-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Woman who claims she was molested by Catholic priest files suit  6/24/03 "A woman who claims she was sexually abused as a child by a former Roman Catholic priest, who is facing criminal charges, has filed a lawsuit." "Baker, 55, has pleaded innocent to 34 counts of child molestation in connection with a boy he allegedly abused during the 1970s and 1980s. Investigators believe there are nine or more victims." "The woman said the alleged abuse by Baker began in 1984 and continued two years later when Mahony said he met with the priest and then sent him to treatment for his behavior. Baker received interim assignments to parishes until 2000." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2003/06/24/state0354EDT0026.DTL

aol poll - 6/23/03
Do you fear Iraq could become another Vietnam?

61% Yes, I see early warning signs
39% No, things are going as expected
Total votes: 288,386

How do you feel about the war since major combat ended?

45% More negative, there are too many casualties
37% I feel the same
18% More positive, great progress has been made
Total votes: 289,077

Which do you think is most important?

35% Minimizing casualties
27% Capturing Saddam
25% Rebuilding Iraq
12% Finding weapons
Total votes: 292,793
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