-Caveat Lector- also has
Ten-year-old tearaways to be tagged (chipped)
Mind control to feed the queen bee
Bush Declares Student an Enemy Combatant
The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney
Brooklyn Bridge Al Qaeda Bomber was FBI Spy
American military bans BBC crew from Guantanamo Bay for talking to inmates

scroll for news articles

Recovered Memory Controversy Index of articles, books & abstracts. http://kspope.com/memory/index.php

Memory, Abuse, and Science - Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic

from mparent
Human sacrifice bid in Kamakhya foiled Press Trust of India Guwahati, 6/14/03 "The world famous Kamakhya temple atop the picturesque Neelachal hills, witness to human  sacrifices till the last century, was about to see history repeat itself, but alert priests foiled the sacrifice bid of a self-proclaimed 'sadhu'. The 'sadhu', one Satya Mazumdar took his 14-month old daughter to the main shrine of the temple..." http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_280537,0008.htm

Hindu priests pledge to fight ritual of human sacrifice in India Guwahati, June 24, IRNA - Hundreds of Hindu priests Tuesday pledged  to fight the ancient barbaric ritual of human sacrifice at temples    that continues to live on in India.  "A very miniscule cult still believes that to achieve supernaturalmagical powers one needs to sacrifice a child at the altar," Biswajit Giri, a 45-year-old Hindu mystic told IRNA. "The practice of human sacrifice is very rare nowadays, but then  it has not died down completely and is being carried out in many select temples secretly." http://www.irna.ir/en/head/030624132337.ehe.shtml

Ten-year-old tearaways to be tagged  Murdo Macleod Political Correspondent "Tearaway children as young as 10 will be electronically tagged under government plans to crack down on the nationwide epidemic of youth crime. Youngsters responsible for terrorising Scottish communities will be forced to wear the tags to prevent them leaving their homes at night under the proposals.....Electronic tagging has been available to courts in Scotland for the past year but has been restricted to adult offenders, chiefly as an alternative to prison. The tags send a signal to a transmitter in the offender's home which is relayed to a central control." "This would bring Scotland into line with England and Wales where 4,000 10 to 15-year-olds have been tagged since 2001." http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/index.cfm?id=685192003

Research of Jose Delgado http://members.tripod.com/~mdars/delga2c.htm

Mind control to feed the queen bee The Nation (Nairobi) June 8, 2003
Philip Ochieng' Nairobi
"Our world's greatest peril is Huxleyan mind control by means belonging to a few corporations in the North Atlantic. The most effective are VOA, CNN, Time, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, the BBC, Sky News, The Economist and The Times of London - all Anglo-Saxon.
....Why can't we see that the US and Britain have never fought an international war to benefit anybody but their corporate families?

Bush Declares Student an Enemy Combatant
By ERIC LICHTBLAU WASHINGTON, June 23 — President Bush made a surprise decision today to remove a Qatari student from the criminal justice system and declare him an enemy combatant after prosecutors said new evidence linked him to another round of terrorist plots by Al Qaeda after Sept. 11. ....Because he was declared an enemy combatant, Mr. Marri was moved from a prison in Illinois to a military brig in South Carolina, according to Lawrence S. Lustberg, who represented him in the criminal case. As an enemy combatant, Mr. Marri can be held indefinitely, and he has no access to a lawyer unless the military decides to bring charges, officials said. The case represents the first time that the administration is shifting custody of someone charged by criminal prosecutors to the military as an enemy combatant, administration officials said

The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney By Greg Palast, AlterNet June 18, 2003
"McKinney's [opponent] capitalized on the furor caused by Miss McKinney's suggestion this year that President Bush might have known about the September 11 attacks but did nothing so his supporters could make money in a war.".....
Yes, this is one fact the Times reporter didn't fake: The McKinney "quote" was, indeed, all over the place: in the Washington Post, National Public Radio, and needless to say, all the other metropolitan dailies – everywhere but in Congresswoman McKinney's mouth.  Nor was it in the Congressional Record, nor in any recorded talk, nor on her Website, nor in any of her radio talks. Here's the Congresswoman's statement from the record:  "George Bush had no prior knowledge of the plan to attack the World Trade Center on September 11.

t r u t h o u t - Brooklyn Bridge Al Qaeda Bomber was FBI Spy
Captured al-Qa'eda Man was FBI Spy   By David Rennie   The Daily Telegraph
  Monday 23 June 003
  The American al-Qa'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday.   US authorities waited until last week to announce a plea bargain struck with Iyman Faris, a Pakistani-born lorry driver ordered to scout out terror targets, including the New York landmark.   They did not say that Faris, who was also ordered to study ultralight aircraft, and the possibility of derailing a train into a chemical storage facility in Washington, had been under FBI control for months.

American military bans BBC crew from Guantanamo Bay for talking to inmates
Vikram Dodd in Guantanamo Bay Saturday June 21, 2003 The US military clashed with British journalists yesterday at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay after inmates shouted to a BBC Panorama team who had been invited to tour the maximum security camp. As the journalists walked through camp four, detainees shouted that they wanted to tell their story and the US soldiers immediately halted the tour, ordering everyone out. About 680 people, including around nine Britons, are being held in Guantanamo Bay naval base in US-occupied Cuba, as part of the Bush administration's war against terror. An audio recording made by the Panorama team was seized by US forces and the BBC reporter Vivienne White was banished to a section of the bay away from Camp Delta.
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