-Caveat Lector-

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From:                   "Khoji T. Lang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [Elfradbitchlist] Fw: NASA Caught Faking Images (again)
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Date sent:              Thu, 20 Feb 2003 22:55:08 -0800

NASA Caught Faking Images (again)

NASA has a long history of cover-ups, lies, image alteration and
fabrication, and this is just the short list. I suspect a huge part
of NASA's budget is allocated toward various deceptions and cover-
ups.  The problem is when they do this too much and too often,
regular slip-ups begin to show up.  People catch them in the act and
then they have to attempt to silence the people catching them. The
whole business turns into a filthy quagmire of plugging up leaks
here, more lies to cover up original lies, more disinfomation here
about the people catching them in the act, obvious meddling their
businesses, websites, radio shows, etc.
Geez, what a screwed up business NASA is.  NASA is really a
reflection of our society as it stands today.  If Planet X does take
out our culture and we do have to start again, lets make a promise to
do it right the next time.

Mark H

From: "Tuatha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Earthchanges_discussion_prep_planetx] NASA Caught Faking
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:10:27 -0700

In addition to stealing and plagerizing the scientific work of
McCanney, NASA has now stooped to faking pictures... and NASA wants
to cover it all up.

NASA gets caught faking images, and stealing the scientific work of
McCanney, and the public message boards that exposed the fraud(s) and
related information have been silenced by the PTB!


Comet Discussion Board Zapped After
members caught NASA faking images

Editor Fintan Dunne, Irish Investigatve Journalist.
20 February 2003 21:30 GMT

Following a close approach by comet NEAT to the sun in the early
hours of 18th February, 2003 satellite web images were interrupted
from the SOHO satellite by NASA. Up to 7 hours of data were missing.
A webboard containing hundreds of posts discussing these issues called
http://www.godlikeproductions.com (associated with
went offline early on 20 Feb, 2003 --shortly after members discovered
evidence that NASA was faking images subsequent to the close pass.

Website Http://www.GuluFuture.com operated by Fintan Dunne, an online
investigative journalist (http://www.sickofdoctors.com,
http://www.aidsmyth.com) was following these events closely and was
accumulating the evidence being gathered on the discussion board.
Among the evidence is a collection of screen captures of the false
images, and standard solar wind, electron and magnetic 7 day charts
which show a marked spike in the graphs coincident with the gaps in
NASA data.

After the discussion webboard went offline, GuluFuture prepared a
special report at:
and announced details of this and links to the appropriate GuluFuture
webpages at two popular websites in the US. Also posted was a link to
a new NZ discussion forum  http://www.represent.co.nz/forum/index.php
where members of the previous discussion could regroup. The two
websites where this announcement was made were:
and http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi

Both of these highly trafficed websites also went offline within an
hour of the announcements being posted. The new Discussion Forum is
also no longer operational.

 Take a look at this C3 picture taken by SOHO on February 20, 2003 at 2342 HRS UT. 
have been no SOHO updates since this picture was taken. Usually they update every hour.

What an amazing picture !! What's going on there with our Sun? NASA owes us 

Here is the NASA / SOHO link for the picture:

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"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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