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<A HREF="http://www.cchr.org/ect/eng/page20.htm">Therapy or Torture? -
Psychiatry Destroys Minds </A>
Therapy or Torture? - Psychiatry Destroys Minds

 In the old days during electroshock “we used to break arms...leg[s] and

Dr. Harry Bailey    psychiatrist
UK, CANADA: Psychiatrists used the Page-Russell ECT Machine which gave
“multiple shocks,” calling this “therapy.”

A  Sydney, Australia doctor told of her ordeal of torture at the hands of
Chilean secret police in the 1970s. Dr. Sheila Cassidy described how she
was given electric shocks while tied naked to a bed after she had
treated a man with a bullet wound who had been recommended to her by a
priest. The wounded man turned out to be a revolutionary. Dr. Cassidy
was taken blindfolded to an interrogation center, where she was tortured
three times, each time for more than an hour. She shuddered at the
thought of the electroshock and said, “I don’t want to talk about it
     Electroshock was used on nearly all political prisoners held in
Brazil in the 1970s. Survivors told of various parts of their body,
including their genital organs, being subjected to electroshock. The
torturers called the machine used to generate the shocks the “Brigitte
Bardot.” And in El Salvador, doctors used drugs to disorient their
victims before using the stand-by of all medical torture, electroshock

     Infantrymen, under South Africa’s former apartheid regime, tortured
villagers using shock treatment on their genitals, ears and nipples.71

     In Libya, physicians regularly supervised or performed
electroshocks to the head and genitals of prisoners. And when the Iran
hostage crisis ended in 1980, a team of CIA doctors examined the freed
Americans, finding that they had been severely tortured and that only
Iranian psychiatrists and psychologists would have had the expertise to
do so.72

MOROCCO: The same Page-Russell machine was used as a weapon for torture.
     In 1961, King Hussein restructured and trained his security service
in Morocco. The service was staffed with doctors who supervised the
torturing of prisoners in a detention center that had isolation chambers
built identically to the psychiatric isolation cells in Cameron’s Allan
Memorial [psychiatric] Institute (where mind control experiments were
being conducted). The Moroccan torture center also had several
Page-Russell electroshock machines, which were used routinely on
prisoners.73 The Page-Russell technique, developed in the UK, used
powerful multiple shocks – at least five in one treatment. Ironically,
that same year, a report on Canada’s mental hospitals was issued which
was highly critical of the Page-Russell machine that had been used to
administer 12,000 electrical treatments – 60,000 separate shocks – to a
total of 1,000 patients at Allan Memorial.74

     The fact is that electroshock is a form of torture. But placed in a
hospital setting and cloaked in muscle relaxants, anesthetics and the
legitimacy of medicine, it is suddenly and inexplicably pronounced
“therapy.” The scientific principle behind electroshock is no more
advanced than the principles behind terrorism or neighborhood bullying.
Even in hospitals, it is well recognized that electroshock is used for

     “...[M]ost hospital patients fear ECT. Hospital staffs have not
been lax in making the most use of this fear to motivate desired
behavior. In other terms, it’s like whipping a child for disobedience.
The results are the same. Immediate compliance but Big Trouble in the
long run.... On the basis of the research cited so far, it would seem
the problem child is being more than whipped, he’s being crippled.”
Dr. Robert Morgan, Ph.D.
February 196675

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