-Caveat Lector-

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U.S. Curtails Iraq's Newfound Media Freedoms
by Fariba Nawa BAGHDAD—The print press is booming here as newspapers rose from five government-run papers during Saddam Hussein's regime to around 150 now. But U.S.-led forces are dampening the mood of the free press by censoring it.  The U.S.-led administration here last week threatened to fine or close down any newspapers that incite violence or endanger the security of coalition troops or any ethnic or religious group. They will also shut down any publications supporting Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. Coalition forces last week raided a distribution center of Sadda-al-Auma newspaper in Najaf, two hours from the capital. They questioned the staff and seized copies of an edition that ordered Iraqis to join the resistance against Americans.  The Americans defend their decision and consider it necessary for keeping Iraq safe and free of violence. They say the new papers lack responsibility and professionalism, and that they fabricate information. For example, one paper accused a coalition soldier of raping a woman and wrote that troops can see women naked through their night vision goggles. Administrator L. Paul Bremer claimed at a news conference last week that Americans were not trying to hamper free speech. "It is intended to stop ... people who are trying to incite political violence, and people who are succeeding in inciting political violence here," he said.

The Iraqi press has had different reactions to the order. Sadda-al-Auma has continued to publish anti-imperialist and anti-American articles after the raid.

U_S_ halts elections throughout Iraq
SAMARRA, Iraq, June 28 —  U.S. military commanders have ordered a halt to local elections and self-rule in provincial cities and towns across Iraq, choosing instead to install their own handpicked mayors and administrators, many of whom are former Iraqi military leaders.

Murphy defense investigator files appeal of citation By Jeff German  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/21/01 "A defense investigator for convicted murderer Sandy Murphy is fighting a state citation for operating without a license.Ted Gunderson, a former top FBI agent in Los Angeles, plans to tell the Nevada Private Investigators Board that he has been working in Las Vegas as an investigative journalist and does not need a license."
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