-Caveat Lector-

For the most part, media response to the anti-war demonstrations last
weekend was surprisingly positive, and it’s had a good impact on
American (and I believe international) public opinion.  But there will
always be a few negative reports made.  Although I haven’t seen the
Washington Post article written by the journalist Ms. Moriarty is
responding to, I have seen some reports of it, and it was an
unjustifably vicious attack.  Ms. Moriarty has responded here
passionately, and with a huge dose of heart, beautifully written.

How Dare You, Michael Kelly!
By Judith Moriarty

On Saturday, Jan 18-03, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands throughout
the world took to the streets and parks with the Song of Peace. It's
estimated that some 500,000 filled Washington, D.C.

Mr. Michael Kelly, of the Washington Post, wrote on Jan 22-03,
unabashedly, and without even a hint of insight, that all, all, all, of
these people were from the Left; and furthermore they all chose to
"March with Stalinists, and oppressors of humanity!" Furthermore, Mike
ranted on, all of these hundreds upon hundreds of thousands supported
the butchers of Beijing, after the slaughter of Tiananmen Square, Saddam
Hussein, the mullahs of Iran, the narco-gangsters of Colombia, the
bus-bombers of Hamas, and the mass starvation of North Korean citizens!
The only thing Mike seems to have left out was the murder of Bambi, and
the crucifixion of Jesus!

I am all for freedom of speech and the right of people to be heard no
matter how incoherent and absurd. Mr. Kelly needs help. In his venomous,
disjointed, frothing, diatribe he appears to be in the throes of a
mid-life crisis or mad cow disease. Maybe in Foggy Bottom (Washington,
D.C.) they're one and the same? We can be thankful that most of America
doesn't read the Washington Post, and goes elsewhere for rational,
informed reporting. According to Michael Kelly of the Washington Post,
we can kiss tolerance, diversity, conflict resolution, and we are the
world goodbye!

Michael, like his cohorts down in Washington, D.C., need to come into
the real world. Mr. Kelly, duh, the people out at these marches, are for
the most part, the most informed people of America! If you'd watched any
of the man on the street interviews during the election you'd know that
most were befuddled and bewildered as to whom the Secretary of State
was! One person actually replied that the Civil War was the L.A. riots!!
Stalin!! Hello Mr.Kelly, it is now the 21st century! We may not all be
the sharpest tools in the shed but couldn't you think up someone a bit
more in step with the times? How about "Marching With Charlie
Manson--Freddy Kruger-(Nightmare on Elm Street) or The Terminator?" With
history no longer being taught, people may well think "Stalinists" is a
new rock group! Been there, done that, Mr. Kelly;the McCarthy era of a
Commie in every sewer or back lot in Hollywood is over! Those who were
too young to have been privy to this insanity in the 50s, have at least
been able to see reruns on the History channel.

How dare you, Mr. Kelly, in your bias, prejudice and pathology of
hatred, make a sweeping generalization of citizens throughout our land
and around the world, "supporting fascists, tyrants, starvation and the
slaughter of students in Tiananmen Square!" It is not 'we the people'
who time and time again voted most favored nation status for China! It
is not 'we the people' who supplied both Iran and Iraq with weapons of
mass destruction during the Iraq-Iran War! It is not 'we the people' who
supported and armed the Taliban during the Afghanistan/Russian War! It
is not 'we the people' who used depleted uranium for the first time
during Gulf War I, and later on Yugoslavia; poisoning soldiers,
civilians and the environment! It is not 'we the people' denying our
veterans of the needed medical care they need for Gulf War Disease. It
is not 'we the people' championing the expenditure of billions upon
billions on missiles, vaporizing bombs, cluster bombs and micro-waving
weaponry; while millions go hungry in the world, or are unable to afford
medical care or affordable medicines! It's not you Mr.Kelly picking up
the remains of a loved one sent back in a body bag! It's not you being
told by President George Bush Sr. to "shut-up and sit down" when you ask
about those left behind in Vietnam! It's not you, as a returning
Reservist having to go on welfare to get needed medical care. It's not
you being issued the cheapest of prosthetics from Walter Reed (to save
tax-dollars!). It's not you going out to homeless veterans living under
bridges or in abandoned cars; their feet rotted and filled with maggots!
It's not you living under a plastic sheet in a refugee camp with your
hungry babies! It's not you digging frantically in the collapsed walls
of your mud hut searching for your child! How dare you ridicule and mock
those who march for peace for the lives of Americans and those in
foreign lands! How dare you!

