a vine weaving through the annals of
time. the fruit of this vine is the grape and from the grape comes forth
wine. Wine has always been associated with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Upon this tradition rests the very heart of the Eucharist (Holy
Communion) the holiest of Catholic Sacraments. This perpetual symbol
represents no less than the forever enduring Messianic bloodline of
Jesus Christ.
The Chalice and the vine support the ideal of service, whereas the blood
and the wine corresponds to the eternal spirit of fulfillment. The
spiritual quest therefore, is a desire for fulfillment through the
giving and receiving of service. Through history this has become known
as the Grail Code, in and of itself a parable for the human condition.
The quest for us all then, is to serve God and, by serving, to achieve.

The Key to understanding the foundation and the mission of this
Religious Ordre:
The Good Samaritan Ecclesiology. . .
The mission of this Ordre is the provision of Medical-Psychiatric care
with ancillary diversified services to our community without regard to
race, creed, colour or religious convictions.


Although we are worldwide, the Grand Preceptory
is located in Saint James, Long Island.
We are responsible for the Sacraments
and Secular Services for the Atlantic Seaboard.

To assist you in navigating our site kindly
utilize the keyword search. By Clicking here

Please take a moment to sign our guest book
so that we may know that you have visited.

Do you have someone we could include in our prayers?
Please register your request on our Prayer List



Knights of Notre Dame Interfaith Services Clerics and Affiliates Fr.
Dougs Welcome Letter The Covenant The Legend & Legacy (Bestowing of
Sacraments) Ordres of Ministry Imagine Weddings General History Your F.
A. Q.'s The Friars Good Samaritian Ecclesiology Community Services

Confilict Resolution Center The Scriptorium Web Design Bulletin Board
Service Our Favorite Web Links

Proud Sponsor ofThe Center for Missing and Exploited Children

This page last updated on June 24, 1997.

Copyright by The Scriptorium at the Knights of Notre Dame
<A HREF="http://www.catholicanswer.org/history.html">Our History</A>
History of the Knights of Notre Dame


Chevaliers de l'Ordre Notre Dame de Sion exists to forward the work of
her spiritual head, Christ, in the world and to care for His flock. The
Ordre draws the central inspiration of its work from an intense faith in
the living Christ, believing that the vitality of a Religious Order
gains in proportion as it's members cease to think only of a Christ who
lived two thousand years ago and rather strive to serve as a vehicle for
the Eternal Christ, who ever lives as a mighty spiritual Presence in the
world guiding and sustaining His people.

Lo, I am with you even unto the consummation of the Age.

Before Abraham, I am.


Founded in the Holy Land, 1099AD, during the First Crusade by Godfrey I,
deBouillion Duke of Lorraine, and Fra. Hugh de Payens, Count of
Champaign, as a Sovereign French Military Religious Order. True Knights
of God, they were noted in the Crusades for their diplomatic skills,
discipline, courage and valor, in the struggles to restore the Holy Land
to Christianity. They were indeed, the most formidable and feared
fighting machine in Christendom. These religious knights were under
strict discipline and expected to sacrifice their lives without
hesitation; an image that endures until today is that of the perfect
kinight, dressed in a white mantle, bearing a red cross and carrying a
black and white banner known as "Beausant" on his lance. It's ranks were
decimated in France in a terrible campaign of slander and persecution
mounted against it by the Government. Many were dreadfully tortured
during their judicial examination, others were burned alive in order to
intimidate the rest into submission. The Ordre, however, due, to its
international character, was able to survive this supression, through
the assistance of the Orthodox Church, and secular courts in Spain,
Germany, Scotland and England which ruled the Ordre innocent.


The ordre was revitalized under the lawful authorities of His Eminence
The Most Reverend Paul Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc, Holy Roman Archbishop of
Hue, Republic of Vietnam, Consultor to the Congregation for the
Propagation of the Faith and His Eminence Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
Grand Master of the Ordre in France.

In North America, the Ordre is under the ecclesiastical authority of
Archbishop Andre Barbeau, D.D., Cardinal des Chevaliers du Temple, as an
Exempt Sovereign Military Religious Order. It's modern day mission is
service to humanity through the provision of Medical Psychiatric care to
the community without regard to race, colour, creed or country of
national origin.

Our Covenant
Orders of Ministry
Friar's Good Samaritan Ecclesiology
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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