-Caveat Lector-


L’Ordre Martiniste After PAPUS


Mike Restivo (Sar Ignatius, Initiatèur Libre)

Among the Martinists who desired to preserve the practice of Free
Initiations, not based upon Masonic prerequisites, was Victor Blanchard, who
had been Deputy Grand Master to Teder. The Martinists who disapproved of the
Masonic restrictions imposed in the Martinist Order, now called “of Lyons”,
after the city of its headquarters, remained for a long time unorganized,
albeit carrying on with the works according to the original constitution of
the Order, and accepting men and women, Mason and non-Mason alike. It would
be wrong to consider the situation at that time as the result of a “split”
as it were. There was only one Martinist Order, but not all the members
recognized the legality of the restrictions imposed by Grand Master Bricaud.
Victor Blanchard was already forming the nucleus of those who were to
maintain the system of Free Initiations. Jean Bricaud died on February 21,
1934, leaving his succession to Victor Blanchard. Msr. Blanchard could not
accept the Grand Mastership of the Order under its Masonic structure.

Constant Chevillon was elected Grand Master of the Martinist Order of Lyons
and increased the Masonic requirements imposed upon its members:

It had an outer circle in the “Collège d’Occultisme” in Paris, and an
anti-chamber to the Order, the 2 lodges of Memphis-Mizraim, “La Jerusalem
Egytienne” and “L’Age Nouveau”, provided the Masonic qualifications
required for Martinist membership who had to progressively take degrees in
Memphis-Mizraim as successive prerequisites to admitance to the Martinist
degrees of Initiate and then Superior Unknown. Between 1936 and 1939, L’Ordre
Martiniste de Lyon kept its lodge “Papus” open in Paris.

After refusing the Bricaud succession, Victor Blanchard assembled the Free
Martinists and formed a branch of the Martinist Order which adhered to the
original constitution of the Order, and disapproved of the Masonic
requirements of the Martinist Order of Lyons.

In 1934, in Brussels, Belgium, in connection with a congress of non-Masonic
spiritual orders, there was held an international convention of Martinists.
On the 9th of August, Victor Blanchard was unanimously elected Sovereign
Universal Grand Master of a new Martinist Order, by representatives from
France, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, North and South America, Denmark, and
other European countries. The Supreme Council of the Order was constituted
and it was decided to add the word “Synarchique”/“Synarchy”, to the name of
the new Order to distinguish it from the Order of Lyons. On the same occasion
the congress of non-Masonic spiritual orders organized itself into a
federation known as “le Fédération Universelle des Ordres et Sociétés
Initiatiques”/ “Universal Federation of Initiatic Orders and Societies”,
known by its French initials as the “F.U.D.O.S.I.” Grand Master Blanchard
became one of the first three “Imperators” of this federation.

[I do not know who were the other two, although I suspect that Harvey Spencer
Lewis, Imperator of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis was an
Imperator of FUDOSI. Sar Hieronymous, Grand Master of the Rose-Croix
Catholique of Sar Péladan may have been the third Fudosi Imperator.]

The Martinist Order had not always been strictly organized. Lodges were often
semi-independent bodies, and there were many Martinists who did not belong to
any one lodge. Divisions then must be viewed as certain individuals
organizing a particular aspect or tendency into Martinist practice. The
preponderance of Martinists would recognize one or more of these authorities.
It was not unknown for Martinists to recognize and belong to two branches of
the Order.

Not all the Martinists at large who disapproved of the Masonic organization
of Grand Master Chevillon were willing, however, to accept the authority of
Grand Master Blanchard. One of these brothers was Augustin Chaboseau, who had
been with Papus on his Supreme Council, from the beginning. From private
correspondence, it would appear that Msr. Chaboseau felt that as one of the
originators of the Martinist Order, he could not admit the authority of Msr.
Blanchard, who was his junior in the Order. With some other Martinists, Msr.
A. P. Chaboseau founded a third Martinist Order, which was called “Ordre
Martiniste Traditionelle”/ “Traditional Martinist Order”, and whose first
Grand Master, V. E. Michelet, also of the former Supreme Council of Papus,
was soon succeeded by A. P. Chaboseau himself. Owing to the prestige of Grand
Master Chaboseau’s name, this Order, well organized, developed very rapidly
in France, while the Martinist Order and Synarchy remained dominant in other
countries, particularly Switerland and Belgium.

