-Caveat Lector-

India Businessmen Fears Instability

.c The Associated Press

BOMBAY, India (AP) -- The defeat of India's federal government in a
confidence vote Saturday alarmed business and industry leaders who fear
long-term political instability, postponed economic reforms and worsening
investor confidence.

Minutes after the vote, the Bombay Stock Exchange index dropped 7 percent to
3,318 from Friday's close of 3,572.91. Stocks had surged 3.8 percent when the
market opened Saturday on expectations the government would win the vote.

``The market was desperately hoping for the government to scrape through,''
said K.R. Bharat, country manager of Credit Suisse First Boston, an American
investment unit. ``There will be huge uncertainty because the budget, seen as
investor-friendly, will not be passed. We will have to wait for the new
government to pass it.''

But Arjun Singh, a senior leader of the Congress Party -- which is poised to
form the next government -- said his party does not want to hold up the
finance bill. ``Congress is not interested in creating'' a financial mess,
Singh told Press Trust of India.

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government lost a confidence vote by
one ballot Saturday, and he submitted his resignation.

If the Congress Party fails to form a new government, new elections will be
called, four years ahead of schedule.

Industry leaders fear a minority government led by the Congress Party won't
bring stability.

Business leaders also fear that reforms of insurance and patent laws and
urban land rent ceilings will be sidelined with the possibility of the
country facing its fourth general election since 1991.

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