-Caveat Lector-

I have been exchanging email with a guy who really
likes Bush and believes the weapons of mass
destruction will be found just any time now.
(Who knows....perhaps some will).
Anyway, Mark said that if the weapons are found, then
I will have a lot of "egg on my face".
This is my response to him and I hope you will find it
worthwhile.   Nakano
About the "egg on the face"…no problem.
Believe it or not,
I often hope I am wrong…and this is one of those
There is no satisfaction in "being right" about
things which are harmful to our country.
So if I'm wrong about these things, I'll gladly take
egg on my face.
Over the last 30 years, I have investigated many
things.  Often I have found dark disturbing
information which I did not want to believe....
and I accepted it  only when the supporting evidence
was too much to deny.

The focus of the moment is this question of weapons
President Bush said Iraq had and which haven't been
found and whether we were misled into war.
It's an important question, but regardless of what is
found, or not found, regardless of how this turns
out....this is just one small part of something
much larger and far more important to the future of
our country and the world.

For me, there are too many troubling unanswered
questions about the attacks of 9-11 and the
"war on terror".
There are too many troubling questions about many of
the ways our government has (and hasn't) responded
since those attacks.
There are too many disturbing signs that what is
really taking place right now is the destruction of
our Constitution nd the creation of what George Bush
Sr. openly called a "new world order".
My allegiance is to "one nation"...the United States
of America, and not to any World Government or
international authority.

I believe in the principle of "national Sovereignty".
What does "national Sovereignty" mean?
It means "the international independence of a state,
combined with the right and power of regulating its
internal affairs without foreign dictation.
It means a state's lawful control over its territory
and the authority to govern within that territory."
(Def. Black's Law)

I agree with the United State's Declaration of
Independence -
"That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to
be Free and Independent States…and to do all other
Acts and Things which Independent States may of right

I hope that you agree with this, and I think you do.
Perhaps you just haven't thought it through.

What we are seeing now is the erosion and destruction
of the principle of the Sovereignty of Nations.

You think not?

What other conclusion is there when you see an
International Authority dictating its will on
countries and imposing it's rules upon them?
What other conclusion is there when a U.S. President
tells the leader of another country that he has
"48 hours" to get out of his own country?
This same President has told two other "Sovereign
Countries" that he "will not tolerate" them developing
certain weapons, when their enemies and many other
countries already possess these weapons.

By what authority does George Bush issue these
He has no such authority except the ancient principle
that "might makes right".
Bush is saying: "We have the military power to
dictate these terms and we are gonna do it. To hell
with the Sovereignty of these countries."
Bush's Dad did exactly the same thing when he sent the
U.S. military to invade Panama and capture Manuel
Noriega. They brought Noriega back to the U.S. and put
him on trial in an American courtroom.
By what authority did he do this?  Under what law?
MIGHT  MAKES  RIGHT.  No other authority than that.
It was totally unlawful.

Imagine how the American People would react (or at
least should react)if another country sent an armed
force into the U.S., killed 5,000 or so Americans,
captured our President…took him back to their country
and put him on trial and then put him in prison!
Would we feel that our National Sovereignty had been
It's had to imagine a more flagrant violation.

And so for the past 10 years there has been this
precedent where an International authority (the U.N.)
had told a Sovereign Country that it is forbidden to
fly aircraft in the skies over it's own territory.
("no fly zones")
There have been numerous UN "peacekeeping" missions in
which International military forces have invaded
"Sovereign Countries".
Each time the U.S. provides most of the military

And you may say "yes, but the cause was just…we did it
to save lives and end tyranny" etc.
But the overall effect of all these violations of
Sovereignty has been to establish the principle that
international authority supercedes and takes
precedence over the Sovereignty of Nations.

Think not?

Then why have two U.S. Presidents (both named Bush)
sought the approval of the United Nations to go to war
and violated the Constitutional Requirement
to obtain a Declaration of War from Congress?
Bush Sr. flagrantly violated his oath to uphold the
Constitution when he openly stated he "didn't need the
approval of Congress" to go to war against Iraq.
The United States has fought many wars is the past
sixty years.
Every single one of these has been an unlawful war .
Every one has been unconstitutional.
The last time Congress declared war was in 1941.
Since then, we have been fighting UN approved wars.

And the great majority of Americans think all of this
is just fine.
And no wonder - they were educated in government
indoctrination centers called public schools that
never taught them much of anything about the
Constitution and the principles upon which it is
founded and which it embraces.
So they don't care when Presidents use it for
toilet paper.

And just in case you think I am imagining all of this.
President George Bush Sr. spelled it out plain and
simple for all the world to hear.
"The war in Iraq is a rare opportunity to move toward
an historic period of cooperation.  Out of these
troubled times; a new world order can emerge.
My vision of a new world order foresees a United
Nations with a revitalized Peacekeeping function.
It is the SACRED principles enshrined in the UN
charter to which we will henceforth pledge our
   --February 1, 1992 speech to the UN General

With these words, President George Herbert Walker Bush
identified himself s a traitor to the United States of

As for me, I will do all that I can to uphold and
protect our Constitutional Republic.
I have never pledged any allegiance to the UN Charter
and I owe none.
I will do what little I can to alert and inform my
fellow countrymen.
Perhaps I may yet find a few who's minds are not
closed to the truth.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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