How dare you label mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, maimed
veterans, students, ministers, politicians, blacks, whites, Asians, ,
Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Native Americans, Agnostics,
Atheists, doctors, nurses, professors, mechanics, steelworkers,
carpenters, longshoremen, auto-workers, craftsmen, farmers, loggers,
clerks, attorneys, musicians, artists, poets, writers, Republicans,
Democrats, Independents, Green Party, Libertarians, etc., as
unpatriotic, and un-American! It is WE who built this nation, who farm
this nation, who pay the astronomical billions for war! It is WE who
have been to war and now worry over the lives of our children and
grandchildren being called to what is a war without end. A war that
could last for years!

You charge ANSWER (the organizer of this gathering) with every crime and
evil under the sun, pointing to the signs people carried; of accusations
and less than kind descriptions of the administration. We may disagree
or choose to carry signs with a more noble or peaceful message, but in a
crowd of hundreds of thousands one has little control. Like your vicious
column we must accommodate for freedom's sake all voices. Besides,
Mr.Kelly, with the tens of thousands of signs carried I find it
remarkable that you managed to choose those most fitting for your
vindictive verbiage! One would think you'd arranged it? If the truth be
known Mr.Kelly, people did not travel hundreds of miles on a bitter cold
day to support ANSWER, whom probably 90% had little to no knowledge of!
Here is where, as a writer, you show your utter ignorance of the times.

People gathered for many reasons. Some, it's true are groupies, and turn
out for any and all mass protests, living vicariously through the
passion of others. Others come out of curiosity, and some may indeed
have intentions of stirring up dissension with vulgar signs or violence!
But mostly people came together out of love for their country and fellow
man. They came because ANSWER was there for their concerns, fears and
grief. The politicians had left them in the lurch, as most of the
Churches had! I may have chosen a different roster of speakers and an
environment more conducive for debate and discussion, but then I wasn't
the organizer. The people came because they are weary of war, decades
and decades of bombings, napalm, minefields, defoliants, depleted
uranium, vaporizing daisy cutters, and multitudes dead! They are
sickened of the Stalins' of the world with their 'Purges' killing
millions and millions through famine and wholesale slaughter. All
violence is injustice!

The majority of those you so abusively labeled know that war upon war is
not the answer! With modern day nuclear weapons we are now capable of
destroying the earth, can you grasp that Michael? There is a way beyond
hate, rage, vengeance, an eye for an eye, and it behooves those left
with compassion to convince those who only see mindless-forever
destruction. Demonizing one's adversaries, Mr. Kelly leads to
polarization. People respond to arrogance with their own arrogance. If
we attend to battles, we become embattled. If we give love, we become
loving. What we choose shapes and defines us. The lofty, smug, superior,
intellect that we see exhibited daily; leads to the fragmentation of the
world, while the heart operates at greater depth. U.S. Congressman
Dennis J. Kucinich tells us, "All people are essentially one. The world
is interconnected not only on the material level of economics, trade,
communication, and transportation, but interconnected through human
consciousness, through the human HEART, through the HEART of the world,
through the simply expressed impulse and yearning to be and to breathe
free!" Feb. 17, 2002 In closing, Mr.Kelly, here is wisdom on what you
missed in the gathering of the people of many lands; "The spiritual
understanding and awareness that every human being is a sacred, divine
being with a higher spiritual purpose, is fundamental to understanding
and manifesting the deepest meaning and infinite love of our soul. Not
only do we need to honor and respect our own sacred, divine self, but we
must also, learn to see and experience this same spiritual reality in
every other human being. The longest road you will ever have to walk is
the sacred journey from your head to your heart. Both the mind and the
heart are sacred. Both are inseparably connected. The Creator has put
lessons in every part of creation. Look at the trees; the alder does not
tell the pine to move over; the pine does not tell the fir tree to move
over; each tree stands in unity, their mouth pressed to the same Mother
Earth, warmed by the same sun, with their arms raised in prayer and
thanksgiving, protecting one another. If we are to have PEACE in the
world, we too must learn to live like those trees. The stream travels
through deserts, mountains, and many places, but it never turns its back
on anyone or anything. Even though it gives life to all living things,
it is very humble, for it always seeks the lowest spot. The hurt of one,
is the hurt of all and the honor of one , is the honor of all." Phil
Lane-Hereditary Chief of the Yankton Dakota and Chickasaw tribes,
Professor of Education.

You looked for signs of hatred and vindictiveness Mr. Kelly and so you
found them. I saw a veteran in a wheelchair, paralyzed in Vietnam,
softly pleading for Peace. I heard the songs of women for their children
and a Congressman praying for us all. And finally, I listened to Grandma
Sarah from the Oneida nation telling us that long ago it was spoken by
the ancient ones that the Sacred Fire would all but be extinguished
except for the smoldering embers. Those with listening hearts were
charged with carrying the embers to all nations and re- igniting the
Sacred Fires of all lands. That Mr.Kelly was what the people were about.
That's what you missed!



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