By 1939, the Traditional Martinist Order was by far the bigger of the
non-Masonic Martinist Orders. Furthermore, Grand Master Blanchard became
disapproving of the mail order Initiations of AMORC and resigned as an
Imperator of the FUDOSI. He was replaced by Grand Master Chaboseau.

Not to be out done, the Martinist Order of Lyons formed a “Confederation of
Initiates” with the Rosicurcian Order of R. S. Clymer, [himself an S.I. in
the Martinist Order of Papus, through Inspectrix-General Margaret Peeke, who
assumed the position of American Legate of the Martinist Order, after the
resignation of Dr. Edouard Blitz], in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. [A
reproduction of his S. I. Certificate, dated 1903, is found in Ravalette the
Rosicrucian’s Story, published by the Philosophical Publishing Company,
Beverly Hall, Quakertown, Pa., which serves as the publication organization
of his Order. It is interesting to note that although the name of his
initiator is given only by initials, it is indicated that it was a woman. The
“Quakertown Rosicrucians” did not pursue any Martinist work or affiliations.]

With the outbreak of World War II and the invasion of France and Belgium,
came Nazi persecution for the Martinist Orders. In 1940, in all the
territories occupied by German forces, secret societies were prohibited, by
the Nazis. Although in as yet unoccupied France, the Vichy government issued
a decree dissolving all Masonic and secret socities. With the occupation of
the remainder of France, the persecutions increased. On Apr. 23, 1944,
Constant Chevillon was assassinated as he answered the door to his home by
the so-called “French Militia”, which was an organization of French Nazis
organized under the German Gestapo.

After the War, in 1946, esoteric societies re-organized themselves and
continued their work. Henri Dupont was now Grand Master of the Martinist
Order of Lyons. Grand Master Blanchard was still alive, but the Martinist
Order and Synarchy did not resume activity in France [until over 50 years
later in Bordeaux, through an autonomous Canadian branch of the Martinist
Order and Synarchy.] The Martinist Order and Synarchy survived in Switzerland
during and after the War. In 1939, Grand Master Chaboseau of the Traditional
Martinist Order had authorized the creation of an American Jurisdiction of
the Order under the authority of Regional Legate, Ralph Lewis, designated
S.I. IV. [This distinction is equivalent to Initiateur Libre or Free
Initiator.] by P. A. Chaboseau and Georges Lagrèze, his Deputy Grand Master.
[ Msr. Lagrèze was formerly a Grand Officer in the Martinist Order and
Synarchy. I do not know if he resigned the former for the latter, or
maintained dual office in the respective Orders. Several European Martinist
successions flow through Lagrèze.] Grand Master Lewis succeeded his father as
Imperator of AMORC.

In 1946, Grand Master A. P. Chaboseau died. The succession, left to his son,
Jean, had to be confirmed by the Supreme Council of the Traditional Martinist
Order. Jean did not receive the necessary vote of approval, whereupon he
resigned and dissolved the Order in 1947. [He did not have the authority to
dissolve the Order as he had not been confirmed as Grand Master. The American
Jurisdiction continues to this day under the auspices of AMORC.]

Owing to differences of opinion as to the appropriateness of the
self-initiation methods of AMORC, the constituent organizations of the FUDOSI
resigned from it and the body itself was dissolved in 1951. The Traditional
Martinist Order exists now only under jurisdictions of AMORC, not as an
independent Order. Researchers are commended to obtain a copy of Martinist
Documents , published by AMORC, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, California,
U.S.A., for more details about that Order’s involvement in modern Martinist

Soon after the Second World War of 1939-1945, a few Martinists holding the
C.B.C.S. grades of the Scottish Rectified Rite decided to revive the
Willermoz kind of Martinism (i.e. Willermozism). Thus was born L’Ordre
Martiniste des Elus-Cohen”/ “Martinist Order of the Elect Priests”, which
operates in the usual three degrees of Martinism ( a la Papus) and which
forms the antechamber of the operative Order re-activated under the name of
“Ordre des Chevaliers-Macons Elus-Cohen de L’Univers”/ “Order of Knight-M
asons Elect Priests of the Universe” as in the time of Martinez de
Pasquales. It was founded by Grand Master Sar Aurifer, who, although retired,
is still living in France.

