-Caveat Lector-

The Sobran Administration
January 2, 2003
by Joe Sobran

In my last column, I observed that "the presidency
is ... a Superman's job. Nobody should be given -- or
trusted with -- that much power and responsibility.
Nobody can possibly handle it.

"By abandoning our Constitution, in which the
legislative branch is supreme, we have permitted the
executive branch to assume a centrality it was never
meant to have. The president is now said to be our
'leader.' He's expected to provide governance,
protection, economic expertise, geopolitical cunning, and
inspiration, among other things; and of course he also
has to have a talent for raising money and winning
elections.      "Rare is the man who can master even one of these
disparate, unrelated, almost miscellaneous skills.
Requiring all of them is like asking a single individual
to excel at playing the harpsichord, logical theory,
standup comedy, chess, and pole-vaulting."

This, of course, raises the natural question, Why,
then, am I running for the presidency? Am I arrogant
enough to believe I possess all these qualities?

Not at all. Some people find me cocky, but at least
I'm humble enough to admit I'm mortal: aging, slowing
down, with thinning hair and thickening waistline. I'm
incapable of ruling the world. Elect me, and you'll at
least get a president who knows his limitations.

As for raising money and winning elections, well,
let me just check the coffers here ... nope, still empty.
Actually, I haven't asked for campaign donations. I'm not
planning to cross the continent seeking votes, giving
speeches, shaking hands, kissing babies. I'm planning to
campaign on the cheap, right here at my keyboard, and let
the Internet work its magic. Either people will get the
message and write in my name, or they won't.

Not surprisingly, the liberal media are ignoring my
campaign. So are the conservative media, which is not
surprising either, since they don't want conservatives to
know there is actually a presidential candidate who takes
the U.S. Constitution seriously, even when it interferes
with the right-wing agenda of making war all over the

Which brings me to my campaign promise: as
president, I will veto any act of Congress I deem
unconstitutional; I will impound any funds Congress
appropriates for unconstitutional purposes; and I will
refuse to enforce any Federal law on the books if it
isn't authorized by the Constitution. I will ask Congress
to repeal most existing Federal laws and spending

Faulty decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court will also
be unenforced. In fact, no Federal law will be enforced
in the former Confederate States of America, since I will
recognize the right of those states to secede from the
Union and consider the Lincoln administration's denial of
their sovereignty grossly unconstitutional. I will abide
by the Declaration of Independence, which declares that
all the states "are, and of Right ought to be, Free and
Independent States."

All this will guarantee my swift impeachment and
removal from the presidency, since Congress will surely
regard keeping my oath to uphold the Constitution as
chief among "high crimes and misdemeanors." But I can
always run again in 2008, 2112, and so forth.

In the unlikely event that I am allowed to serve out
my term, what will be my economic policy? Since I don't
have the infinite foresight socialist planning and
"running the economy" require, I will try to see that
every American is permitted to spend his own money as he
sees fit. My "policy" will simply be to respect all
private ownership.

Foreign policy? Since I regard virtually all
existing foreign governments as forming an axis of evil,
I will avoid engagement with all of them. I will seek
peace and friendly commerce with all countries; if they
choose to make war with each other, the United States
will remain aloof. Such a peace policy, now absurdly
labeled "isolationism," was commended by George
Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Civil rights? I will try to restore one of the most
basic of them: the right to associate, or to refuse to
associate, with any person. Compulsory association,
racial favoritism, and restrictions on the use of
property aren't "civil rights."

Adherence to these simple principles won't put much
of a strain on my meager abilities. It seems to me the
only way an honest man can exercise the awesome power and
responsibility of the presidency.
Read this column on-line at
"http://www.sobran.com/columns/2003/030102.shtml";. Copyright (c)
2003 by the Griffin Internet
Syndicate, www.griffnews.com. This column may not
be published in print or Internet publications
without express permission of Griffin Internet
Syndicate. You may forward it to interested
individuals if you use this entire page,
including the following disclaimer: "SOBRAN'S and Joe Sobran's
columns are available
by subscription. For details and samples, see
http://www.sobran.com/e-mail.shtml, write
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or call 800-513-5053."

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