-Caveat Lector-

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Experts: Sex abuse of teens leaves scars By Rob Amen Valley News Dispatch 7/9/03 "Teenage students sexually abused or harassed by school employees can require years of psychological therapy, or even turn to drug and alcohol abuse. Even students who suppress memories of the incident in attempt to "get past it" eventually face serious, sometimes grave, ramifications. " http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/valleynewsdispatch/news/s_143823.html

from mparent
No Porton Down deaths charges  7/8/03 "An inquiry into the deaths of servicemen used as "guinea pigs" in chemical weapons tests has decided there is insufficient evidence to warrant a criminal prosecution. The men took part in tests at the Porton Down research centre in Wiltshire over a 30-year period from the 1950s to the 1980s. A Wiltshire Police investigation into their deaths has revealed there was criminal liability arising out of the conduct of some former scientists. But lawyers have decided there is not enough evidence to charge anyone." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/england/wiltshire/3052672.stm

Chicago Archdiocese settles with four abuse victims for $4 million  7/9/03 Chicago (AP) "The Chicago Archdiocese has reached a $4 million settlement with four sexual abuse victims of an ex-Roman Catholic priest convicted last year on child pornography charges...The settlement stems from an October lawsuit filed by Eddie Vincent, 31, regarding claims of abuse by former Chicago-area priest Vincent McCaffrey..." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2003/07/09/national0141EDT0417.DTL
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