-Caveat Lector-


Open letter to Senator Byrd:

Dear Sir, thank you for your courageous, sane and open hearted speech
regarding the consequences we will all be held accountable for if this
reckless Administration continues on its own path. We feel your despair
and plea for what is just.

It seems the Administration has turned a deaf ear to our voices of
massive disagreement and dissent regarding this proposed war. Disapproval
which we have voiced through peaceful demonstrations, letters, email,
phone calls and faxes etc. It is not we who are sitting here mute as you
suggest. We are and have been taking action and speaking our concerns and
horror at what is taking place in the world in our names by our

The national media is not broadcasting the events and the public
sentiment that has been expressed across all 50 states as well as abroad.
It is as though our sentiments are not notable, significant or
newsworthy. And so it has appeared as though the American public is sound
asleep and in agreement with this Administration's policies.

For many of us, we feel the election was stolen and we did not vote this
Administration into office. Would this not be considered a coup in any
other country? Is this not a rude awakening?

If the senate is so paralysed by their own fears of the turmoil and the
impending threat of a pre-emptive attack, maybe this is because they are
realizing this attack is really the GENOCIDE of Iraqi citizens, which as
you say are over 50% children and youth.

It is time that we spell out precisely what is happening here and stop
hiding behind abstract words which refuse to describe the graphic reality
of what is being proposed. The refusal to name the action "GENOCIDE" is
then a denial which is causing the silence of our senators and results in
their inability to "debate, discuss and lay out for the nation the pros
and cons of this particular war."

This is not the first time we have practiced GENOCIDE in this country.
Our nation was founded upon this principle and it is time to admit that
we have done this across North America to MANY nations of indigenous
peoples. For a close up view of the actual mass open pit graves in the
USA, dug by our cavalry, please refer to the Videos, HOW THE WEST WAS

It is time for our lawmakers to come out of denial and stop repeating
this heinous history of war crimes in pursuit of economic gain and world
domination. What the administration is proposing is as much a war crime
as what Hilter perpetrated. We have simply created more elaborate and
remote, impersonal technology, thus removing ourselves from the
disgusting task at hand, yet, none the less, causing human and
environmental devastation and disasters that cross ALL boundaries
affecting ALL peoples of the world. Our manner of deceiving the masses
through abstract wording such as the "Doctrine of Pre-Emption" keeps
people from emotionally and intellectually comprehending the concrete
meanings of the words used. This use of semantics manages to manipulate,
distance and separate all of us from our heart, our natural connection to
nature and our compassion. Basically our reality is affected and we
become disassociated and unable to relate. It is then, that people remain
paralyzed in fear.

This Doctrine of Pre-Emption you describe as a "radical new twist on the
traditional idea of self defense." is called LAWLESSNESS in plain
English. It is a way of saying we will destroy anything or anyone who
stands in our way for any reason or for no reason at all. In this day and
time of remote technology we need not even look into the eyes of our
brothers and sisters, men, women, elders and children as we ruthlessly
destroy their lives and culture.

In the spirit of truth and justice for all, we propose in the event our
leaders and legislators and those of other countries, refuse to honor the
"conventions of international law and the United Nations charter" as well
as the will of the people whom they represent, then they be investigated
and held responsible for committing war crimes against humanity. Are the
omissions of silence, you refer to, a way for our legislators to exempt
themselves from being held accountable? Everyone knows exactly what we as
a nation are doing, why we are doing this and where we are headed.

We call upon this body of senators and congressmen to think clearly,
speak truthfully and act according to the highest diplomatic, sensitive,
intelligent and ethical standards of a Nation who calls itself a peace
keeper and leader of our global community. PLEASE, begin with the
national media. Broadcast eloquent orators such as yourself and the other
congressmen and woman, soldiers and parents of soldiers who are now
legally challenging President Bush.

The feelings of the many who are marching, writing and speaking out are
not being heard or recognized by the media. Why is this being allowed to
continue? There are PEACE, JUSTICE and ANTI WAR centers across the nation
and in the international community. We are asking you to please help us
bring to light the voices of the many, not just the few, so we can end
this dark, unbearable silence and separation that YOU feel from Congress.

We, the people, are speaking loud and clear, we need only be listened to
and allowed to be seen through our national media.

Perhaps you know why there is no accurate and adequate media coverage at
a time when it is so critical to be heard. Our future is being decided
and only a few are determining its course.

Thank you. Our prayers are with you.

Phyllis Bala and Angela Rosa

      Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by fear of punishment and the
                             other by arts of love.
       Power based on love is thousand times more effective and permanent
                 than power derived from fear of punishment..."
                                --Mohatma Gandhi

                 "Where love rules, there is no will to power.
                 And where predominates, there love is lacking.
                      The one is the shadow of the other."
                               -Carl Gustav Jung

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