-Caveat Lector- All you have to do is read the various bloody murderous oaths of degrees of Freemasonry, which are well documented, and one can see that Freemasonry is a despicable murderous religious cult.

At 10:34 AM 3/15/03 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
-- in the manufacture of devils there seems no end --
How does this trinity of libellous posts by S.M.A.R.T. targeted to demonise Masons stand the test of evidence?
Each posts 'evidence' contained not ONE shred of fact but a multitude of  -- "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" "allegedly" -- ad nausem.
Well I always like to hear as many sides of a story as I can. Particularly from folks who are being demonised by nothing more than scurrilous allegations propped up as 'evidence' and often supplied by zealous Xtians -- but of course they are an excellent, factual, reliable source of material certain to be of a non-demonising nature and from the most morally upright, sexually pure sorts the world would ever want -- lets get James Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart to lay allegations next time round!
More below ....

For the past three hundred years, Freemasonry has been blamed for many things - and rarely with any evidence whatsoever. Claims that Masons organized the French Revolution or control the world are seen by most rational persons as creations of fancy. These charges are often made by people exhibiting a high degree of paranoia and/or an overly developed persecution complex.

Neil Brick, however, makes charges which are far, far more insidious. He claims that Masons practice Satanic ritual abuse of children. Even more distressing is that through his use of field-specific terminology and persistence, his claims are being accepted by a couple of people in the abuse field as having legitimacy - although he has been forced to admit that they are simply "allegations" and has never once produced proof of his wild charges!

Neil is the founder of S.M.A.R.T. (which ostensibly stands for "Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today"). This Massachusetts, USA resident hosts an annual conference addressing "Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control". He describes himself on his web page  as "...a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse."

While Brick's claims will seem both crazy and stupid to any Mason, he has nevertheless managed to attract invitations to events where he is able to preach his anti-Masonic agenda under the guise of stopping abuse. He has also been able to attract persons who have genuine interests in the evils of abuse to appear at his programs, the attendance at which he closely coordinates.
"Current members of secret organizations, current perpetrators, and/or members of unsympathetic organizations are excluded from the conference. This is for the protection and safety of those in attendance.".
One of his speakers for 1999, was reportedly a "Captain" with the responsibility for animal abuse at the Animal Rescue League of Boston. A request to the Animal Rescue League for confirmation that an employee of theirs was involved - and a request for explanation of why they would believe that Masons were involved with abuse of any kind - has gone unanswered despite repeated requests. (We note that this person has supposedly now died and the year 2000 conference is in his memory. Strange coincidence?)

Using phraseology to ingratiate himself with others in the abuse survivor movement, he is quick to add the wording throughout the site warning, "Caution: this material may be triggering."

His anti-Masonic position is never fully explained. In one of his sample newsletters, he gives links to four sites including the Scottish Rite and their Museum of Our National Heritage (described here on our site) indicating "...may be very triggering and/or are sympathetic to alleged perpetrators. Please use caution when visiting these sites." In a totally contradictory and bizarre turn, however, there are two other links are to a primary writer for Lyndon Larouche, Anton Chaitkin. For someone who wants to help abuse victims, we hardly think Larouche's diatribes about government control and violent protests is appropriate.

A review of Brick's web site fails to reveal his specific charges against Freemasonry. He has had other anti-Masons as speakers at his conferences including Lora Burton who advertises herself as a "Former Rainbow Girl" and was one of three participants in the 'Survivor and Co-survivor Forum' of the 1998 (first) Ritual Abuse Conference run by Brick.

Brick's newsletters regularly promote other anti-Masonic sites and activities including the Hoffman material (extra-terrestrials) and the Ministries to Masons Conference discussed elsewhere on this site. You can read his repetition of the many lies in Cathy Burns' book which defames Freemasonry and, of course, repeats the Taxil hoax.

It appears that Brick has decided that discretion is the better part of valor and has edited all of his newsletters on his web site to belatedly add that "All accusations are alleged."

For his year 2000 conference, Brick recruited two more "alleged" survivors of Masonic ritual abuse as follows:

"Mary Jo Schneller is the director of the South County Christian Counseling Center. She has been actively educating the public about the connection between satanic ritual abuse, mind control and the Masonic connection. She will speak about "Training for Therapists for Survivors with Mind Control.""


"Gigi Thomure is a survivor of RA, SRA and mind control programs ranging from alleged Masonic to military programming. Her programming includes many areas of New World Order and top secret global planning. She has found many timed programs and she is finding ways to carefully use this information for the protection of others. The title of her presentation is "A Smelting Pot in the Year 2000.""

We find these charges raised by Brick and his cohorts as despicable and disgusting - and more so because of their hiding their false claims by using the 'alleged'!


Brick is an Illuminati and mind-programmed killer
- - - so he claims....