-Caveat Lector-

Dear Fellow Americans and World Citizens:

Only a Bully Seeks War as an Option

 I write you with great anguish as a veteran who has experienced war
from the cockpit of a helicopter ambulance.  While cherishing my
rights to speak openly in a world where citizens of many other
countries cannot, I feel burdened with a sense of responsibility to
express those rights by inviting serious introspection of our place
in unfolding world events.  There is a difference between exercising
vigilance in the face of a potential aggressor and being a bully.

Over the centuries, we have learned that great nations come into
being when the power for governing those nations is put into the
hands of the people.  We have further discovered that democratic
principles can unite the community of nations in the cause of peace.
There is no place for bullies, on a community, national or
international level, in a world that recognizes and cherishes human
rights.  We all know bullies when we see them.  Such self-interested
individuals and nations accumulate their power and then force others
around them into submission to their interests.  They survive until
bigger bullies come along and subject them to the same treatment.
Bullies make life miserable for the rest of us because they control
us while sapping our power and resources for their own interests.  It
anguishes me to ask the question: Has the Unites States become a

The United States defines itself as the "only world superpower" on
the basis of its nuclear capability.  Bullies define their rights
based solely upon their power.  Are we doing the same?  Are we
relating to the rest of the world on the basis of imagined rights
gained through our technological accomplishments and power?  After
contributing significantly, and at great loss, to helping rid the
world of bullies over the last century, are we overreacting to the
world situation in the present?  We cite our accomplishments – how we
helped the conquered bully-nations rise to their feet in great
humanitarian nation-building efforts.  And we cite our mistakes – how
we failed to acknowledge ominous threats until it was too late.  We
lament our lack of involvement in the League of Nations and the great
losses that began with Pearl Harbor.  "Never again!" we said, and
perhaps our obsession with that blinded us to an even more serious
mistake of oversight, especially after the events of September 11,

In the cold war, we confronted communism – only to discover through
the process of further losses through war and conflict that communism
was not the threat we feared.   There are those who declare that
communism was defeated by the cold war effort.  This perception
insults the wisdom of the leadership and the people of those nations
who discovered the truth for themselves that communism does not
work.  We Americans (the term United States citizens use exclusively
for ourselves on this continent) take great pride in our power-and-
wisdom-of-the-people perception of our rise to greatness.  Yet we
seem to fail to recognize that we come from the same stock as the
people of the rest of the world – people who have the same inherent
rights, worth and potential as Americans.  As we stand on the brink
of another century of war, are we truly honoring our ancestors in the
way we are playing our role on the world stage?

We do not occupy our present position in the world community of
nations because we are better – we are here because we got here
first.  We must not fail to recognize the worth and integrity of
individuals the world over.  We will never be worth our claim to
greatness until we recognize and practice the principles that honor
human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
everywhere.  This cannot be accomplished by relating to the rest of
the world as a bully relates to those imagined as being weaker.

Failing to recognize the rights of one nation or people and ignoring
their suffering, while pursuing our own self-interests, is more than
egregious hypocrisy – it is participation in a bullying process. By
punishing the people of a nation for the despotic, bullying behavior
of its leader, the United States is nothing more than a bully
itself.  A million Iraqi children reportedly have died as a result of
American sanctions on Iraq. How are we honoring the rights and
potential of a people by our present policies?  How long will we
underestimate the inherent goodness in most human beings – and their
capacity to rise to true greatness if they are accorded the rights
and resources for doing so?

Upon what basis does the United States see itself as a leader on the
world stage? If we think our king-of-the-hill status in the nuclear
power club gives us the right to dictate which nation has the right
to its own nuclear power, we are being the bully.  Ultimately, it
must be asked: Does any nation or people truly have the right to the
power to bring such destruction to another people?  Anybody who
thinks such a right is granted by arriving first with the most power
is thinking like a bully. Bullies dictate and steal others' power;
true leaders inspire and empower. As above, so below.  Whether in the
school-yard, or the forum of nations, the one with the most power
becomes the role-model for those who lack the power. What kind of
example is the United States serving?  There are two options: become
a leader by example, or become a bully. A nation that promotes equal
rights and democracy for its citizens, yet ignores or spurns those
rights in relating to its fellow nations is practicing hypocrisy of
the highest order.

History irrevocably teaches us that failure of every great state
begins from within.  As a nation, is our moral integrity getting
better with time? Should we take wisely the counsel of so many of our
brothers and sisters across the world that we have become a nation of
self-serving hypocrites?  Good Americans everywhere acknowledge they
would like to see the day when every person on Earth attains a decent
standard of living. Get real!  It has been documented that it would
take a minimum of three-and-one-half to four Earths of resources to
accomplish an average American middle-class standard of living
worldwide. With only 5 percent of the world's population, the United
States already consumes 25 percent of the world's resources,
including SUVs, while the entire developed world consisting of 23
percent of the human population consumes almost two thirds of Earth's
resources.  The bully cares not that he has more than his share.

What is the wisdom of schoolteachers communicated to schoolyard
bullies everywhere in the world?  "Stop picking on your others! You
have to share!"  Democracy teaches us that true leaders share power;
bullies monopolize power. Morality, by every definition of religion
and philosophy, includes sharing resources as opposed to monopolizing
them. If we truly are a nation of moral integrity, we must recognize
that true power is founded in moral integrity – not military might.
We must be open to the moral democracy of yearning hearts, exclusive
of the boundaries of nations, which votes overwhelmingly for the
establishment of human rights everywhere.

