-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 18:16:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [THE-DIALECTIC-OF-THE-DIALECTIC] Re: Jewish Anthropology

In Canada it is a crime to promote hatred toward an "identifiable group"
(outside of fair-comment discussions on religion etc. which are specified)
and it takes only ONE fatality as a result of the hate campaign to
establish that a genocide has begun. Why wait until millions are killed?
Sections 318-19 Criminal Code of Canada.

If the power elite in Canada were to target an identifiable group like
Palestinians with hate and then follow through on a program which caused
death to any number of them, that would be a hate crime.


     ********* <http://www.geocities.com/partyofcitizens> **********

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Bob S. wrote:

> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], New York Jew-boy
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your complete ignorance is absolutely astonishing.
> Riain the Irish Wolfhound/warthog/cockhound:
> > > > race is a social construct and not a genetic one.
> NY Jew-boy:
> >If that's true, then how can a forensic anthropologist determine a
> subject's race on the basis of the chemical analysis of a hair
> sample? A social construct doesn't allow that. Simply because race
> is a much more important social category than a scientific category
> doesn't mean it HAS no scientific basis.<
> How many races are there, NY Jew-boy?
> What race is a woman whose mother is 'white' & whose father
> is 'black'?
> How do you account for dark-skinned 'blacks' with blue eyes?
> Do you really believe the JewNazi racist shit re Cohanim remaining
> racially pure (Jews) for several millenia?
> Bob:
> >> & Zionism is racism because Zionists ethnic cleanse / genocide
> Palestinians.
> >> Palestinians & Jews are both Semitic people -- to some extent.
> >> Ashkenazim Jews to some extent interbred with Aryan Europeans etc.
> NY Jew-boy:
> >There's no evidence that the Israeli's commit genocide - which
> involves an intentional attempt to systematically exterminate an
> entire race of people.<
> You're a liar!
> UN's definition of genocide fits actions of JewNazis.
> NY Jew-boy:
> > Zionism isn't any more "racism" than Islamic fundamentalis is, the
> latter of which has a far worse human rights  record than the
> Israelis.
> Jews kill approx. 3 Pals (mostly children & other innocents) for
> every 1 Jew the Pal freedom fighters kill.
> Before Intifada, Jews killed approx. 14 Pals for every Jew the Pal
> freedom fighters killed.
> Somebody else, from this remark likely Jewish:
> Riain the queer Zionist skinhead who is piss fetishist & spank
> fetishist:
> > > > We can tell that most European Jews have historically married
> other Jews, and as a result, contemporary Ashkenazim are more
> similar to each  other, and to their  Middle Eastern cousins, than
> they are to the Europeans  with whom they have lived for
> generations.
> Bob:
> >> Actually, the native language of the Ashkenazim is Yiddish a
> Germanic language, & Ashkenazim means "Germanic Jews".
> NY Jew-boy:
> >Not all of the Ashkenazim speak Yiddish; many speak the native
> language of their region, and there are Ashkenazis all over Eastern
> Europe.
> When JewNazis aren't out right lying, they are attempting to deceive
> (like Jacob who jewed his brother Esau out of birthright & both
> intentionally deceived & lied to his dying father Isaac).
> You fit the negative stereotype perfectly, NY Jew-boy!
> >From http://www.dictionary.com, I looked up "Ashkenazim":
> <start quote>
> Ash·ke·naz·i    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (äshk-näz)
> n. pl. Ash·ke·naz·im (-nzm, -näzm)
> A member of the branch of European Jews, historically Yiddish-
> speaking, who settled in central and northern Europe.
> [Medieval Hebrew 'aknzî, from 'aknaz, Germany, adoption of
> Hebrew 'aknaz, name of one of Noah's grandsons and of a neighboring
> people, perhaps alteration of earlier *'akûz, Scythians; akin to
> Akkadian aguzai, ikuzai, from Old Persian Saka-, Ska-.]
> Ashke·nazic (-näzk) adj.
> <end quote>
> Not all AshkeNAZIm speak Yiddish anymore, but Yiddish is their/your
> native language.
