-Caveat Lector- also has
Bush begins his African odyssey today, but is he there to plunder or provide? (oil)

Pharmaceutical corporations accused of Genocide before ICC in The Hague - Health Supreme
The Great Wal-Mart Wars

"Arnold and Jesse Friedman were arrested Nov. 26, 1987, after Nassau police (New York) and federal agents executed a search warrant at their house at 17 Picadilly Rd. and found child pornography, pornographic computer discs and lists of children enrolled in computer classes in the home. The Friedmans and a neighbor, Ross Goldstein, who was arrested in June, were charged in a series of indictments with more than 400 counts of various forms of sexual abuse involving 7to 11-year-olds who were students in Arnold Friedman's computer classes. Jesse Friedman was accused in more than 200 of those counts. Arnold Friedman, 57, was also charged by federal officials with distributing child pornography through the mail. He pleaded guilty in March and was sentenced to 10 to 30 years in prison. He pleaded guilty that same month before Boklan to 42 counts of sexually abuse involving 13 boys and was sentenced to 10 to 30 years in prison to run concurrently with the federal time. Jesse Friedman pleaded guilty Dec. 20 to 17 counts of first-degree sodomy; four counts of first-degree sexual abuse; one count of first-degree attempted sexual abuse; one count of using a child in a sexual performance and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. In the plea bargain, Jesse Friedman gave up the option of appealing the case and was promised the sentence imposed yesterday. Goldstein, 18, has pleaded not guilty to 118 similar counts and is free on bail."  http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/arnoldandjessefriedman

from mparent African trafficking ring linked to UK - BBC Radio Five Live has uncovered an international child trafficking ring based in Cameroon with links to Britain. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3053800.stm

Schoolboy gunman studied Satanic Bible: classmate 7/7/03 http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/07/06/1057430078463.html

from L. Moss-Sharman
Guardian Unlimited  The Guardian  Bush begins his African odyssey today, but is he there to plunder or provide.htm
Bush begins his African odyssey today, but is he there to plunder or provide?
Tiny African island wonders if America's scramble for its oil will bring untold riches or yet more pain  Rory Carroll in Sao Tome, west Africa
Monday July 7, 2003
....A taskforce headed by the vice president, Dick Cheney, linked African oil imports to national security, something pro-Israeli and neo-conservative strategists have advocated since September 11. Black American leaders have hailed the policy as good news for Africa: hundreds of them will attend a summit in Nigeria next week to discuss ways the US can boost the continent's oil output.

Pharmaceutical corporations accused of Genocide before ICC in The Hague
June 14, 2003 - The Hague
Pharmaceutical corporations and individual executives have been accused of genocide and crimes of war before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The charges, which also involve accusations of war crimes against US President George W. Bush, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and other top political figures, are contained in a detailed complaint filed with the ICC by Dr. Mathias Rath

The Great Wal-Mart Wars
By Ruth Rosen, San Francisco Chronicle
June 30, 2003...So why have nearly 200 communities refused to allow such big-box stores to enter their lives? Do they know something we don't?  To find out, I embedded myself in the Wal-Mart wars that have recently broken out in Contra Costa County. What I learned, in a nutshell, is that Wal-Mart's nonunion, big-box stores drag down other workers' salaries, destroy downtown businesses, prevent smart-growth development and increase traffic congestion. What really surprised me though is that we, the taxpayers, end up subsidizing Wal-Mart stores by paying for the health and retirement needs of its workers.
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