-Caveat Lector- also has
Watchdog group cites misconduct, false imprisonment in report
Americans admit that torture, or something very like it, is going on at Bagram air base in Afghanistan

scroll for news articles

Calif. to Drop Some Molestation Charges San Francisco (AP) - "The state attorney general said convictions will be overturned or pending charges dropped for about 800 accused child molesters in California after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that statutes of limitations cannot be erased retroactively. The Supreme Court on a 5-4 vote Thursday overturned the nation's only law designed to ensnare molesters who committed their crimes decades ago. Lawyers said the ruling nullifies most pending clergy sex abuse prosecutions in California. The ruling, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer said, "will allow child molesters to escape prosecution simply because they preyed on our children years ago." http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Scotus-Child-Molestations.html

APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, FIRST APPELLATE DISTRICT No. 01—1757. Argued March 31, 2003–Decided June 26, 2003 In 1993, California enacted a new criminal statute of limitations permitting  prosecution for sex-related child abuse where the prior limitations period has expired if, inter alia, the prosecution is begun within one year of a victim' s report to police. A subsequently added provision makes clear that this law  revives causes of action barred by prior limitations statutes. In 1998,  petitioner Stogner was indicted for sex-related child abuse committed between 1955 and 1973. At the time those crimes were allegedly committed, the limitations period was three years. Stogner moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the Ex Post Facto Clause forbids revival of a previously time-barred prosecution. The trial court agreed, but the California Court of Appeal reversed. The trial court denied Stogner's subsequent dismissal motion, in which he argued that his prosecution violated the Ex Post Facto and Due Process Clauses. The Court of Appeal affirmed....93 Cal. App. 4th 1229, 114 Cal. Rptr. 2d 37, reversed.

Records detail Air Force Academy assaults by Robert Gehrke AP Washington - "A violent attack on a wheelchair-bound woman and the rape of a drunken teenage girl were among the alleged rapes and sexual assaults investigated at the Air Force Academy over the past 10 years, documents show. The Air Force documents, obtained Thursday by The Associated Press, detail dozens of cases..." http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apus_story.asp?category=1110&slug=Academy%20Investigation

Watchdog group cites misconduct, false imprisonment in report
WASHINGTON (AP) -- State and local prosecutors bent or broke the rules to help put 32 innocent people in prison, some under death sentence, since 1970, according to the first nationwide study of prosecutorial misconduct. 

Prosecutors misbehaved so badly in more than 2,000 cases during that period that appellate judges dismissed criminal charges, reversed convictions or reduced sentences, the study also found.  The study, "Harmful Error," found 223 prosecutors around the nation who had been cited by judges for two or more cases of unfair conduct but only two prosecutors who had been disbarred in the past 33 years for mishandling criminal cases. There are about 30,000 local prosecutors in 2,341 jurisdictions.  A product of three years of research by The Center for Public Integrity, a private ethics watchdog group, the study found 28 cases involving 32 defendants in which judges concluded that misconduct by prosecutors contributed to the convictions of innocent people.

The invisible
26 June 2003 Privately, the Americans admit that torture, or something very like it, is going on at Bagram air base in Afghanistan, where they are holding an unknown number of suspected terrorists.
Al-Qa'ida and Taliban prisoners inside this secret CIA interrogation centre - in a cluster of metal shipping-containers protected by a triple layer of concertinaed wire - are subjected to a variety of practices. They are kept standing or kneeling for hours, in black hoods or spray-painted goggles. They are bound in awkward, painful positions. They are deprived of sleep with a 24-hour bombardment of lights. They are sometimes beaten on capture, and painkillers are withheld. The interrogators call these "stress and duress" techniques, which one former US intelligence officer has dubbed "torture-lite". Sometimes there is nothing "lite" about the end results. The US military has announced that a criminal investigation has begun into the case of two prisoners who died after beatings at Bagram. More covertly, other terrorist suspects have been "rendered" into the hands of various foreign intelligence services known to have less fastidious records on the use of torture.
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