After the dissolution of the Traditional Martinist Order, there were, mostly
in France, a large number of unaffiliated Martinists. It is then that the son
of Papus, Dr. Philippe Encausse, whose very name was a powerful magnet to
Martinists, drew together a large number of unattached Martinists and
decided, with their help, to re-activate the original Ordre Martiniste
according to the constitutions drafted by Papus. This Order was given a
Supreme Council, whose See is in Paris, France. It officially became active
in 1951 and by 1960 became the largest of the Martinist Orders.

On March 14, 1953, Grand Master Victor Blanchard died in Paris, aged 75. [Why
then, did not the son of Papus re-activate the Martinist Order and Synarchy
in France, which continued to conserve the original constitution of L’Ordre
Martiniste, instead of founding his own organization?] Under the pseudonym of
Paul Yésir, Victor Blanchard had directed the “Eglise Gnostique
Universelle”/ “Universal Gnostic Church”, of which he was the last
representative. He was a Christian Mystic, a man with high ideals.

Dr. Edouard Bertholet [i.e. Sar Alkmaion] of Switzerland succeeded Victor
Blanchard as Grand Master of the Martinist Order and Synarchy. Upon Dr.
Bertholet’s death [date ?], his son decided not to continue as head of the
Order and it became dormant in Switzerland, at least.

In 1958, Grand Master Sar Gulion received a charter from Swiss Grand Master,
Dr. Bertholet , to found and direct lodges in England of the Martinist Order
and Synarchy. In the same year, Sar Sendivogius became Provincial Delegate
for Canada. In 1960, the Martinist Order and Synarchy in Great Britain joined
the Union of Martinist Orders headquatered in Paris, France.

Here ends the general history, albeit incomplete, as I have it. Martinists
are invited to submit their addenda with respect to their affiliations to the
present date to help complete the history.


VICTOR BLANCHARD: A Brief Summary of his life and work

Victor Blanchard (1878-1953) was, between the two World Wars the Sovereign
Grand Master of the Martinist Order and Synarchy, under the initiatic name of
Paul Yesir. In addition he was an important functionary of the government
administration, rising to become head of the general secretariat for the
Members of Parliament of France. He was a close collaborator of Papus, with
whom he organised the Spiritualist Congress of June 1908. For a short time
linked with Guenon, he dissolved this alliance after the affair of the "Ordre
of the Temple Renove". Lastly he was a disciple and great admirer of
Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. According to Jean Mallinger (Sar Elgim), " his
knowledge of magnetism, and the sacred literature of Ancient Egypt were

After the First World War, Blanchard did not recognize the Grand Mastership
of Jean Bricaud as the head of Martinism, and with some old members of the
first Supreme Council, founded his own Martinist Order and Synarchy, on the
3rd January 1921. In the absence of well established rules regarding the
nomination or succession of a Grand Master (the Martinist order having been
founded by Papus himself), it is impossible to say whether Bricaud or
Blanchard was the legitimate Grand Master. There were other differences that
existed between the two Martinist Orders. Bricaud who tended to place himself
in the tradition of the Elect Cohens and Pasqually and Willermoz, reserved
entry to his order to men who also had to be Master Masons, thereby
continuing the attempts by Teder to link Martinism with Freemasonry.
Blanchard remained a practitioner of esoteric syncretism as practiced by
Papus, and in a similar manner allowed women to join and did not require the
Masonic qualification. Blanchard linked himself with Saint-Yves d'Alveydre:
and he therefore added to the title of his order the epithet "Synarchy". No
doubt, that by working at the secretariat of the Members of Parliament, he
aspired to influence, the course of political events by his occult
activities, and by disseminating the ideals of synarchy.

Victor Blanchard was also a Mason in the Grand Orient of France were he was a
member of the Grand College of Rites as well as being a dignitary in a number
of other occult orders: " L'Eglise Gnostique Universelle" of Bricaud, (under
the name of Tau Targelius) and "L'Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix", both
organisations being directed by Lucien Mauchel (known as Chamuel - who passed
away in 1936). One should note that both these organisations are distinct
from "L'Eglise Gnostique Catholique " and "L'Ordre de la Rose Croix
Kabbalistique et Gnostique" which were directed by Bricaud then Chevillon.
Victor Blanchard was also a member of the Order of the Lily and the Eagle (
who in their higher degrees convey the initiation of the Rose-Croix of the
Orient) where he was Commander from 1918, the Polaire Brotherhood of which he
was president from 1933, and the Pythagorean Order in which, thanks to the
links created by the FUDOSI, he obtained the fourth and last degree:
"Archonte of the Arts and Sciences '. He was one of the most enthusiastic
founders of the FUDOSI, which allowed him to continue the international
action he commenced with Papus in June 1908, and conferred a new legitimacy
with regard to Chevillon, who as Bricaud's successor he did not acknowledge.
He was one of the three Imperators appointed in 1934 with special
jurisdiction over Martinism and the countries of the East (Sar Hieronymous
being Imperator for Europe, and Sar Alden being Imperator for the USA).
Augustin Chaboseau replaced him as Imperator in 1939.


