-Caveat Lector-


February 25, 2003 -- THE only thing worse than having to pay so much for
gasoline and heating oil is having the government pretend that prices
gone up very much. Washington, in fact, is using a statistical trick that
some of its own economists can't explain. It's called "intervention
analysis" -
if you care to look it up - and it makes much of the increase drivers are
at the pump disappear.

Explaining intervention analysis is a little like describing heart surgery
without using diagrams or medical terms. Or sex without using dirty words.

But this is the bottom line: If something unusual, like a war, happens that
causes the cost of oil to rise, the government simply takes it out of the
calculation for the consumer price index. And that's before making its
normal seasonal adjustments.

In other words, Washington adjusts its energy cost figures for unusual
occurrences before it again adjusts them for seasonal quirks. Alice didn't
have to do this many contortions to get into Wonderland.

Grit your teeth for a minute and I'll give you the description that comes
directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (This is for my readers who
are Wall Street/economist types and who like their facts dry and boring.)

"Intervention analysis seasonal adjustment allows nonseasonal economic
phenomena, such as outliers (described as an 'extreme value') and level
shifts (a price change caused by an oil embargo, for instance) to be
factored out of indexes before calculation of seasonal adjustment factors,"
the government explains, not doing a very good job of it.

Let me take a crack at it: You may have to pay more for a gallon of
gasoline because of the fear of an Iraqi war, but the government doesn't
have to count the extra cost in its inflation statistics.

Why should you care if Washington fudges its numbers?

For one thing, I would like to stop looking for gas stations at which
prices have only gone up about 6 percent between December and January.
That's the increase Washington recorded, even though I have personally
found that a gallon of regular is up at least twice that much.

Here are some other reasons to care.

By keeping inflation artificially low, Washington can pretend that the
economy is doing a lot better than it really is. And if economic policy
makers believe this fallacy, they may take actions that hurt rather than
help the nation.

Even more important, many retirement benefits, including Social Security,
are tied to the level of consumer inflation. Cheat on the consumer price
index - as Washington is doing - and you cheat retirees.

In fact, the current stat-shifting could turn out to be the biggest
fleecing of the American public ever recorded. But since Washington is
"intervening" in the numbers in such an official and incomprehensible
manner, nobody has yet caught on.

I've mentioned in previous columns other ways in which inflation is
understated. For instance, the government reduces inflation by figuring
people will automatically shift to cheaper products - hamburger instead of
steak - if prices go up. The same trick is accomplished by contending that
prices are actually down on some products simply because the technology
improves - the more bang-for-your-buck theory.

So what's really going on with energy prices and inflation?

Just last week the government issued two contradictory reports. Prices at
the wholesale level rose by 1.6 percent between December and January
because of energy prices, the biggest gain since 1990. If this continued,
prices would be up a frightening 19 percent in 12 months.

Yet the consumer price index rose just 0.3 percent in the same period of
time, or at just a 3.6 percent annual. After all the sleight of hand
mentioned above, the government said energy prices rose just 4 percent for
the month.

How much have energy prices really risen?

The Energy Department - which should know about these things - says
gasoline prices are up 48.2 percent over the past year. But the price
increase used for the CPI calculations is just 29.3 percent.

And gasoline prices rose 7 percent between early December and late January.
And they are up another 13 percent since late January. Natural gas prices,
meanwhile, are at their highest level in 25 months.

If you are a driver, that's why you are hurting a lot more than Washington
is letting on. And if you are on Social Security, that's how you are being

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