-Caveat Lector-

Deception By Language: Creating Stereotypes And Destroying Meaning
By Liberty Rogue
January 17, 2003

A lot has been said on the subject of how the oppressive rulers fool their populations 
using deceptive language. George Orwell also extensively used examples of such in his 
book 1984. I will not repeat what has already been said, but try to focus on one small 
point that has been overlooked. In 1984 there is a concept called Doublethink when a 
person can hold two contradictory viewpoints in his mind without realizing 
thecontradiction. Doublethink is not that uncommon in our world.

The most common example is the word "Black Helicopter". No person in today's modern 
world would deny that there are helicopters. Well Duh! And what colors are military 
helicopters of numerous nations? Green and Black. Green for camouflaging them in the 
operations conducted in forests and black for camouflaging them in the nighttime 
operations. Would any sane person deny that there are helicopters and they are colored 
black? No. But then somebody uses the word "Black Helicopter" and the sheeple minded 
public engages in ridicule. This is a perfect example of doublethink. The people know 
that there are helicopters colored black but at the same time they laugh when the word 
combination is changed to Black Helicopters.

Use of confusing and deceptive language helps the tyrants as their tyranny is built 
upon a whole foundation of lies and mistruths. The concise and accurate language helps 
the freedom lovers as accurate language conveys truth and truth is the precursor to 
freedom. I am no expert in language and semantics, but language is built upon the 
words and I would like to point out some of the commonly used (or misused) words to 
confuse and enslave the people. If we could replace these confusing and deceptive 
words with precise and accurate words in public dialogue we could gain a major benefit.

1. Conservative: A conservative is somebody who favors traditional views and values. 
This is a word that tends towards confusion and is the reason why the politicians are 
fond to use it. In a communist country, a conservative would be a communist. In 
Monarchy, a conservative would be a monarchist. In a Constitutional Republic like 
America a true conservative would be a Constitutionalist. However, the word by itself 
does not represent a political philosophy. Deceptive politicians love causing 
confusion amongst the public, because a well-informed public is anathema to tyrants.

Better word: Constitutionalist.

2. Liberal: A liberal originally was a lover of liberty, not the socialists today who 
call themselves liberals. This is another arena where politicians have caused 
confusion. Socialists infiltrated liberalism and started calling themselves liberals. 
This way they replaced the classical liberal tradition of freedom with socialist 
tradition of tyrannical control. The American public would never have accepted any 
socialist ideas if they were called by their true names. But they have accepted many 
socialist ideas in the name of liberalism. To wake up the people we need to take back 
this word.

Better Word: Socialist.

Not to digress from the point but the confusion of these two words has done 
considerable damage to freedom. Let me give you an example from sports. In some sports 
entertainment, good guys are known as 'face' and bad guys as 'heel'. But only those 
with active interests in such sports know the meaning of these technical words. If 
those of us with interest in politics were made to choose between 'Face' and 'Heel' we 
would be confused and make a random selection. HOWEVER, if we were told in simple 
terms 'Good' and 'Bad', we would choose 'Good.'

How does this relate to politics? The ordinary person on the street has no interest in 
politics. He does not know the history related to words 'liberal' or 'conservative'. 
He makes a random choice. But if on the other hand he was given a choice between a 
Constitutionalist and a Socialist, the results would overwhelmingly come in favor of 
the Constitutionalist.

That is why it is important to replace words conveying confusion or misinformation 
with precise words. Let me continue with some more examples.

3. Collateral Damage: This phrase means death of innocent civilians during the war. A 
large part of the public is not only ignorant but they are also afraid to face 
reality. This is why this phrase was invented. It makes some people "feel" good 
because they don't have to face the reality that somewhere some innocent people are 
dying. These people are not bad, and they know it is a bad thing. But they are cowards 
to voice their opposition so they need sugarcoating to avoid facing reality. Reality 
needs to be accepted first and foremost.

Better Phrase: Death of Innocent Civilians.

