-Caveat Lector-

January 26, 2003
Portrait of a Laddie


ASHINGTON — On this, our annual Sunday saturnalia of manliness, we will
see a lot of body-slamming, nacho-gorging and beer-hawking. There will be
chesty warriors on the field and chestier babes on the tube, selling suds
by enacting male fantasies — erotic mud wrestling in bikinis, Polish blond
twins in tank tops, the usual subtle appeals to the male cortex.

Behind all these tableaus of testosterone, a disturbing question lurks: Are
men losing interest in sex?

Women's libidos may be surpassing men's, USA Today says. Now it is the
men who plead headaches and the women who feel grumpy, deprived and
inclined to cheat.

"Sex therapists, researchers and marital counselors — as well as some
divorce lawyers — are concerned about increasing numbers of men of all
ages who rarely desire their wives sexually or rarely have sexual fantasies
because of a variety of physical and emotional factors," the paper
reported on Wednesday.

What will happen if men, the mindlessly lusting sex, turn into the
reflectively listless sex?

With relief, I suddenly remembered that America will never have to worry
about spiraling into impotence as long as we have . . . Rummy!

Square-jawed, man's man Rummy has been so out-of-control macho lately,
he pulls up the curve on swaggering for his whole gender. First he dissed
veterans, a key Republican constituency, saying that Vietnam draftees had
added "no value, no advantage" to the U.S. services.

Then he announced that he was going to start broadcasting his daily
Pentagon briefings in Arabic to the Iraqis, confident that they'll fall into
line once they're exposed to his two-fisted American bravado.

Still full of vinegar, he began smacking around whole countries. He called
France and Germany "old Europe," as if they were a rundown theme park,
and embraced the modernity and gravity of Bulgaria and Romania. The
French finance minister, Francis Mer, sniffed that he was "profoundly

Even before Rummy mocked them, officials in Paris and Berlin were
mocking President Bush's pious, peremptory ways on Iraq, saying they
found his tone too Texas and too religious.

"Much of it is the way he talks, this provocative manner, the jabbing of his
finger at you," a German Parliament member, Hans-Ulrich Klose, told The
Times's David Sanger. (Who knew the Germans were such delicate, easily
intimidated creatures?)

The rift is redolent of Henry James's novels, a collision between the new
world and the old, the headstrong, uncultured Americans and the cynical,
snobbish Europeans. The brash Americans are eager to launch a voyage of
Arab emancipation, and the world-weary Europeans want to smother what
they see as irritating Yankee optimism.

The way the French and German foreign ministers set up the secretary of
state on Monday, by luring him to a U.N. session to declare that they
would not support an early move on Iraq, was straight out of "The Portrait
of a Lady," with Colin Powell as Isabel Archer, seduced and betrayed by
the bloodless machinations of Madame Merle and Gilbert Osmond.

Mr. Powell was so livid he jumped to the whack-Iraq side, snapping at the
council, "We cannot be shocked into impotence."

American support for invading Iraq has slipped. But if the French and
Germans can turn the administration's flower child hawk-y, who knows
what else they can accomplish with their condescending yapping?

Even if the "axis of weasel," as The New York Post calls the skittish allies,
has a point, who wants to hear it? The allies have no moral authority on
the subject of standing up to tyrants who invade their neighbors and gas
their own people. And they have no interest, as American conservatives
do, in helping Israel by getting rid of Saddam.

At last, Mr. Bush has found a compelling rationale for his Iraq policy:
France and Germany are against it.

In my last column, I cited a Time article reporting that the president had
"quietly reinstated" a custom of sending a wreath to the Confederate
Memorial. Time has since corrected the story, saying he didn't revive the
custom, but simply continued it.

I would still ask: Why keep a tradition of honoring the Confederacy while
you're going to court to stop a tradition of helping black students at the
University of Michigan?

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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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