-Caveat Lector-

     Geez, Louise -- I don't mind folks nowadays going "retro" in neo-beatnik
chic and postmodern '50s kitsch, but THIS is going TOO far ... !

Russia, China Warn US of Arms Race

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia and China on Wednesday warned of a new arms race if the
United States goes ahead with plans to develop a nationwide defense system
against limited missile attack.

The U.S. Senate recently approved a bill calling for construction of the
defense system ``as soon as technologically possible.'' The Americans have
grown concerned about the possibility of attack from countries such as Iran,
Iraq and North Korea.

Russian politicians have been unanimous in assailing the U.S. plan to develop
anti-missile defenses, saying the move would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile treaty. Moscow strongly opposes U.S. proposals to amend the treaty to
allow for limited missile defenses.

Russian and Chinese military officials and diplomats who met in Moscow to
discuss the situation issued a statement saying the two countries have
serious concerns about the U.S. plans.

``The fulfillment of these plans would violate the main obligation under the
ABM treaty,'' said the statement, circulated by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia and China ``believe that undermining or violating the ABM treaty would
lead to a whole range of negative consequences: New factors would appear that
would be capable of destabilizing the international situation ... and create
conditions for the resumption of the arms race,'' the statement said.

Russia also contends the creation of a missile defense system would put on
hold any further nuclear weapons reductions.

President Boris Yeltsin recently approved a bill by Russian lawmakers that
would make their approval of the START II arms reduction treaty, which the
United States is anxious to see ratified, dependent on a U.S. commitment to
the ABM treaty.

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