 If our heritage demands that human rights preside over politics,
then we must lift our embargoes and limitations of rights everywhere
people are suffering for the behaviors of their leaders.  The legacy
of the Boston Tea Party is one of people rising to power against the
bully's control of their rights and resources.  If there is a Higher
Power in moral right, what small but worthy movement will rise to
vanquish our military might? Can we not extend the faith in our own
people to the people in the world at large?  Where our individual and
collective self-interest drives the assimilation of the rest of the
world into American consumerist values, with over-consumption of
limited resources, are our practices in keeping with universal human
rights – or uber-imperialism?

There are those who insist that the carnage of the last century must
be avoided by a violent response to "evil" at its earliest stages –
before it can grow to the menacing level we have seen in the past.
Only the bully sees war as an option. A true leader sees only the
essentials of communication, diplomacy and universal human rights as
viable solutions to conflict. Rationalizing war by inventing terms
like "collateral damage" does nothing but obfuscate the moral
atrocity of choosing war over diplomacy as the best option to settle
human conflict.   Until we recognize that the politically least
significant citizen anywhere is as worthy of life as the most evil
despot is deemed worthy of death, we will have nothing more than a
superficial understanding of human rights.

Ultimately, the only true democracy will come from a unity of
consciousness found in compassionate sensitivity between all human
beings.  This can only come as we pursue a deeper understanding of
life, liberty and happiness while honoring the rights of others
worldwide.  We can begin now.  We can begin by letting go of our
false pride and practicing the true moral courage of examining
ourselves in the light of a broader consciousness than our singular
national conception of ourselves.  We have already given much to the
world as Americans. Beyond all of our technological, economic and
industrial accomplishments, we are demonstrating how pursuing the
limits of security, sensation and power cannot bring ultimate
happiness to life.  Perhaps, as in the case of jumping to cellular
technology without land-based telephony, so-called third world
nations will be spared our mistakes by our negative examples as

Ultimately, we must open ourselves to recognizing a universal,
spiritual basis of existence that is inclusive of and transcends all
Earthly religious and philosophical traditions – for in this we find
the common understanding of what constitutes moral integrity among
compassionate people everywhere.  We, everyone of us, have much to
learn as we collectively stand on the brink of choosing war as the
possible option for attempting to solve world problems in the 21st
century.  There are, among those who suffer most, two homeless
nations of people pursuing solutions at opposite ends of the peace
versus violence continuum.  Few of us are able – or willing – to
imagine the level of despair it would take for members of a nation to
resort to self-destruction in hopes for attaining a better life for
those left behind.  But, we must.  That the Palestinians have as much
right to exist as the Israelis must become a matter of grave concern
to all of us.  We have no moral right to ignore suffering, for doing
so makes us complicit in the process of suffering.  Without the
compassion of those who can offer a hand, the Palestinians will never
learn that violence will not end their suffering.  That would be a
tragedy for all who share this planet.

At the other end of the continuum is possibly the most ancient
existing nation on Earth.  Driven from their homeland in the 1950's,
the Tibetan people have found a home in the world-at-large – offering
the rest of us a spiritual legacy of power through compassion, simple
living and moral leadership that is unparalleled in the rest of the
world.  Ironically, in all their travail, they stand in a better
place to offer us a hand.    We are all on this small, blue planet
together.  There are only enough resources if we learn to share.  At
this level, there is no survival of the fittest.  Competition must
give way to compassion and inclusivity.  Ultimately, the only power
that exists to solve our problems is within us.  Welcome to the
fabled battle of Armageddon.  It remains our choice whether we are to
fight it from within or without.

The 20th Century taught us how it can be if we collectively choose to
fight the battle from without.  For everybody, it would be "us versus
them" with ever more lethal weapons killing the most innocent for the
sins of the most guilty.

Or we can trade the courage of sacrifice for victory for the greater
courage: sacrifice of what we are for what we can become.  False
pride must be the first casualty in this inner war.  Hypocrisy must
be second. This begins by honest introspection to find our own faults
and transgressions of human rights – at home and abroad.  We must
nominate political candidates of true moral integrity, so more of us
will vote for leaders who represent the people – not a corporatocracy
that threatens the world more than communism ever did.  We must
recognize and overthrow Consumerism as our state religion, while
joining global efforts to develop ecologically sustainable standards
of living for all of humanity. From self-serving indifference to
outright atrocities (from Mei Lai to Sherbargan), we must own our
past behavior at home and abroad and change to practice the higher
values our cultural heritage and spiritual traditions espouse. This
includes renouncing our bullying ways and putting power into the
hands of people everywhere.

Where do we begin?  First, by lifting all restrictions the United
States has put on human rights worldwide, regardless of our opinions
of existing leadership in some countries.  Punishing the people of
Iraq and Cuba, among others, only serves the purpose of increasing
human suffering in the world.  Second, a true democracy recognizes a
democratic community of nations.  The United Nations, alone, stands
in the position of being able to enforce human rights from a
universal perspective.  When it comes to the business of peace on
Earth, maturity has more power than military might.  We have seen
what an angry teen with a gun can do. Let us cultivate maturity and
practice diplomacy. We must have faith in the evolutionary march of
humanity, which continues to teach us that true democracies prevail,
while despots and tyrants fail – and that the atrocity of war remains
forever as a scar on the collective human soul.

Granville Angell            (Updated 1/29/03)

Copyright 2002 by Granville Angell – All rights to reproduce and
circulate this essay, with credit, are granted.


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