-Caveat Lector-

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Iowa Briefs  by AP 3/30/03 Priest faces federal child-porn Charges - Davenport - "A Davenport priest who authorities say possessed child pornography on a church computer has been indicted on federal charges. The Rev. Richard Poster, 38, was indicted Wednesday by a grand jury on one count of receipt and one count of possession of child pornography. Charges filed against Poster by the Scott County Attorney's office have been dismissed." http://www.thonline.com/News/03302003/Iowa/172198.htm

>From Backlash_ology  Memory for Abuse: What can we learn from a Prosecution Sample?In press, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Jennifer J. Freyd, University of Oregon Comment on Goodman, G.S., Ghetti, S., Quas, J.A., Edelstein, R.S., Alexander, K. W., Redlich, A.D., Cordon,I.M., & Jones, D.P.H. (2003) A Prospective study of memory for child sexual abuse: New findings relevant to the repressed-memory debate. Psychological Science, 14, 113-118. "Goodman et al. (2003) reported that 81% of the participants reported the documented abuse, a proportion that is somewhat higher than in some previously published prospective studies assessing memory for abuse (e.g., Williams, 1994). Near the end of the paper, the authors summarize their findings: "Results from this study indicate that forgetting of CSA may not be a common experience, at least not in a prosecution sample" (p. 117)....Because the participants had been involved as children in criminal cases related to their victimization (a so-called "prosecution sample"), documentation for the abuse was particularly thorough and offered researchers the opportunity to compare later disclosures with documented records. However, along with the fact that the paper provides important new information, there is a substantial risk that the research reported in the paper might be misinterpreted. In particular, the results of this research might be generalized to non-prosecution samples." "it is critical that we take care to avoid generalizing from highly unusual prosecution samples to populations that may have fundamentally lacked the opportunity of being "believed, supported, and legitimated." http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/goodman.html

from L Moss Sharman Navy Pilot Sentenced for Soliciting Sex With Minor By Allan Lengel 4/1/03 Baltimore - "A decorated Navy commander and pilot who repeatedly used his computer at the Pentagon to solicit sex on the Internet from an undercover Maryland State Police detective posing as a 12-year-old girl was sentenced today to three years and one month in prison and fined $2,500." http://www.washingtonpost.com/
from AOL
Allied Troops Stretched Thin In Iraq by Paul Majendie, Reuters
LONDON (April 1) - After the race to reach Baghdad, the resilience of British and U.S. troops may now be stretched as tightly as their supply lines. They have been harried by guerrillas, hit by friendly fire and fear chemical attacks and suicide bombers. They worry no corner of Iraq is safe. Soldiers on the ground, as well as psychologists, war veterans and defense analysts, believe morale could be dented in a conflict tougher and longer than military planners expected. Some say that within a month, the invaders could be at breaking point. As the war heads toward the end of its second week, psychologist Dr John Potter said: ''The maximum I would ever like to see anyone in combat is 40 days.

Pray for Bush
'A Christian's Duty'
03/31/2003 @ 10:36am 
Before this Administration came along, it was hard to imagine that something as intensely personal and private as a man's prayer before going into battle could be appropriated in a business-like fashion. Now, according to "A Christian's Duty in Time of War" -- a pamphlet given out to thousands of Marines in Iraq -- our soldiers in the war zone are supposed to fill out a form pledging to pray every day for George Bush. The pamphlet has a tear-out section which the soldier is to sign and mail to the president: "I have committed to pray for you, your family, your staff ..." The pamphlets were created by In Touch Ministries, an evangelical group that says "We may not all be in the military, but we are all engaged in warfare ... spiritual warfare."
Today's prayer: "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics."

How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War?
Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration by Michel Chossudovsky
15 March 2003
When people across the US find out that Al Qaeda is not linked to Saddam...
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