-Caveat Lector- also has
U.S. Accused Of Torture In Iraq      
More than 1,000 children killed or wounded by abandoned arms in Iraq: UNICEF
'Time running out' to secure Iraq

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Churches accused of cover-up over sex attacks  Antony Barnett 7/20/03  "British church authorities stand accused of covering up a catalogue of sexual assaults on women by clergymen. An investigation by The Observer has uncovered more than 60 cases where women have alleged they were abused by clerics from all denominations. Many victims claim the churches have ignored their suffering while allowing the offenders to go on preaching from the pulpit." http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1001812,00.html

'God wants you to love me'  After a four-month investigation, Antony Barnett reveals that the Anglican Church is to be hit by a new scandal, as women tell of rape and abuse by priests who practised 'sexual healing'  7/20/03 http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1001664,00.html

South County Christian Counseling Center is a teaching and counseling center located in St. Louis, Missouri.  We exist to heal the hurting through individual counseling and also through teaching and training churches, treatment centers, and mental health professionals in the area of traumatic abuse and the devastating affects it has on people. http://www.scccc.net/

from mparent
U.S. Accused Of Torture In Iraq
07/19/03: (CBS) Amnesty International is looking into a number of cases of suspected torture in Iraq by American authorities....
"The United Nations Committee Against Torture has stated quite clearly that these methods constitute torture. The U.S. has signed up to high standards. It's not keeping them." U.S. officials did not respond to repeated requests to discuss the case, but the American governor here insists that the U.S. does not torture prisoners.

More than 1,000 children killed or wounded by abandoned arms in Iraq: UNICEF
BAGHDAD (AFP) Jul 17, 2003 More than 1,000 Iraqi children have been killed or wounded by abandoned weapons and munitions since the April 9 fall of Baghdad, the UN children's fund UNICEF said Thursday, urging action from the US-led coalition here.

Friday, 18 July, 2003
'Time running out' to secure Iraq - Top Pentagon advisers have warned that time is running out for the United States to establish law and order in Iraq, where another US soldier was killed by a bomb on Friday.
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