-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

from L Moss Sharman "Pure and simple, the Psychological Operations Veterans Association is a reunion association. We have no formal affiliation with our brothers and sisters on active duty with the 4th Psyop Group, nor with the US Army or any other element of the government. But we retain close ties with our colleagues on active duty and in many reserve units." http://www.psyop.com/who.htm

two from mparent
South Africans rape children as cure for Aids David Beresford in Nelspruit 6/29/03 "An estimated 31 per cent of Nelpruit's population of 600,000 is infected. Now the city has another problem, a dramatic increase in child rape caused by the myth that sex with a virgin cures HIV. Until 2000 most rape victims were adults. but there was an abrupt turn-around from 2001, when 65 to 70 per cent of victims were children, some as young as two weeks old." http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,987209,00.html

Ex-mayor cleared of sex scandal 6/27/03 Claims of murder and sado-masochistic orgies have been dropped, reports Philip Delves Broughton "The former mayor, Dominique Baudis, who has gone on to become head of France's broadcasting standards authority, was triumphant after the retraction." http://www.telegraph.co.uk
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