-Caveat Lector-

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Please use caution while reading this.
MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control by Jon Elliston http://www.peyote.com/jonstef/mkultra.htm

Priest, 80, arraigned on sex charges By Tera Camus / Cape Breton Bureau 3/26/03 Sydney - "An elderly Roman Catholic priest needed help standing Tuesday when he was arraigned on 23 sex charges involving 15 Cape Breton children, many of them now grey-haired and sitting behind him in the courtroom." http://halifaxherald.com/stories/2003/03/26/f220.raw.html

from L Moss Sharman Mar. 25, 2003. 01:00 AM Hypocrisy rife on conventions Treat prisoners humanely: Bush
March 24. It seems sadly ironic that the Bush administration is surprised that its captured troops may not be receiving due protections under the Geneva Conventions. Has anyone forgotten the images of prisoners from Afghanistan, hooded and hands bound, kneeling in outdoor cages at a hastily constructed "prison" in Guantanamo Bay? Now that the U.S. has established that the Geneva protections are a privilege, to be dispensed at a captor's whim, it should come as no surprise that other countries would seek to claim the same prerogative for themselves.
Paul J. Racher, Etobicoke

March 25, 2003
Happy tunes help radio listeners to stay upbeat  Songs that could remind listeners of war are being banned by radio stations, writes Adam Sherwin

RADIO stations are rewriting their playlists to remove any songs that might cause offence during the war and to put the emphasis on "upbeat" tunes. Commercial radio stations are playing inoffensive songs, so as not to upset listeners or drive away advertisers, and the BBC has told producers to play music with a "light, melodic" feel before and after news bulletins, especially when the reports are likely to detail coalition casualties. Radio 1 has started by removing from its playlist a song called Diamonds and Guns, by the Transplants, a punk band, and a chart-bound song called Bandages, by the rock band Hot Hot Heat, although it has no connection to the war. The lyrics read: "These bandages cover more than scrapes, cuts and bruises from regrets and mistakes . . . Bandages on my legs and my arms from you."

Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraq's nuclear program?
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