-Caveat Lector-

        These are the three sons of Noah, and of them was the whole earth overspread. 
(Genesis 9:19) This is a perfectly intelligible statement and must be capable of 
demonstration if the Bible is anything but a will-o'-the-wisp.

        We find history continually verifying the statements of Scripture, and no 
monument ever dug up, no manuscript that has ever been discovered, has been other than 
an evidence of Bible truth. The determined efforts of modern philologists to reach the 
truth have proven that language is no sure test of race and have given rise to a still 
more determined search to trace modern nations to their remote ancestors.

        The "Saxon riddle" came first in interest because English philological 
historians believed there was no such race as Aryan and that the whole distribution 
into Aryan, Semitic and otherwise was, from the first, simply a distribution of 
languages; a classification of types of speech and nothing more.

        And true it is in this day that "the face of the covering cast over all 
people, and the veil that is spread over all nations" (Isaiah 25:7) is being 
destroyed. The literal meaning of the Hebrew words translated "the covering cast over" 
is "the hiding that hides them." Thus it was that the people and their history beyond 
a span of centuries were hidden. But this uncertainty is to be removed. Scripture says 
the "veil" shall be lifted off.

        "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all 
people, and the veil that is spread over all nations." (Isaiah 25:7)

        The cradle of the human race was, undoubtedly, Central Asia. Most Biblical 
students have acquiesced in the long prevalent localization of Ararat in Armenia, 
forgetful of the fact that the first migration recorded in Scripture was to the plain 
of Shinar "from the east," (Genesis 11:2) while Armenia is due north of Shinar.

        Not one of the three distinct races, it must be noted, resided around this 
Armenian mountain; Turkish, Armenian or Persian, call it Ararat. Traditions have 
arisen connecting this spot with the point of Noah's exit from the Ark, but in the 
face of the strong concurrent testimony of the Scripture statement and modern 
ethnological researches this association of Armenia with Ararat can only be one of the 
many instances extant in the world's topography of "transference of site."

        In the United States, for example, are towns named Cairo, Syracuse, Paris, 
Troy, etc.; and by old geographers the Hindyu Kush mountains, running west from the 
eastern extremity of the Himalayas were called Caucasus but "now" the name is applied 
to the range which crosses the interval between the Black and the Caspian Seas.

        The Ararat of Genesis was not a mountain, but a land; a land of mountains. 
Indian legends tell of the land of Arya-varta in the northern highlands of Kashmir, 
whence the early patriarchs descended to replenish the earth. This name is nothing, 
but a lengthened form of Ararat. Now "ar, or and ur," in Hebrew, mean "light" and "rt" 
is a Hebrew root meaning "thrust out," so "Ararat" means the "issuing forth" or the 
"thrusting forth of light."

        Northward, from the point of junction of the two great mountain ranges of 
Hindu Kush and Karakorum mountains, a third lofty chain divides Russian from Chinese 
Turkestan. This was of old, called the Bolor Tagh or Bolor mountains. The word Bolor 
bears this meaning in Hebrew, "The issuing forth of light." The light was the light of 
true religion let out on a yet to be renovated earth from the sanctuary of the Ark of 
Noah; and from these lofty mountains, towering peaks succeeding each other at close 
intervals, rising to a height of 25,000 feet or more above the sea, no gathering of 
high mountains to match them elsewhere in the world; from these "mountains of Ararat," 
Noah and his sons, and their wives passed down to renew the earth.

        This region of Bolor and the table lands of Pamir; "the roof of the world," 
was also at one time called "Thibet," and Great Thibet is that province of the Chinese 
Empire which lies immediately north of the main chain of the Himalayas. Now Thibet is 
a word from the Hebrew root, "Th'be," the word used in Genesis 6:4, for the Ark of 

        Moreover, the Chinese claim that their ancestors came form the Tarim Basin, 
and this immense Basin fills nearly the whole southwestern part of Chinese Turkestan, 
of which "Kashgar" is the capital and it lies closely adjacent to the land of 
"Kashmir" and the Indus River, where Noah and his sons dwelt after coming forth from 
the Ark. This, coupled with the known fact of Chinese veneration for Noah and their 
traditional ancestor worship shows a national subconscious recognition of a lineage 
tracing directly to the patriarch. The line of descent will be shown to come first 
from Ham and additionally from Japhet.

"Some people, once they adopt an idea, bury it in the ground
and go on the rest of their lives defending it, without ever
re-examining it to see whether time and the elements have
caused it to decay into a worthless handful of dust. In that
way you can be always consisten; and often wrong." (Raymond

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