Jean Bricaud consecrated Victor Blanchard as Bishop on 5th May 1920. In spite
of this consecration Blanchard" attitude to Bricaud soon became violently
hostile, judging by the following passage by Robert Ambelain (Le Martinisme
1946,p150) where one also finds elements which undermine Jean Bricaud's
legitimacy of transmission from Teder, "who made fun of Bricaud, "disciple of
Vintras" and reproached him for having created the Church of Carmel of Elias,
and the Johannite Church, (well before the Neo-Gnostic Catholic Church) and
for "play acting the priest."

"Regarding Bricaud's alleged rights to Grand Mastership of the Martinist
Order there are also several witnesses I can remember. One of the witnesses
is still living here in Paris (Tr. Note - this was in 1946). Brother Nicholas
Choumitsky (from whom Ambelain received the Russian filiation), of an Old
Russian Martinist family… pupil and disciple of Charles Barlet has told me: I
returned to France in 1919. Teder had died. I asked Chacornac Snr, who was
therefore the Grand Master of the Martinist Order, and he answered: It is
Blanchard. I therefore made contact with Blanchard. A meeting was organised
between Bricaud and Blanchard. It took place in a café.

Blanchard arrived with some members of his Supreme Council. Bricaud arrived
alone, bringing with him a document, framed in glass, which claimed that
Teder had nominated him as his successor. Blanchard became violently angry,
and after examination of the document, the unanimous opinion was that it was
not authentic. Bricaud left the impression on those attending of being
superficial and lacking any depth. I then turned to Charles Barlet and asked
him who was the true successor of Teder. He smiled and said that Martinism
was "a circle whose circumference was everywhere and the centre nowhere." He
intended by this that it did not have a Grand Master. Afterwards Madame Detre
(Teder's wife) told me that her husband could not have designated a successor
since wasn't at all intending to die! According to her he died following a
magical ritual.

In any case a document remains which places Bricaud's succession in a strange
position. It is mainly to advise the dignitaries of the Order Martiniste of
Teder's death. The original document still exists in the Archives of the
Order Martiniste. It is signed Jean Bricaud 33 90 95 President of the Supreme
Council and Grand Master General of the Order. It is published so the
dignitaries of the Order were advised of the death of Teder, and that Bricaud
had referred to himself as Grand Master General in his place, they were
therefore not consulted. There was none amongst them who had elected Bricaud
to the Grand Mastership. And since Teder had not nominated anyone, as can be
seen, the result was a little too immediate.. The Grand Councils of Italy,
Spain, and of Great Britain, cut off their relations with the Supreme Council
of Lyons. A great number of French Martinists joined Blanchard and his
Martinist Order and Synarchy, others remained isolated and rejoined Augustin
Chaboseau's Traditional Martinist Order, twelve years later.


Victor Blanchard was the secretary general of the Masonic and Spiritualist
Congress in 1908. In his opening discourse he referred to it as "the first
autonomous Congress of Occultism " and expressed in conclusion the hope of
seeing all the French Masonic Rites coming to reinforce " the army of knights
of Christian idealism."

Here is a passage which exemplifies his thought:

"The doctrine which now excites your curiosity so much is not new, whatever
the critics of the history of philosophy may say.

If we refer to purely historical documents, it is in the most famous
Sanctuaries of India and Egypt - inheritors of the traditional Wisdom of the
black races, Atlantis and Lemuria, that OCCULT SCIENCE was born.

>From there esotericism spread to China, Iran, Chaldea, Palestine, Greece,
Rome, the Gallic countries, Germany and all over the face of the Earth.