Sometimes tragedies do happen which nobody can avert, but a lot of the wars were 
started by the international banking interests. Read Anthony Sutton's two good books: 
Wall Street and the rise of Hitler [1] and Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution 

4. "Assault" Weapons: A commonly used word by gun grabbers. Any tool like a baseball 
bat or wrench could be used for assault but gun grabbers have attached this word to 
firearms to degrade them further.

Better Word: Semi-Automatic Firearm.

5. Gun Control: What would a real gun control mean? It would mean that a person can 
control his firearm well. Notice how the media says 'the debate on gun control'. Why 
not say Gun Confiscation? Why not victim disarmament? Because using precise words 
would convey the true nature of gun grabbing and force anti-gun groups to use facts 
and logic to debate the issue. Facts and logic is exactly what they don't have.

Better Phrase: Gun Confiscation or Victim Disarmament.

6. Conspiracy: This is a very accurate word but the media has totally distorted it. 
Just like the case with 'Black Helicopter'  - the media has created Doublethink in 
public's mind. Ask any ordinary person down the road "Are there people who get 
together and plan illegal activities in secret?" Almost unanimously people would 
agree. But that is THE DEFINITION of Conspiracy. This is another example of 
Doublethink. Many gun owners are charged with 'Conspiracy to commit this' or 
'Conspiracy to commit that' and various fraudulent charges. Nobody even questions 
these convictions. But then the ignorant part of the public laughs at mere mention 
that people in power would be conspiring illegally to create a tyranny. The elites 
have the means, more than anybody else and the motives, yet the public mind twisted 
with Orwellian doublethink refuses to even consider the possibility. How can one 
believe that some people conspire and then laugh at the same time somebody else 
mentions conspira
 cy? W
hy of course the Doublethink. This needs to be pointed out to everybody who laughs and 
throws around ad hominem attacks like "you are a kooky conspiracy theorist."

7. Public Schools: These are nothing but brainwashing camps and need to be mentioned 
as such every time one gets a chance. The best way to embarrass Indoctrination 
("education") Establishment is to walk in a PTA meeting and say out loud "This school 
is nothing but a brainwashing camp". Also walk into your child's class and in front of 
all the children tell the teacher "Enough brainwashing, I am taking my kid out." This 
will sow the seeds of doubts in other children and parent's minds.

Better Word: Children Brainwashing Camps.

8. Civil Liberties: Civil Liberties are the liberties that authorities allow the 
people in a country governed by civil government (as opposed to military 
dictatorship). The problem is because natural rights have been renamed civil 
liberties. Where do the Individual Rights come from? "...and are endowed by their 
creator by certain unalienable rights..." Declaration of Independence states. Rights 
belong to the individual and they are unalienable. When Individual Rights are renamed 
as civil liberties it becomes easier for politicians to legislate them away. Another 
variation of this Orwellian use of language is the question "Should we give up our 
rights?" The question is asked after every problem created by those who want to take 
away the rights. By Definition RIGHTS are INDIVIDUAL Rights. That means only an 
individual can decide what he can or cannot do with his rights. That question makes it 
seem like this collective "we" can give up rights that belong exclusively to individua

Better Phrase: Natural Individual Rights or Unalienable Rights or God-Given Rights 
(for religious folks).

9. Extremist/Fringe: This word is used to smear the freedom movement as "Right Wing 
Extremists". The same word is used to describe Neo-Nazis. The idiotic public then 
thinks that the two are the same. I have never read anybody described as Left Wing 
Extremist in any mainstream newspaper. But the phrase Right Wing Extremist appears all 
the time. But what is an Extremist? A person who holds views that are radically 
different than the views of others. In the scientific world, various scientists hold 
opinions radically different from each other. The fact is, it is respected as 
difference of opinion and views. But when it comes to politics, the media and 
politicians absolutely don't respect the difference of opinion. They smear all new or 
old ideas away from "Norm" as Extremist. Media has portrayed this as a negative word, 
even though it doesn't have to be. It is not extremism but difference of opinion and 
radical difference of opinion is THE NORM of any free society.
Undoing the years of indoctrination of TV, mainstream media, and government schools.

Come out of the box.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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