-Caveat Lector-


      The Bush family/dynasty/regime has too many commitments, campaign
      promises and investments to allow peace to continue unchecked.

      They NEED a war, ANY war. And there are those that believe that
      they will go to any length to instigate and/or legitimize their
      desire to unleash the full might of the U.S. military
      somewhere, anywhere in the world.

      With this in mind, we must ask ourselves... who would benefit from
      another domestic terrorist attack? The answer is too disturbing for
      most people to entertain.

By Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist
January 13, 2003

In this time of nearly universal dissent and condemnation of the Bush
administration's foreign policy and apparent mad dash toward war, we
would have to be fools or in denial to think that the national media is
not being utilized to promote propaganda to sway the American people into
supporting some kind of military action.
 *  It has become common knowledge to those who have followed world
    events for any length of time, that the international financial
    corporate elite puppet-masters and the military industrial complex
    have much to gain (monetarily) from a war. Any war.
 *  It is the same individuals that have invested in the current
    administration through lobbying and campaign contributions that pay
    for the majority of the advertising in the major media.
 *  It is therefore not difficult to understand why war is being promoted
    with fervor akin to an advertising campaign to sell chia pets during
    the holiday season.
On 9/11/01, while the news networks were still debating about what kind
of plane had hit the WTC, they simultaneously released file footage (the
same file footage) of Osama Bin Laden (who had been trained, funded and
put into a position of power by the CIA), and hence began a campaign to
legitimize an attack on Afghanistan. Despite the reports that 15 of the
19 suspected terrorists were Saudis, coupled with the fact that the Bush
administration refused to provide evidence linking the Taliban to the
9/11 attacks, Bush mounted an unbridled attack on the Afghanis.

Over a year later, the convenient inability to locate Osama Bin Laden now
has the Bush administration focusing the compliant media attention on the
old stand-by, back-pocket boogieman, Saddam Hussein.

Hussein enjoys the same background support as Bin Laden, both having been
supported and funded by the U.S. government during the era that George
Bush Sr. had been Director of the CIA, two-term Vice-President under
Reagan and President of the United States.

Hussein and Bin Laden both have reported business ties with the Bush
family, the latter also tied to VP Dick Cheney and Tony Blair through the
Carlyle Group with oil and pipeline interests. (Bin Laden and his Taliban
continued to receive millions of dollars of support under the current
administration up to just a few months before the 9/11 attacks.)

Because of the world attention to the controversy of the first Gulf War,
the lack of support and strong opposition to a "regime change" by the
Bush administration has grown to the point that much of the world is
beginning to see the U.S. under the middle-eastern label as the "Great
Satan." As a result, the current administration now finds it necessary to
refocus America's attention to North Korea, one of the other countries
Bush has conveniently labeled as a member of the "Axis of Evil".

Neither Iraq, nor North Korea have engaged themselves in acts of
aggression against any country and neither they, or any other country
would benefit from an act of terrorism in this country. Such an act would
give the Bush administration the excuse that they so desperately need to
legitimize a full-scale orgy of death aimed at anyone who would dare
oppose their agenda.

                  The Bush family/dynasty/regime has too many
                 commitments, campaign promises and investments
                     to allow peace to continue unchecked.

They NEED a war, ANY war. And there are those that believe that they will
go to any length to instigate and/or legitimize their desire to unleash
the full might of the U.S. military somewhere.anywhere in the world.

                  With this in mind, we must ask ourselves...
           who would benefit from another domestic terrorist attack?
           The answer is too disturbing for most people to entertain.

Common sense and critical thinking has broken out on a world-wide scale
and the people of the world are now realizing that the holocaust so many
said could never happen again, is menacingly looming behind the window
dressing of blind American patriotism. the same kind of blind patriotism
seen in pre-WWII Germany.

The fate of the entire free world may depend on the American people
simply paying attention to something other than the Super-Bowl this year,
and then doing something about it. This author doesn't think that's too
much to ask, considering the dire consequences.


2003 Joyce Riley - All Rights Reserved

Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist co-host the radio show "The Power Hour"
heard domestically and internationally on AM and FM stations, the
internet, satellite and international short-wave radio. Joyce is a
Registered Nurse with 30 years experience and presently is the
spokesperson for The American Gulf War Veterans Association. Dave
vonKleist spent his career in the broadcast media as a professional
TV/radio announcer. Today he is an accomplished musician, writing and
recording his own brand of politically charged music and is recognized as
one of the country's leading patriotic balladeers. Their websites are:
www.thepowerhour.com and www.gulfwarvets.com .


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