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the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
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Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 23:06:08 -0600
From: spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Subject: {attack} Fw: Arsenal Uncovered: Suspect Linked to Extremist




Rich Martin

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Arsenal Uncovered
Suspect Linked to Extremist Movement

by Winston Smith


Los Angeles - A joint task force of federal agents and state police
raided the home of a Santa Monica man Saturday, uncovering an arsenal
of illegal books and other media.

"It's astounding," said Police Chief John Lynch at a press conference
Tuesday. "I've never seen so many books in my life. It was a virtual

Chief Lynch described a entire room filled wall to wall with books
and magazines. In one room officers discovered a computer, printer
and thousands of pages of printing paper. The discovery of the
computer-printer setup prompted evacuation of the neighborhood while
EOD teams rendered the device inactive.

Officers and federal agents stood in front of stacks of seized books
and magazines at Tuesday's press conference. A leather bound 1400
page copy of War and Peace was the centerpiece of the exhibit. Among
the books on display were military field manuals and books on
military history.

"These military-style books are instruments of war, plain and
simple," said Special Agent Gregory Kahn. "They have no recreational
purpose. They have no legitimate civilian use."

"We're still counting them - we have no idea how many books we're
dealing with," said Detective-Sergeant Gary Knowles, another member
of the task force. "I'm just glad we got them off the street. Nobody
needs that many books. It's scary the kind of stuff people have in
their homes."

On Monday, agents wearing space-age HAZMAT suits were still removing
books from the house. Asked what would become of the contraband,
Agent Kahn stated that it would be destroyed in a specially built

The suspect, 43 year old John Benjamin, is being held without bail
pending charges. His arraignment is scheduled for next month.

Neighbors and co-workers described a quiet, polite man.

"I'd never suspect him of something like this," said community
resident Charles Lamb. "He was always so nice. This is a complete

Sources close to the investigation tell the Times that Benjamin has
been linked to the controversial National Reading Association, an
extremist group which encourages private possession of literature.
The ACLU believes that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
guarantees the right to read and print literature. The Times was
unable to obtain a copy of the Constitution for this article, but is
submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to access the

Terrorism expert and author Brian Simmons told the Times that groups
such as the ACLU are magnets for disturbed individuals like Benjamin.

"This interpretation of the Constitution is very common among the
political fringes," said Mr. Simmons. "But history just isn't on
their side. The First Amendment was intended to protect the right of
major newspapers and libraries. It's absurd to think that they [the
framers] would have wanted private possession of word processing
software and home printers."

Book collectors like Benjamin, Simmons said, suffer from a deep
rooted psychological neurosis which drives them to stockpile books.

"Who needs this many books? He couldn't possibly read them all.
People like Mr. Benjamin do it because they feel inadequate. Reading
makes them feel smarter, and publishing their thoughts makes them
feel important."

Raids of this type have sparked a nationwide debate over the millions
unregistered books possessed illegally in the U.S. Under U.S. law,
only deactivated and replica books are available to the general
public, though in some places they are legal for retired librarians
and journalists. Until last year, books printed before 1986 could
still be legally possessed by someone willing to submit to a
background check and pay a $200 per book, per year tax.

One of Benjamin's neighbors, retired army Colonel Vince Scott,
questioned the wisdom of book prohibition.

"When I was a kid, everyone owned a book, most people more than one,"
said Scott. "There were book stores on every corner. You could even
go to a library and they'd give you a book."

Judy Bliss, spokesman for the D.C.-based non profit lobbying group
Think of the Children, issued a press release following news of the

"It's appalling that these kinds of unlicensed, unregistered books
are still on our streets," said Mrs. Bliss, speaking from her
limousine. "Books have incited revolutions, led people to depression
and suicide, murder, all kinds of horrible things. Take Romeo and
Juliet for example. That play was definitively linked to teen
suicide. Or take Machiavilli's The Prince, a treatise about political
ruthlessness that has been on the nightstands of tyrants around the world.
No civilized society allows untrained civilians to possess and use books
like these. This 'book culture' needs to be stamped out."

Citizens wishing to report illicit book possession are encouraged to
call the federal hotline at 1-888-ISNITCH.

(Ok folks relax its just SATIRE!  However Fahrenheit 451 doesn't sound so
farfetched now, does it?  Thanks to John T. at www.mythofsisyphus.net who
found this posted on the LPI-Discuss board by El Presidente David Hughes.
-- Frodo)


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