-Caveat Lector-


Seems this discussion about junk mail fuel is catching on. This just in
from Tricities2000:
Basic Newspaper Logs

* Use 6 sections (five double sheets in each section) for each
newspaper log. * Fold double sheets to single page size. * Fold each
single page section in half width-wise. * Turn 90=B0 and fold in half
again. * Stack the sections, alternating cut with folded sides. Allow
bottom or outside section to extend out from the roll by 3-4 inches.
This make a convenient way to light the roll. * Roll papers very
tightly, securing the center and ends of the newspaper roll with a
tightly twisted piece of wire. (Bailing wire works well.)

The average daily newspaper will make 2-3 logs. The typical city
Sunday edition will make up 7 logs. Newspaper logs provide, on a
pound-for-pound basis, approximately the same heat as wood and are an
efficient energy source.

The following method provides a cleaner-burning version of the Basic
Newspaper Log by using water to help break down the paper, much like
papier mache. This log burns more effectively because the compressed
paper is now expanded. These logs are fatter and will burn more
brightly. Adding the detergent speeds the saturation rate of the
newsprint. A few crystals of copper sulfate added to the water will
create beartiful flame highlights.

Basic "Clean-Burning" Newspaper Logs

* Divide the newspaper into sections. * Fold sections to half size,
approximately 12 X 15 X 1/2 inch thick. * Fill laundry tub 3/4 full
with water and add 2 tablespoons detergent to speed saturation. Place
newspaper sections in tub and allow to soak n this mixture for
approximately 2 hours, or until newspapers have absorbed maximum
amount of water. * While wet, roll the sections individually onto a
1-inch metal or wood rod, squeezing out the excess water while
smoothing down the ends and edges. * Tie with a mettal tie-wrap near
ends and middle to hold roll intact while drying. * Slide the rolls
off the rod and stand them on end to dry, tipping the rolls slightly
to allow air to circulate through the center of the roll. The "log"
should be approximately 12 inches long and 2-4 inches in diameter.
They are ready to use when completely dry.

You can make these logs at no extra charge to you, then the price of
the newspaper delivered to your door. It's like getting fire wood
delivered to your door for free.

There are some commercial newspaper log-making machines which simplify
and speed up the process of folding and rolling.

Four newspaper logs last approximately one hour and procduce heat
equivalent to a comparably sized stick of wood. Newspaper fuel
overcomes problems of smoldering, flying ashes, and popping of wood.

Enjoy, Sam Campbell

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