-Caveat Lector-

A point from below worth emphasizing:

"We have forgotten that democracy is a dangerous business. Built into
the Constitution is the notion that a free people should thwart its
leaders if necessary. This is our duty, the price of our freedom.
Leaders hate to be thwarted; it is in the nature of power to
consolidate itself."

May we remember.  May we no longer be silent...

> http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0110-01.htm
> Published on Friday, January 10, 2003 by the San Francisco Chronicle
> Silence and Forgetting
> by Jon Carroll
> IN ANY DISCUSSION on the probable conflict in Iraq, people in favor
> of such a war frequently mention Neville Chamberlain at Munich. The
> lesson of Chamberlain's infamous meeting with Hitler is obvious:
> Appeasement does not work with madmen or with dictators. Rather than
> bringing peace, it only promotes a longer and more horrible war.
> The analogy is not exact, but it is in the nature of analogies to be
> inexact. But the message is clear enough: Silence or cowardice in the
> face of tyranny is unjustified both morally and practically.
> So when a nation announces that it now feels free to act with force
> against perceived threats rather than waiting for actual attacks, we
> should pay attention. We should understand that the leader of the
> nation is now willing to bomb cities and deploy armies whenever and
> wherever he feels threatened. When the leader says he would not
> need "absolute proof" of the perceived threats, we should pay
> attention. We should not pretend that things are still the same when
> they are not still the same. We should not forget the lesson of
> Munich.
> When a regime says it no longer rules out first strikes with nuclear
> weapons, we should do whatever we can to urge our allies to work
> against such a regime. The more powerful a nation is, the larger its
> armies, the greater the need for noise rather than silence, for
> remembering rather than forgetting, for courage rather than
> cowardice.
> THE LEADER WHOSE policies I have been describing is George W. Bush.
> The lesson of Munich is that it is necessary to speak out against
> tyranny, no matter how dangerous that becomes. It is hard for us to
> think of our own government as the villain; in today's fervid
> atmosphere, such talk is almost treasonous.
> We have forgotten that democracy is a dangerous business. Built into
> the Constitution is the notion that a free people should thwart its
> leaders if necessary. This is our duty, the price of our freedom.
> Leaders hate to be thwarted; it is in the nature of power to
> consolidate itself.
> It is clear that the Democrats, the so-called opposition party, are
> unwilling to accept the dangers of democracy. It is clear that the
> Congress of the United States, conceived as a brake on the dangers of
> an imperial presidency, will continue to be a rubber stamp for the
> Bush imperium. It is clear that the Supreme Court will be willing to
> suspend any civil liberty that thwarts the plans of the supreme
> leader of what is often referred to as "the greatest nation on
> earth."
> THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION is working hard to make us forget. It is
> closing down sources of information about its own workings; it is
> denying citizens access to data about the government they
> theoretically control. It is purposely muddying the waters and
> confusing the issues, deacquisitioning enemies when they are no
> longer useful bogeymen.
> Terrorism is not a nation; terrorism is a tactic. The United States
> has used it or condoned its use. There is currently a very real
> Islamic fundamentalist terrorist movement. The United States has an
> equally real obligation to use its power to oppose this movement.
> The movement is not controlled from Iraq; there is no evidence that
> the elimination of Saddam Hussein would do anything to hinder that
> movement. The Taliban still move freely along the Afghanistan-
> Pakistan border; their power has been diminished but not eliminated.
> But we are asked to forget about that, even as we are asked to forget
> about the still-mysterious anthrax attacks that occurred less than
> two years ago.
> It is necessary for us to remember; it is necessary for us to speak
> out. It is time to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. There
> is no greater patriotism.
> ©2003 San Francisco Chronicle

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