Let us not forget that this philosophy, at once human and divine powerfully
inspired all of the founders of the great ancient religions, among them Ram
or Lam, Confucius, Krishna, Zoroaster, MOSES, and Buddha. It is from it that
that the celebrated legislators of passed ages drew their wisest
institutions. It is from this sublime source, that the majority of poets,
philosophers and sages of antiquity and of modern times drew the best part of
their great and brilliant ideas. One rediscovers it hidden beneath the
literal text of all the Holy Scriptures of the East and West, in the parables
of Jesus, right up to the Epistles of St Paul. It was held by certain fathers
of the Church, the Gnostics, Troubadours, Trouveres, Alchemists, heads of
medieval guilds, and the intellectual elite of the Templars, who having
escaped torture and bloodshed, transmitted it later through the
intermediaries of the Rose-Croix, Freemasons, and Martinists.

HERMETICISM is the scientific, philosophic, religious and social synthesis of
the past, present and will be, without doubt, that of the future.

The theologian, philosopher, the savant, doctor, moralist or sociologist
should make the effort to study occultism where alone they will find together
with the best solutions to theological, cosmological, anthropological and
sociological enigmas, as well as the elements which will revivify their
current knowledge, and how to regenerate the human body and soul and of the
whole of society.

The historian, author and artist will also profit from these slightly
abstract studies. The first will discover the explanation of many obscure and
troubling facts; the second will easily penetrate the higher sense of
apparently absurd ancient myths and eastern fables, and will be better able
to decipher the mysteries of the human soul. The third will be able to
contemplate without tiring, the different forms which reveal the Supreme
Beauty in this world as in the other planes of the manifested Universe, and
consequently will be able to give them more adequate physical expression than
those which have been produced before.

As for those who are tormented by the deeply anguishing problem of life after
death, they will be soon understand through exposure to our doctrines, we
hope, the rational certitude through experience of the immortality of their
conscious and spiritual principle, they will understand that Divinity wants
the best for all its creatures, and that the Heaven, Purgatory and Hell of
the naïve theologians are nothing more than the physical and moral situations
in which our soul finds itself throughout the course of its eternal career .
They will know that Reincarnation, taught in the ancient mystery schools,
just as it was in the original Christian Church, and in modern initiations is
one of the multiple means employed by the Sovereign Bounty (or Supreme Good),
in order to hasten the animical, intellectual and spiritual evolution of each
one of us. They will see that man works out unceasingly through the
conditions, which must preside over successive lives in time and space. They
will recognize that human beings are all united to each other not only in
actions, but also in words and above all in thought. It is by these means
that they will prepare consciously the Coming on Earth of the True Fraternity
and of the Reign of the Holy Spirit, or of Science allied to Faith, of Reason
united to Intuition, a lasting and celestial fusion which the Feast of
Pentecost symbolizes so well."

( Note: The Feast of Pentecost, in 1908, fell on 7th June, the opening day of
the Congress.)


The Polaire Brotherhood is not generally known in the English speaking world
but since this article is about Victor Blanchard ( who was its president from
1933) it is appropriate that we present some basic information regarding its
origins, beliefs and activities.

According to the legend of its foundation, the Polaire Brotherhood had its
origin in the meeting between Mario Fille, and the mysterious hermit Father
Julian in 1908 in the hills north of Rome. Father Julian gave Mario Fille a
sheaf of old parchments which included a divinatory method called "the oracle
of the astral force ", to which he at first gave little interest because the
method was painstaking and lengthy. Twelve years later he made the
acquaintance in Egypt of his fellow countryman and musician Cesare Accomani,
who became very enthusiastic for this method founded on numerological
principles. The method consisted of phrasing one's question in Italian,
adding one's name and the maiden name of one's mother, turning them into
numbers and making with them certain mathematical operations. After several
hours work a series of numbers emerged and these were retranslated into
letters giving a cogent and grammatically correct answer to one's question.
The Oracle never failed to behave with perfect reliability, although the
answers were sometimes in English or German. Fille was obedient to Father
Julian's command - he alone possessed the key to its use. They both
experimented with the oracle and noted its efficacious powers and that it
allowed them to enter into communication with the "Esoteric Rosicrucian
Centre in the Himalayas", directed by the "Three Supreme Sages" or the
"Little Lights of the Orient" who proposed to prepare them for "the coming of
the Spirit under the sign of the Rose and Cross". This was in response to one
of the first questions posed to the Oracle - "Who are you?" In 1929 the
oracle gave them the mission of of reconstituting the Polaire Fraternity
whose "members were dispersed in the 15th century through hatred of the True
Light" and indicated to them that the site of the re-establishment would be
Paris. In 1930 the manifesto of the Polaires "Asia Mysteriosa" signed by Zam
Bhotiva (Accomani's pseudonym) was published and a temple was installed at 36
Junot Avenue in Montmartre.

