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UN ship 'carried child prostitutes' From correspondents in the United Nations 7/1/03 "The United Nations is investigating a report that a ship chartered for peacekeepers in East Timor is also being used to bring child prostitutes to the island nation, the organisation said today. The allegations surfaced over the weekend in the Portuguese weekly Expresso. The Expresso report said UN personnel were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes." http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6682018%255E401,00.html

Articles on alleged world sex rings http://www.prisonplanet.com/archives_un_prostitution.html

from L Moss Sharman Judge awards woman $5K in civil suit against Jehovah's Witnesses Mike Oliveira Canadian Press 6/30/03 Toronto (CP) - "A woman who accused the Canadian wing of the Jehovah's Witnesses of negligence over their handling of allegations of sexual abuse has received $5,000 in damages." http://www.canada.com/news/story.asp?id=D3F1EE71-8336-47A3-91BC-89617AF4F827

U.S. Develops Urban Surveillance System
U.S. Develops System to Track Vehicles in Foreign Cities; Project Raises Privacy Concerns at Home The Associated Press  WASHINGTON July 1 — The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city.

Zero Tolerance for Teens By Kari Lydersen, AlterNet July 1, 2003
High school students interviewed across the country are saying the same thing: "They're making schools like prisons." And it's not hard to see their point. Most U.S. high school students will have to walk by numerous hidden security cameras, outdoors and indoors, and go through an institutional-size metal detector manned by guards just to get into school each morning. Once there, students are subject to random searches of their bodies and belongings. Lockers can be searched without warning with or without the student present, and in many places police will use drug-sniffing dogs during raids where they search lockers and even students' parked cars.

TechTV  Student Surveillance By Lawrence Sanfilippo
School safety is another big concern, but swifter measures have been undertaken thanks to the fear and shock generated by Columbine. The use of surveillance cameras is rapidly growing in popularity, but do they infringe on the rights of the students they are supposed to protect?

Kenyan women granted legal aid to sue MoD  Staff and agencies Wednesday July 2, 2003  A group of 650 Kenyan women who claim they were raped by British soldiers have won legal aid to sue the Ministry of Defence in a UK court.

U.S. Releases Final Reports on Cold War Toxin Tests By Thom Shanker Washington 6/30/03 "The Pentagon made public today a final set of reports on a cold war program that tested the vulnerability of American forces to unconventional attack, having identified 5,842 people who may have been exposed to chemical or biological agents." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/01/national/01TOXI.html

British troops try out 'James Bond' style X-ray specs  Kevin Hurley  7/29/03  "British troops have been carrying out secret tests on a revolutionary new device that allows them to `see' through walls, scientists have revealed.....It transmits low-frequency radar pulses that can pass through the walls and detect objects and movements.  The machine's antenna sensors can pick up enough information to create sharp views on a screen of what is happening inside a room. The equipment can see through walls up to nearly a foot thick and the device is being engineered to have a 75ft range." http://www.news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=709772003
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