-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>     Prudy, and other Clinton supporters on this list.... Can you name at
>least ten things that Clinton did that are/were good for the country.  I
>state at least twenty treasonous acts by him.  Will any of you take the
>challenge, or will you just keep on spouting your anti-Republican
>with no support what-so-ever for the Criminal-In-Chief???
>Bob Stokes
>Educate me on the wonderful things Clinton has done for this country other
>than being a Democratic President...

i will take your challenge if you could name one thing the republicrats
have not done in persuit of their goal of enslaving the human race and
wrecking the planet. does anyone know if his spout is still going?


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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