-Caveat Lector- also has
How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and The World
Court Says Detainees' IDs Can Be Kept Secret Panel: 9/11 Realities Outweigh Disclosure
Iraqi gunmen curse America at protester's funeral
Impeachable Offense

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3 Turks sentenced to life for human sacrifice Agence France-Presse Istanbul, June 17 "A Turkish court on Tuesday sentenced two young men and a woman to life in prison for a satanic ritual murder which the trio believed would prevent devastating earthquakes in the country, Anatolia news agency reported. The three were originally handed 25-year jail sentences in 2001, but the Supreme Court overturned the sentence, saying the crime did not just constitute first-degree murder, but a "murder conducted with atrocious intentions" which required heavier penalties. The defendants, now aged between 22 and 27, have admitted responsibility....The three said they believed that aftershocks from a major quake that killed some 20,000 people in northeast Turkey in August 1999 were a message from Satan demanding a human sacrifice." http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_283215,00050003.htm

Litigation Services Network VerdictSearch Report Archdiocese employees allegedly molested hundreds "Mediated Settlement: $25,700,000.00 Case Type: Sexual Assault Case: Michael J. Turner, et al. v. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Louisville and Our Lady of Consolation Province, No. 02-C1-02903 Venue: Jefferson County Circuit Court, KY....Date: 06-10-2003....The defendants moved to dismiss the case last year, claiming that the suits were barred by the statute of limitations. The plaintiffs countered that a 1998 Court of Appeals ruling states that the statute of limitations does not bar cases in which church officials concealed the alleged abuse.  One of the priests, Rev. Louis Miller, was sentenced in May to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to 50 counts of sexual misconduct and some of the other defendants are awaiting trial on criminal charges." http://www.verdictsearch.com/news/docs/national-nwltr_061803/3.jsp

two from L Moss Sharman Tot revealed abuse, judge told light - His mother said the four-year-old imitating sexual behaviour led to a talk with her sister and a call to police. Peter Geigen-miller, Free Press Reporter "A Catholic priest's sexual abuse of children came to light....The woman, whose identity can't be revealed because of a court order, said police asked her to go through hundreds of pictures of children found in a drawer in Glendinning's room at the seminary.  Many of the children were nude, and some were wearing black mesh underwear, she said.  She said there were pictures of more than 30 different children in the room."

Phoenix Bishop Steps Down By Jesus Sanchez 6/18/03 "The Roman Catholic Bishop of Phoenix, Thomas O' Brien, resigned today after the cleric was charged in connection with a fatal hit-and-run accident. The Vatican announced it had accepted the resignation of O'Brien, 67, who faces more than three years in prison on a felony charge for leaving the scene of a fatal accident." http://www.latimes.com/

"Microwave as a near battle weapon of neighbor attack ... with manipulated stoves.  The radiation penetrates through walls and leads to heavy health damage... already 150 criminal proceedings." Translation from www.freetranslation.com German article is at http://www.welt.de/daten/2002/01/06/0106vm306168.htx

How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and The World and What You Can Do About It by Bill Quinn

from L Moss Sharman
Court Says Detainees' IDs Can Be Kept Secret Panel: 9/11 Realities Outweigh Disclosure By Steve Fainaru Washington Post Staff Writer June 18, 2003; Page A01

A federal appeals panel ruled yesterday that the Bush administration may conceal the identities of hundreds of people detained after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying disclosure of even one name could endanger national security. The 2 to 1 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit delivered a victory for the administration's policy of secret detentions in the Sept. 11 probe. It overturned a federal court decision last August that ordered the government to release the names to ensure that authorities were "operating within the bounds of the law."....
David S.Tatel, a Clinton appointee, wrote that "the court's uncritical deference to the government's vague, poorly explained arguments . . . as well as its willingness to fill in the factual and logical gaps in the government's case, eviscerates both the FOIA itself and the principles of openness in government that FOIA embodies."

Seattle Weekly News Politics Impeachable Offense by Geov Parrish.htm
This wasn't simply an abstract policy debate; it was a matter of the Bush administration's swearing to Congress, America, and the world that the threat to U.S. security—the sole legal justification for invading, conquering, and occupying Iraq—was based on evidence that did not, in fact, exist. The Bush administration made such assertions repeatedly, for more than half a year, and it continues to do so. Such assertions are not simply a typically appalling campaign of Bush administration lies. They are an impeachable offense.

Iraqi gunmen curse America at protester's funeral By Esmat Salaheddin
BAGHDAD, June 19 — Cursing America, scores of gunmen fired in the air on Thursday at the funeral of a former Iraqi air force man killed by U.S. troops during a violent protest in Baghdad.
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