-Caveat Lector-

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Retired Kentucky priest pleads guilty in church abuse cases as trial about to Begin Lori Burling, 3/31/03 Louisville, Ky. (AP) "A retired Roman Catholic priest accused of abuse by dozens of plaintiffs pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sexual misconduct Monday as his jury trial was scheduled to begin. The Rev. Louis E. Miller, 72, of Louisville entered his pleas in Jefferson County Circuit Court to 50 counts of indecent and immoral practices and sexual abuse. The charges involve 21 victims, according to court documents. He faces trial on similar charges in neighboring Oldham County in June. Miller retired from public ministry last year when the accusations became public. He is accused of abuse in more than 80 lawsuits filed against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville, which employed him for more than 30 years.....They say the church was aware of the abuse but did nothing to stop it. A 1990 psychiatric report filed with the court last summer said Miller committed assaults every other month during the 1960s and '70s, usually targeting boys 10 to 15. When the church learned of the incidents, it moved him from one job to another, said the report sent to Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly, who barred Miller from working with children in 1990 and later assigned him as a nursing home chaplain. The lawsuits against Miller are among more than 200 filed in about the last year which accuse more than 25 priests in the archdiocese of abuse. Miller's guilty plea is the first in the wave of lawsuits." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2003/03/31/national1052EST0574.DTL

Letter from Baghdad
March 26, 2003
Dear Friends,
It is impossible to describe. It is like we are submerged in a glowing yellow-orange cloud here in the city. Our Iraqi friends say they have never seen anything like it. It is eerier than any science fiction film I've ever seen. Some say it is caused by a combination of the burning oil and the billowing smoke from the bombs. Both near and far the bombs continue to fall.
Heavy bombing woke me out of a deep sleep last night. Earlier I'd been on the telephone with a friend who told me that in her neighborhood a missile had struck the day before wounding 29 and killing 5. Among the dead was a 12 year old. "Cathy" she said, "please tell them (the U.S.) to stop talking about humanitarian aide." Apparently this keeps coming on over the television news. "Please tell them to shut up!" How ludicrous to speak of humanitarian aide as the country is being bombed, people being killed and wounded and their homes destroyed!
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