-Caveat Lector-

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Stalking Through the Courts by Janet Normalvanbreucher © 1999 "Congress's recent hearings found that "the documented rate of any child abuse allegations in custody cases is approximately 2 percent, and there is no evidence that false accusations are more common in the context of custody litigation." (Congressional findings, VAWA proposed 1999 amendments, H.R. 357, Title II, s. 201 (18). " http://www.thelizlibrary.org/liz/FRtactic.html

from L Moss Sharman Girls Teach Teen Cyber Gab to FBI Agents - Md. Students Help Catch Pedophiles On the Internet  By Phuong Ly Washington Post Staff Writer 6/4/03 "Agents estimate that at any given time, 20,000 pedophiles are online worldwide, trolling chat rooms after school hours for vulnerable teenagers. About two dozen agents and analysts handle such cases in the Baltimore and Washington region, working from computer cubicles in a Calverton office building. The program has led to the convictions of about 2,200 people across the country for swapping child pornography or arranging to meet minors for sex." http://www.washingtonpost.com/

from mparent
Baobab Press --Vol. 1 Number 12 Brazil Launches Inquiry into  U.S. Population Activities The charge: millions sterilised  to meet U.S. political objectives "A U.S.-sponsored program that resulted in the sterilisation of nearly half of Brazil's women has prompted a formal congressional inquiry, sponsored by more than 165 legislators from every political party that is represented in the Brazilian legislature. The investigation was initiated after information about a secret U.S. National Security Council memorandum on American population control objectives in developing countries was published in the Jornal de Brasilia, Hova do Povo (Rio de Janeiro), Jornal do Brasil, and other major newspapers in early May.That U.S. foreign policy document, officially known as National Security Study Memorandum 200 or NSSM 200, detailed a plan to target thirteen large de- veloping nations with intensive efforts to promote population "policies'' that would allow the U.S. to run massive birth control and sterilisation projects in those countries." http://www.africa2000.com/bndx/bao112.htm

Smartcams Take Aim at Terrorists  Kari L. Dean  6/4/03  "The Department of Defense believes intelligent DIVAs can fight terrorism....These distributed digital video arrays, or DIVAs, are collections of really smart cameras able to detect and identify an individual in a crowded train station and track him wherever he goes -- out of the station, into the parking lot, onto the freeway and so on.  They also notify authorities when they "think" the individual engages in suspicious activity or meets with questionable cohorts.  You can watch for these DIVAs in summer 2004." http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,59092,00.html

Film - Purchase a copy of the 53 minute Documentary that the politicians and media don't want you to see for $19.95, plus $5.00 s/h  "Florida Fights Back" Resisting the Stolen Election
Written, Produced and Directed by: Jeannine Ross and Bruce Yarock
The film made by Floridians at Ground Zero -
If you don't trust this administration, you must see this film!
Where would we be now if we had an investigation of the 2000 Presidential Election? Go back to the scene of the crime to hear the evidence and watch the people's resistance.
Featuring interviews with:
Greg Palast, BBC Reporter & Author of "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"
Vincent Bugliosi, Former L.A. Deputy D.A. & Author of " The Betrayal of America"
Bob Kunst, Pioneer Social Acitvist & Chairman of The Oral Majority Watch us confront politicians like Peter Deutsch and Terry McAuliffe on their silence about the  election. Includes footage of the 2001 Academy Awards Protest and The 2001 Washington D.C. Voter March. All original music by Bruce Yaroc k and David Thornburgh.  It's not about Left vs. Right Politics - It's about Right vs. Wrong
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