-Caveat Lector- also has
Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons
Rapist gets life term for spitting on officer
Greenpeace accuses US of breaching Geneva Conventions in Iraq
Red Cross yesterday accused Tony Blair and George Bush of breaching the Geneva Convention over the shabby treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war
Bush plans bases to gird Africa

Priest Arrested In Prostitution Sting Found Guilty Rogers Sentenced To Probation, Community Service Kansas City, Mo. - "A Catholic priest recently arrested in a metrowide prostitution sting has been found guilty in the case." http://www.thekansascitychannel.com/news/2311416/detail.html

two from L Moss Sharman California diocese drops suit By AP, 7/6/2003 San Bernardino, Calif. - "A Roman Catholic diocese in California is withdrawing a lawsuit that demanded that the Boston Archdiocese pay any damages resulting from the transfer of a priest accused of sexual abuse. The Rev. Paul Shanley had arrived in California in 1990 with a sworn affidavit that he was in good standing in Boston, despite having a history of sexual abuse allegations against him. He was later accused of sexually abusing a teenage boy in California." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/187/metro/California_diocese_drops_suit+.shtml

Habits of Sin - An Expose of Nuns Who Sexually Abuse Children and Each Other  by Ashley Hill http://www1.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.asp?bookid=1201

"Questions I Have Answered." deJoly LaBrier's presentation at SMART's August 2001 - Windsor Locks, Connecticut conference is now online at http://www.dejoly.net/ deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of a military sex ring, satanic ritual abuse, and mind control.

Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons
Outrage over plight of Guantanamo detainees 
Martin Bright, Kamal Ahmed and Peter Beaumont
Sunday July 6, 2003 "The two British terrorist suspects facing a secret US military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay will be given a choice: plead guilty and accept a 20-year prison sentence, or be executed if found guilty."

from mparent
July 3, 2003, 12:00PM Rapist gets life term for spitting on officer AP SAPULPA, Okla. -- A convicted rapist has been sentenced to life in prison for spitting on a police officer.

Greenpeace accuses US of breaching Geneva Conventions in Iraq Agence France-Presse Baghdad, July 4
Environmental group Greenpeace accused US-led authorities in Iraq on Friday of breaching international law and refusing to allow United Nations experts to assess contamination at a nuclear plant near Baghdad.

PoWs Jul 5 2003
Only 2,000 captives are accounted for Relatives are not allowed to visit loved ones Names were not properly written down
Exclusive By Gary Jones
THE Red Cross yesterday accused Tony Blair and George Bush of breaching the Geneva Convention over the shabby treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war. The humanitarian organisation said the true number of PoWs and their whereabouts was unknown, family visits have been denied and there was no system in place to monitor arrests or pass on details to the Red Cross. A high-ranking official of the International Committee of the Red Cross said: "It is an obligation of the occupying power to notify us of any arrests but that's not happening. We are not receiving anything like full information on prisoners of war.

Bush plans bases to gird Africa
As the US leader begins a tour of Africa with a visit to Senegal, Muslims fear the growth of Pentagon power and others seek an apology for the slave-trading past  Eric Schmidt in Washington and James Copnall in Dakar
Sunday July 6, 2003 As George Bush prepares to leave for a whistle-stop tour of Africa, it has been revealed that he has ordered the US military to plan for a massive expansion of its presence on the continent. The Pentagon aims to secure aircraft refuelling agreements in Uganda and Senegal, two of the five nations Bush will visit. As officials consider whether to send US troops into Liberia to oversee a tentative ceasefire, the Pentagon is working on strengthening ties with Morocco and Tunisia. Arab countries of the Maghreb and in sub-Saharan Africa will be the main focus of new basing agreements and training exercises intended to combat a growing terrorist threat in the region. The Pentagon also wants to set up army bases in Mali and Algeria, which US forces could use for training or for strikes on terrorist targets.

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