-Caveat Lector-

Security Council Split on Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- As the world increasingly looks to Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and the United Nations for a solution to the Kosovo crisis, the
Security Council's divide illustrates the chasm that must be bridged.

It's Russia and China vs. the United States and its NATO allies. Again.

This time it's not the Cold War battle of communists and capitalists. But the
rhetoric is equally heated, and at the moment there are no signs of

As Wednesday's council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Macedonia and
Montenegro demonstrated, the protagonists are focused on different sides of
the war.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Sergey Lavrov has decried the impact of NATO bombing
on innocent civilians at every recent Security Council meeting -- and
Wednesday he denounced the attack on a Yugoslav bridge while a train was
crossing as ``barbaric.''

China's U.N. Ambassador Qin Huasun went even further, claiming the twin NATO
strikes on the bridge deliberately targeted civilians as an act of terror,
diplomats said.

NATO members on the council countered that the alliance expressed regret
about the bridge bombing -- and pointedly noted that there had been no
expressions of regret about the hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians
expelled or forced from their homes by Serb forces.

``There is no targeting -- none, zero in terms of NATO planning,'' said
deputy U.S. Ambassador Peter Burleigh.

The allies then tried to push for a council statement demanding that Yugoslav
authorities immediately release two Australian humanitarian workers whom
Belgrade has accused of spying -- but Russia opposed asking for their

By the end of the debate, council members could agree only on a statement
calling for immediate consular access to the Australians and expressing
``deepest concern at the grave humanitarian situation in and around Kosovo.''

While the Security Council's divisions have relegated it to the sidelines so
far, last week's peace initiative by the secretary-general and Wednesday's
proposal by Germany -- which suggests a U.N. peacekeeping role -- could make
the council a significant player in a Kosovo settlement.

The European Union on Wednesday backed Annan's five-point proposal, which
closely resembles NATO's conditions for stopping airstrikes. It calls for
Yugoslavia to end the intimidation and expulsion of civilians, withdraw
military forces, and allow deployment of an international military force to
help the return of refugees.

There was no talk Wednesday in the Security Council of any peace deal.

Slovenia's U.N. Ambassador Danilo Turk said Annan's ``very carefully
crafted'' initiative provides the framework for a solution -- but he said
``conditions are not yet ripe'' for any council action.

Asked about the German proposal, Lavrov said when NATO is ready to stop the
bombing, the council might be ready to discuss it.

But Burleigh said Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic must take the first

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