-Caveat Lector-

This is so obviously a manufactured "crisis," it's becoming downright
comical.  I can't watch CNN or MS-NBC (NBC) news --bigger-money-buttkissing
billionaires Ted Turner's and Bill Gates' media mind-control orgs,
respectively-- anymore without laughing aloud at the clumsy propaganda ploys,
rehashing the grossest cliches of the WWII period.

For example, first the media trumpets that the Serbs are separating all the
able-bodied Kosovar men from the women. "Where are all the MEN within this
flood of refugees?" the talking heads wink, ominously.  There's talk of some
kind of concentration camp or slave labor camp for Kosovars in
Serb-controlled Yugoslavia.  Then, when the cameras finally focus on the
refugees thronging into Macedonia, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that
there are as many able-bodied men as women represented in those crowds ... so
suddenly, no more talk of "missing men" or "detention camps."  The spin
shifts gears --
and next, the supposedly heart-wrenching refrain is that the Serbs have
gathered all the
choicest Kosovar women into camps that function as brothels for the Serb
monsters, where any female from age five to 95 is brutally gang-raped until
she's a bloody pulp.
Again, CNN and MS-NBC are flashing maps on the screen indicating the
geographical location of these alleged mass-rape camps, just as with male
"concentration camps."
We note, though, there somehow manages to be an equal number of men and women
trudging across the border from Kosovo ...  Maybe it's just temp work for
some gals ...
Logically, the NEXT charge should be that those "evil" Serbs [that heavily
weighted, subjective value-judgment word being used incessantly by our
messengers of "facts"]
are committing "atrocities" involving innocent children --like the horror
stories concocted by the Madison Avenue boys to demonize the Iraqis in
Kuwait-- such as tearing babies from their mothers' breasts and herding them
en masse into Stalinist "thought-reform"
camps to be raised identity-less by The State, all toward the end of "ethnic
cleansing" ... Those infants who aren't impaled on the bayonets of laughing
baby-raping Serbian
maniacs, that is.  Sorry, I can't help but laugh.  This is World War ONE
quoted almost word for word, strictly by the book, as if we were STILL that

For the first four days of the war, the military "experts" and diplomatic
talking heads on CNN and MS-NBC kept making the same MISTAKE on the air -- a
mistake that was too embarrassingly telling to CORRECT on the air,
apparently, because in all 3 instances where I caught it, no one else seemed
to notice; the heated rhetoric just went on, no loss of momentum.  The
mistake?  When spokesmen MEANT to say "Milosevic," they'd forget themselves
and say "SADDAM" instead ...  Old reflexes die hard.  But then, any "Hitler"
will do for the sheeple -- it's the SYMBOL here, not the reality, that
matters ..
(On second thought, though, maybe it WASN'T accidental mis-speaking  ... In
that case, it'd be the verbal equivalent of a "subliminal," used in hypnotic
programming. )

Comical too is the media's current "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"
ploy, a classic double-bind : If Milosevic (A) drives Albanians out of
Kosovo, it's cause for NATO action-- and now, if he (B) PREVENTS them from
leaving-- it's cause for NATO action.  If we buy the latter as well, then
NATO is HELPING the Serbs with "ethnic cleansing."

NOW, I think, would be a GREAT time to review all our old "Propaganda 101"
texts ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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