-Caveat Lector- has :
The Fight to Control Your Mind
Growth in Child Abuse, Neglect Alarms Prevention Advocates 
Gulf soldiers with persistent illnesses
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
THIS WAR IS NOT WORKING - Peter Arnett on the War and Being Fired
Iraq is a trial run Chomsky
Bush, Blair banned entry to Church of Nativity
First blows hit US economy
Children Killed in US Assault
MSNBC's Double Standard on Free Speech 

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The Fight to Control Your Mind - Richard Glen Boire "Should the government have the right to alter the biochemistry of your brain? Richard Glen Boire, codirector and legal counsel of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, says no, and he's making his case before the Supreme Court. In Sell v. US, the government argues that it can drug Charles Sell, a dentist from Missouri, in order to make him competent to stand trial. Boire, whose amicus brief argues that Sell has a right to integrity of mind, explains why cognitive liberty goes way beyond this one case." http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.04/view.html?pg=3

Growth in Child Abuse, Neglect Alarms Prevention Advocates  U.S. Newswire 4/1/03 Three Percent Growth in Child Abuse and Neglect Alarms Prevention Advocates http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/qtr2_2003/0401-155.html

"Gulf soldiers with persistent illnesses:  63,000 veterans and active-duty U.S. soldiers. Of the 399,473 retired gulf war soldiers, a total of 2,550 are suffering from heart disease, 2,356 from neurological disease and 3,034 from respiratory disease. No accurate estimate is available for those suffering from various cancers. Scores of veterans and active-duty soldiers complain that their sicknesses have caused disease among spouses, and disease or deformities among babies and children. At least 2,200 gulf war veterans have died since the war. This estimate does not cover those who died while on active duty. Civilians: An undetermined number of the 3,000 U.S. civilians who worked in the gulf during the war are sick....Gulf War Illnesses Gulf soldiers with persistent illnesses:  63,000 veterans and active-duty U.S. soldiers. Of the 399,473 retired gulf war soldiers, a total of 2,550 are suffering from heart disease, 2,356 from neurological disease and 3,034 from respiratory disease. No accurate estimate is available for those suffering from various cancers. Scores of veterans and active-duty soldiers complain that their sicknesses have caused disease among spouses, and disease or deformities among babies and children. At least 2,200 gulf war veterans have died since the war. This estimate does not cover those who died while on active duty. Civilians: An undetermined number of the 3,000 U.S. civilians who worked in the gulf during the war are sick." http://www.directorder.org/site/gulf-war-syndrome.html

The Trials of Henry Kissinger Directed by Alex Gibney and Eugene Jarecki  "The Trials of Henry Kissinger follows the quest of one journalist in search of justice. The film focuses on Christopher Hitchens' charges against Henry Kissinger as a war criminal - allegations documented in Hitchens' book of the same title - based on his role in countries such as Cambodia, Chile, and Indonesia. Kissinger's story raises profound questions about American foreign policy and highlights a new era of human rights. Increasing evidence about one man's role in a long history of human rights abuses leads to a critical examination of American diplomacy through the lens of international standards of justice." http://www.hrw.org/iff/2002/ny/trials.html

THIS WAR IS NOT WORKING - Peter Arnett on the War and Being Fired
By Peter Arnett -- Apr 1 2003
I am still in shock and awe at being fired. There is enormous
sensitivity within the US government to reports coming out from
Baghdad. They don't want credible news organisations reporting from here
because it presents them with enormous problems. I reported on the original bombing for NBC and we were half a mile away from those massive explosions. Now I am really shocked that I
am no longer reporting this story for the US and awed by the fact that it actually happened.
That overnight my successful NBC reporting career was turned to ashes. And why?
Because I stated the obvious to Iraqi television; that the US war timetable has fallen by the wayside

Iraq is a trial run Chomsky interviewed by Frontline
by Noam Chomsky and VK Ramachandran; Frontline India; April 02, 2003
The trial run is to try and establish what the U.S. calls a "new norm" in international relations. The new norm is "preventive war" (notice that new norms are established only by the United States). So, for example, when India invaded East Pakistan to terminate horrendous massacres, it did not establish a new norm of humanitarian intervention, because India is the wrong country, and besides, the U.S. was strenuously opposed to that action....
The doctrine of preventive war is totally different; it holds that the United States  -   alone, since nobody else has this right  -   has the right to attack any country that it claims to be a potential challenge to it. So if the United States claims, on whatever grounds, that someone may sometime threaten it, then it can attack them.

Bush, Blair banned entry to Church of Nativity IANS[ TUESDAY, APRIL 01, 2003 07:46:39 PM ] DUBAI: The Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ, has barred US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair from ever entering the shrine. Christianity's holiest shrine branded the two "war criminals", Qatar News Agency reported.

First blows hit US economy
The war on Iraq is already beginning to affect the health of the US economy, research shows. Economists have long warned that a protracted war is likely to have a significant impact on the global economy and the US in particular.
But new research suggests that the US economy is already suffering just 13 days after war began.  Manufacturing activity slumped in March, according to the Institute for Supply Management, breaking the recovery trend seen over the past four months and dashing hopes of a sustained turnaround.  Consumer activity was also lower in the first full week of the war, as consumers stayed away from shopping malls. Sales at US retail chain stores fell by 1.4%

Children Killed in US Assault  Ewen Mackaskill and Suzanne Goldenberg
The Guardian UK  Wednesday 02 April 2003
Dozens of Iraqi villagers were killed and injured in a ferocious American air and land assault near the Iraqi city of Babylon, hospital officials in the town said yesterday.
Reuters reporters on the scene confirmed the deaths of at least nine children, two other civilians and two Iraqi fighters at Hilla in a bombardment on Monday night and early yesterday morning.  An Iraqi hospital official said the death toll stood at 33 civilians, with more than 300 wounded.

ACTIVISM UPDATE: MSNBC's Double Standard on Free Speech  "Turd World" is OK-- "anti-war, anti-Bush" is not March 7, 2003
But this enthusiasm for a "wide range of strong, opinionated voices" rings hollow in the wake of MSNBC's firing of host Phil Donahue. (FAIR's founder, Jeff Cohen, worked as a senior producer for Donahue.) His show was cancelled despite having the best ratings on the network; this occurred, according to published reports, after a study commissioned by NBC described Donahue as "a tired, left-wing liberal out of touch with the current marketplace" who would be a "difficult public face for NBC in a time of war" (All Your TV, 2/25/03). "He seems to delight in presenting guests who are anti-war, anti-Bush and skeptical of the administration's motives," the report noted, warning that the Donahue show could be "a home for the liberal antiwar agenda at the same time that our competitors are waving the flag at every opportunity."

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