-Caveat Lector-

Spiral of violence expanding.. More machines of
slaughter to honor the victims. How many more
will die before it stops? How many innocent lives
will this one more unnecessary warship destroy?


Ship to Be Built From Trade Center Steel
By JOEL STASHENKO, Associated Press Writer
December 28, 2002, 2:48 PM EST

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Steel salvaged from the wreckage of the World Trade Center
was headed to a Mississippi shipyard Saturday for use in the USS New York,
a warship named in honor of those who perished in the Sept. 11 terrorist

It was the Navy's idea to incorporate the steel into the vessel, said
Capt. Kevin Wensing, a Navy public affairs officer in Washington.

He said the steel was removed Friday from the New York landfill that holds
much of the debris from the twin towers and was being shipped to the
Northrop Grumman shipyard at Pascagoula, Miss., where construction of the
warship is to begin next year.

The USS New York will be the fifth of 12 amphibious assault ships in the
San Antonio class, which the Navy calls one of its most technologically
innovative. The 684-foot vessel will carry a crew of 402 plus as many as
800 Marines.

If the trade center scrap meets specifications, it will be melted down and
used to configure the leading edge of the ship's bow, said Northrop
Grumman spokesman Jim McIngdale.

The $800 million vessel should be ready for active duty in 2007.

"We're very proud that the twisted steel from the WTC towers will soon be
used to forge an even stronger national defense," New York Gov. George
Pataki said.

Currently, only submarines are given state names, but state officials
lobbied Navy Secretary Gordon England to make an exception.

The structural steel, primarily from a section of beam about 20 feet long
and weighing 20 to 30 tons, was part of the wreckage taken across New York
Harbor to the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island after the Sept. 11
attack. It is believed to have been part of the south tower, the second of
the twin skyscrapers hit by airliners hijacked by terrorists but the first
to collapse.

Nearly 2,800 people died in the attack on the World Trade Center.

Most of the structural steel from the towers has already been sold for

Other Navy ships have been named USS New York or USS New York City. The
most recent USS New York was a battleship, commissioned in 1914, that
fought in both the Atlantic and Pacific during World War II.


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