Father Julian disappeared in 1908, but had continued to deliver his messages
through the intermediary of the oracle; and through it revealed he was an
emissary of the Great White Lodge of the Himalayas. Then on the 8th April
1930 Father Julian made his last communication and announced his imminent
death. The first Polaire Bulletin appeared on 9th May 1930, which was going
to convey the messages of Father Julian in the most modern manner. In a
stunning coincidence, the Neapolitan occultist Giulano Kremmerz (whose first
name is the Italian form of the name Julian) founder of the Fraternity of the
Myriam, who never until now has been cited in relation to the Polaires fell
into a coma on 7th May 1930 and died on the 16th May 1930, after having
predicted his own death.

Accomani and Fille associated themselves with many influential personalities
such as the journalists Ferdinand Divoire and Jean Dorsenne, the writers Jean
Marques-Riviere and Maurice Magre and the synarchic occultists Jeanne Canudo,
Vivian du Mas and Victor Blanchard. Rene Guenon also associated himself for a
short time in their enterprise. One also finds the names of some other high
initiates of the Fraternity: Henri Meslin du Champigny (Gnostic Bishop under
the name Tau Harmonius), Mgr Lesetre (Roman Catholic Bishop), Prince
You-Kantor of Cambodia, Jean Chaboseau (son of Augustin Chaboseau).

If the Polaires thought of themselves as recipients of the Boreal tradition
of Thule, and this is where they derived their name, in what manner was it
connected to a "Polar" tradition and what was its mission: e.g. Jean
Marques-Riviere the journalist in his forward to "Asia Mysteriosa " mentions
that both Emmanuel Swedenborg and the early 19th century visionary Catherine
Emmerich had believed in a Spiritual center in Tibet or Tartary " This center
has as its mission or rather its reason for existence , the direction of the
spiritual activities of the Earth".

The Bulletin of the Polaires, 9th June 1930 explains:

"The Polaires take this name because from all time the Sacred Mountain, that
is the symbolic location of the Initiatic Centres, has always been qualified
by different traditions as "Polar". And it may very well be that this
Mountain was once really Polar, in the geographical sense of the word, since
it is stated everywhere that the Boreal Tradition (or Primordial Tradition,
source of all traditions) originally had its seat in the Hyperborean regions.

The ceremonies were particularly stunning, the adepts met in hooded robes.
The inner history of the Fraternity is little known - their archives having
been confiscated by the Nazis. It seems there were many problems in discove
ring the Grand Master whom the oracle announced was to soon arrive. Following
a new announcement from the oracle some Polaires rushed to Montsegur and
Lordat where they excavated vainly to find the Grail and the Albigensian
Treasure. The Fraternity was a member of the FUDOSI in 1937 and 1938 and it
was in its temple in avenue Junot that the Convent of August 1937 took place.

The Polaires tried to protect France using their magnetic powers but it seems
the Second World War destroyed all their efforts and the Fraternity seems not
have survived.

In 1939 Victor Blanchard was expelled from the FUDOSI, according to Jean
Mallinger. The reason cited is that on 14th July 1938 he auto-consecrated
himself as the Universal Grand Master of the Rose-Croix and of all the
initiatic orders of the entire world. He sent a proclamation to each Grand
Master of the Federation, which requested allegiance, and recognition of his
new dignity. As a result some members also left the Martinist Order and
Synarchy (amongst them George Lagreze (Sar Mikael) and Jeanne Guesdon (Sar
Puritia). Many of them joined Augustin Chaboseau's Traditional Martinist
Order. He was also replaced in all of the other high offices he held. Only
the Polaires and the Martinist Order and Synarchy remained loyal to him.
However he was later reconciled with the FUDOSI at the convent of 1946, but
was not re-appointed as Imperator.


Maconnnerie Egyptienne, Rose-Croix et Neo Chevalerie: Gerard Galtier, Ed du
Rocher 1989

L'Occultisme en France: L'Eglise Gnostique; Rene Le Forestier, Arche Milano

Arktos the Polar Myth: Joscelyn Godwin, Thames and Hudson 1993
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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