> & as dictionary.com reveals Ashkenazim is derived for Medieval
> Hebrew for "Germany".
> To hell with you lying, deceiving Jew(Nazi)s!
> But first (<grin>), here's dictionary.com info on "Yiddish":
> <start new quote>
> Yid·dish    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (ydsh)
> n.
> The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern
> Europe, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from
> medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic,
> various Slavic languages, and Old French and Old Italian.
> [Yiddish yidish, Jewish, Yiddish, from Middle High German jüdisch,
> Jewish, from jude, jüde, Jew, from Old High German judo, from Latin
> Idaeus. See Jew.]
> Yiddish adj.
> Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,
> Fourth Edition
> Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
> Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
> yiddish
> \Yid"dish\, n. [G. j["u]disch, prop., Jewish, fr. Jude Jew. See Jew,
> Jewish.] A language used by German and other Jews, being a Middle
> German dialect developed under Hebrew and Slavic influence. It is
> written in Hebrew characters.
> Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA,
> Inc.
> yiddish
> n : a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words;
> spoken as a vernacular by European Jews [syn: Yiddish]
> <unquote>
> Scumbag Jew invaders & occupiers of Palestine, the
> JewNazis/Zionists, are mainly AshkeNAZIm, Germanic people whose
> native language was Yiddish, a Germanic language.
> Moreover Germanic doesn't mean living solely in Germany.
> Hitler took over much of Central & Eastern Europe supposedly because
> other Aryans lived outside of Germany.
> You AshkeNAZIm are like your German / Aryan COUSINS, some of you
> lived in Germany & others of you lived elsewhere in Central &
> Eastern Europe.
> Attempting to deceive, as you attempted, NY Jew-boy, is weaselly.
> You are a weaselly Jew(Nazi).
> Riain the expert at Jew Cursing:
> > > > In particular, Ashkenazim exhibit very high frequencies of
> particular genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease.
> Bob:
> >> Also breast cancer.
> >> The moral is: hybridize! Intermarry! Racism is bad & causes
> genetic disorders.
> NY Jew-boy:
> > It's hardly the case that Jews didn't intermarry because they were
> racist. In fact, as you might be aware, their gentile neighbors were
> not exactly forthcoming about intermarrying them.
> I think many Jewish women are very pretty. & one Jewish woman I know
> & like very much is VERY VIVACIOUS. Moreover Jews are generally very
> smart & Jewish women seem to be generally very devoted mothers. I'm
> not against goyim & Jews intermarrying. I AM against JewNazism.
> I'm against AryanNazism too! & I realize that Martin Luther
> advocated doing unto Jews what Hitler & rest of Nazis DID unto Jews.
> Catholics & Russian Orthodox also committed pogroms against Jews.
> Polacks hated Jews so much that they didn't stop killing Jews when
> Nazi Germany fell.
> Still it is also true that Jews commonly make a point of insulting
> Christians & have reputation not entirely undeserved for jewing
> anybody they can get away with jewing.
> Jews also are commonly very aggressive, arrogant, & rude -- much
> like me.
> I may well have some Jewish ancestry myself. Also maybe some native
> american ancestry. For all I know I may even have 'nigger in the
> woodpile' -- african ancestry. I say for all I know because I know I
> have hillbilly redneck poor white trash ancestry & poor seem to be
> much less concerned with 'petigree' of those they marry & interbreed
> with.
> NY Jew-boy:
> > Marrying people  whom share your religion is hardly necessarily
> racist. If that were true than the overwhelming majority of
> Christians, Muslims, and Hindus are equally "racist."<
> Again, NY Jew-boy, you apparently seek to deceive.
> JewNazis have ethnically cleansed 'Israel' & seek to ethnically
> cleanse rest of Palestine.
> Chosen People = Master Race.
> As you well know, NY Jew-boy, that's racism.
> Jews have no more right to Jewish nation than Nazis had to Aryan
> nation!!!
> In both cases, Nazis (both Aryan & Jew/Zionist) expelled non-Master
> Race out of both Germany & 'Israel'.
> & are you perchance a Kahanite? I'm glad both American Fuehrer
