-Caveat Lector- ""Parental Alienation Syndrome". The theory - one of the most insidious pieces of junk science to be given credence by US courts in recent years"

"They want to distort the picture. I don't know why they think there is some benefit in saying she has a bullet injury." (Pvt. Lynch)

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Dr Richard A. Gardner - Child psychiatrist who developed the theory of Parental Alienation Syndrome 5/31/03 (deceased 5/25/03) "In a contentious child custody dispute in the suburbs of Pittsburgh a few years ago, three teenage boys begged a family court judge not to force them to continue visits to their father because, they said, he was physically abusive towards them. Rather than believe the boys, the judge relied on the testimony of an expert witness retained by the father, a Columbia University professor of clinical psychiatry, Richard A. Gardner. Gardner insisted the boys were lying as a result of brainwashing by their mother and recommended something he called "threat therapy". Essentially, the Grieco boys were told they should be respectful and obedient on visits to their father and, if they were not, their mother would go to jail. Shortly afterwards, 16-year-old Nathan Grieco, the eldest of the brothers, hanged himself in his bedroom, leaving behind a diary in which he wrote that life had become an "endless torment". Both Gardner and the court were unrepentant even after the suicide, and it was only after an exposé in the local newspaper that custody arrangements for the two surviving boys were changed.
This "threat therapy" was part of a much broader theory of Gardner's known in family courts across the United States as "Parental Alienation Syndrome". The theory - one of the most insidious pieces of junk science to be given credence by US courts in recent years - holds that any mother who accuses her spouse of abusing the children is lying more or less by definition. She tells these lies to "alienate" the children from their father, a shocking abrogation of parental responsibility for which she deserves to lose all custody rights in favour of the alleged abuser. This is not only tawdry logic, guaranteed from the outset to protect the interests of divorcing fathers, by far Gardner's most enthusiastic constituency, but it has also destroyed the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands, of American families over the past 15 years. In state after state, courts deferred to Gardner's academic credentials and put children in the custody of their alleged abuser, even in cases where police records, medical records and testimony by teachers and social workers supported the mother's accusations. By now, the concept of "parental alienation" has entered case law and swayed thousands of disputes in which Gardner himself played no part. Yet it has no scientific basis whatsoever. It is not recognised by the American Psychiatric Association or any other professional body." http://news.independent.co.uk/people/obituaries/story.jsp?story=411000

Beattie calls for royal commission on child abuse 5/8/03 "Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he is stunned to hear the Anglican Church in Brisbane has opened nearly 160 sex abuse files since early last year. A report last week on the church's handling of complaints under former Archbishop Peter Hollingworth has lead to increasing pressure on Dr Hollingworth to quit as Governor-General. His successor as archbishop, Philip Aspinall, says 157 files have been opened since he came to Brisbane.. Mr Beattie says the Prime Minister must now agree to hold a national royal commission. "There's no doubt now that there needs to be a national royal commission," Mr Beattie said. "We had our inquiry in Queensland, there needs to be a national royal commission, I think the revelations by the archbishop today confirmed that. "Paedophilia doesn't stop at borders." Http://www.abc.net.au/

Pentagon Expands Weapon Hunt - Reuters
WASHINGTON (May 30) - The United States on Friday announced a major expansion of so-far fruitless efforts to find chemical and biological arms in Iraq, forming a team of 1,400 U.S., British and Australian experts to take up the hunt. The Pentagon named Army Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton to head the new Iraq Survey Group, which will try to find alleged arms that Washington cited as its main justification for the invasion of Iraq in March that toppled President Saddam Hussein. No such weapons have been found, and the move was announced just hours after Lt. Gen. James Conway, the top U.S. Marine officer in Iraq, said U.S. intelligence was ''simply wrong'' in leading the military to believe that the invading troops were likely to be attacked with chemical weapons.

15 May, 2003, 08:50 GMT 09:50 UK Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'

Private Lynch, a 19-year-old army clerk from Palestine, West Virginia, was captured when her company took a wrong turning just outside Nasiriya and was ambushed. Nine of her comrades were killed and Private Lynch was taken to the local hospital, which at the time was swarming with Fedayeen. Eight days later US special forces stormed the hospital, capturing the "dramatic" events on a night vision camera. They were said to have come under fire from inside and outside the building, but they made it to Lynch and  whisked her away by helicopter. Dr a-Houssona found no bullet wounds
Reports claimed that she had stab and bullet wounds and that she had been slapped about on her hospital bed and interrogated. But Iraqi doctors in Nasiriya say they provided the best treatment they could for the soldier in the midst of war. She was assigned the only specialist bed in the hospital and one of only two nurses on the floor. "I examined her, I saw she had a broken arm, a broken thigh and a dislocated ankle," said Dr Harith a-Houssona, who looked after her. Jessica amnesia "There was no [sign of] shooting, no bullet inside her body, no stab wound - only road traffic accident. They want to distort the picture. I don't know why they think there is some benefit in saying she has a bullet injury." Witnesses told us that the special forces knew that the Iraqi military had fled a day before they swooped on the hospita Dr Uday was surprised by the manner of the rescue "We were surprised. Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital," said Dr Anmar Uday, who worked at the hospital.
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