-Caveat Lector- also has
10 Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq
Cameras peer into school hallways
Dershowitz: Torture could be justified

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two from L Moss Sharman 
Church sued for $2 million over dramatic youth service 6/13/03 by Anna C. Irwin of The Daily Times Staff "A $2 million lawsuit has been filed in Blount County Circuit Court against a Blount County church, the pastor, the youth director, two deacons and several other church members...The suit says the group was accosted by ``men dressed in dark clothes'' but reached the fellowship hall where the lights were out and the adult who greeted them appeared to be crying. They began reading Bible passages by flashlight, heard ``gunshots'' outside, hid between some cupboards, then ``several men dressed as soldiers with gas masks on'' came in. Placed in a truck The suit alleges that group members were blindfolded and handcuffed with Velcro, ``dragged out'' to the parking lot and told to climb in the back of a truck. According to the suit, Janie Doe fought back and pleaded to be let go but was laughed and yelled at by one of her alleged captors. The suit claims she managed to escape but was grabbed again, blindfolded and handcuffed with metal cuffs which caused her to cry out in pain. She was allegedly lifted and put in the truck, then driven to another location where she was led by her arm down a hill and lined up with the other youth group members.  The suit alleges the group was told there would be ``one chance to deny Christ, or you will be killed.'' When Janie Doe refused to deny Christ, the suit says there was the sound of a gunshot and she was soaked with water, then she began ``screaming and crying'' before being told to go inside the residence of another church member. There, the suit claims, she pleaded to have her handcuffs removed but several people acted as if they could not find the key. Once the cuffs were finally taken off, the girl's wrists were ``cut and bleeding, throbbing and swollen to nearly twice their normal size,'' according to the suit." http://www.thedailytimes.com/sited/story/html/134372

Man's life was destroyed by abuse at hands of city priest - Former city priest Thomas O'Dell threatened to get him and his brother if he told about horrific abuse  By Carol Mulligan/The Sudbury Star  6/27/03 Local News - TORONTO — "A Sudbury man who was sexually abused as a boy by a priest was terrorized with threats of "smokestacks where they burn the children who disobey the priest," says the lawyer representing the man in a civil lawsuit. The plaintiff, who was 10 to 15 years old between 1981 and 1986 when the abuse occurred, was also told he would burn in hell, that the priest would get the boy's brother and that the devil would eat him, Peter Downard told the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto on Thursday." http://www.thesudburystar.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentid=36211&catname=Local+News

400% rise in child rape cases 6/23/03 "Child rape cases in South Africa have increased by 400% in the past decade. This was revealed at the International Conference on Sex and Secrecy in Johannesburg today. According to police statistics, 40% of rape victims are girls younger than 12. " http://www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/crime1justice/0%2C1009%2C60954%2C00.html

two from mparent
Animal attacks 'linked to pagan rituals'"Police investigating a series of sadistic attacks on animals say they could be linked to pagan rituals. West Yorkshire Police launched the investigation." http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_794327.html?menu=

Teachers warn of occult dangers in Potter movie magic  Tracy McVeigh, education editor 11/4/03 "One of Britain's biggest teaching unions has issued a stern warning to parents and teachers that J.K. Rowling's phenomenally successful creation could lead schoolchildren into the sinister world of the occult. With the premiere of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone due this month, Peter Smith, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, has echoed concerns in America and called on parents and teachers to be wary. 'Children must be protected from the more extreme influences of the occult and be taught in a responsible and positive way the risks of journeying into the unknown,' he said. 'The premiere of Harry Potter the movie will lead to a whole new generation of youngsters discovering witchcraft and wizardry. " http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,587261,00.html

10 Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq By Christopher Scheer, June 27, 2003
"The Iraqi dictator must not be permitted to threaten America and the world with horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons."
– George Bush, Oct. 7, 2002, in a speech in Cincinnati.
There is a small somber box that appears in the New York Times every day. Titled simply "Killed in Iraq," it lists the names and military affiliations of those who most recently died on tour of duty.

from mparent
Cameras peer into school hallways
6/27/2003 7:12 PM
By: Jennifer Moxley, News 14 Carolina
Officers can monitor the school cameras from the police department, and they can also monitor them from laptop computers in their cars.
The new technology would also allow nearby police, parked in their cars, to see video from within the school. The system "allows (police) to look at the cameras and select the cameras in the school," Parker said. "The range of this is roughly 250 feet to 1,000 feet, depending on the location of the vehicle." The equipment is only up as a demonstration right now. Landis hopes to purchase the technology with the help of Homeland Security grants.

Dershowitz: Torture could be justified
"we could use] a torture warrant, which puts a heavy burden on the government to demonstrate by factual evidence the necessity to administer this horrible, horrible technique of torture. I would talk about nonlethal torture, say, a sterilized needle underneath the nail, which would violate the Geneva Accords, but you know, countries all over the world violate the Geneva Accords. They do it secretly and hypothetically, the way the French did it in Algeria."
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