> George Lincoln Rockwell & JewNazi Rabbi Meir Kahane were
> assassinated. Kahane advocated & Kahanites advocate expelling EVERY
> PAL from Palestine. Most Jews seem to WANT all Pals expelled from
> Palestine but maybe are crafty enough not to admit whole of their
> agenda.
> & when are you JewNazis going to demolish Al Aqsa mosque & Dome of
> Rock in order to rebuild your JewNazi Temple of Solomon where Muslim
> mosques have been 1300 years? <grin>
> You JewNazis have been very resourceful!
> You JewNazis have used massacres, like Deir Yassin massacre to cause
> Pals to flee homes in Israel during al Nakba.
> You JewNazis have cut off water supply to Pal villages because you
> JewNazis coveted Pal land & knew that Pals would have to leave if
> they had no water.
> You JewNazis have cut down Pal farmers olive trees, depriving them
> from being able to make living -- in order to cause them to leave
> their homes & land which you EVIL Jews covet.
> You JewNazis shoot Pals & then deprive them of medical care to
> exterminate the people whose land you EVIL Jews covet.
> You JewNazis provoke Pals in every way you can -- Sharon going to
> Noble Sanctuary which you EVIL Jew control thru theft -- in order to
> provoke righteous Pal rage, so that you EVIL Jews can kill more of
> the people, many of them children, whose land you covet.
> I UTTERLY HATE Zionism & I sincerely hope Zionists Last Stand comes
> soon when Arabs & maybe other Muslims hunt down & SEND STRAIGHT TO
> HELL every JewNazi occupier of Palestine (including 'Israel') they
> find!
> Riain the one-armed devout Jew who posted lotsa X-rated pics on
> Zionism2:
> > > > Others have suggested that the Ashkenazim are descended from
> the  Khazars, a Turkic tribe of the Russian steppes, who adopted
> Judaism in the early  Middle Ages.
> > > > Finally, we can tell that traditions of unilineal male descent
> among the Levites and, particularly, the Cohanim, are based on
> biological  reality. Yes, not all modern Cohanim are descended from
> the same historical  male, but many are-- far more than would be
> expected through random chance.
> Bob:
> > > THE COHENS/COHNS/KANES!!!! Thanx for bringing up, Ríain!!!!!!!!!
> Riain is my favorite Irish warthog/cockhound (he says Wolfhound)
> Zionist queer piss fetishist & spank fetishist! Riain is expert at
> Jew Cursing! He's Jew Cursed me SOUNDLY. <chuckling>
> Bob (Three Stooges fan, all 4 were Jews, Shemp is my fave):
> > > I joke that Murray (or Izzy or Manny or Irving or Moe or Larry
> or Curly etc.) Cohen has Ark of Covenant hidden in his apartment in
> the Bronx &  is waiting for demolition of Noble Sanctuary & building
> of Temple of Solomon  Version Three on current site of Noble
> Sanctuary to return Ark of Covenant to new  version Temple.
> > > Then not just Temple Mount Faithful
> http://www.templemountfaithful.org
> but ALL JEWS can resume Jew voodoo / animal sacrifice in universal
> Jew devolution!!!!!!!!
> >This is just insane.
> I agree! Temple Mount Faithful & other JewNazis in Palestine who
> have revived Jew Voodoo / animal sacrifice are insane. EVILLY
> INSANE!!!!!!!
> Still if one is orthodox Jew then one believes that world Jewry, all
> Jews in the world, remain ritually unclean until Jewish priests do
> ritual Jew Voodoo/animal sacrifice in THE Temple in Jerusalem to
> make world Jewry ritually clean again.
> I'm not making this SHIT up! I'll document more, if requested, NY
> Jew-boy!
> Bob loves arguing & ranting
> ***** Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
> good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code 
> of totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian "newspeak" as it was called in 1984? 
> What is "doubleplus ungood crimethink" in Orwell's classic? *****
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***** Let us talk about what we are not supposed to talk about until we know 
good-speak from bad-speak; Whitehouse moronspeak from smartspeak. What is the code of 
totem and taboo under Whitehouse-Orwellian "newspeak" as it was called in 1984? What 
is "doubleplus ungood crimethink" in Orwell's classic? *****

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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