-Caveat Lector- also has
Secret Saudi History
Guantanamo may free children
Ashcroft Criticized for Talks on Terror

scroll for news articles

three from L Moss Sharman Crime gangs 'contribute to internet child porn surge'  George Wright 8/21/03 "Crime gangs are contributing to a surge in internet child porn, according to the national criminal intelligence service's (NCIS) annual assessment of serious and organised crime. The study, published today, says the number of websites showing child porn - often featuring images of what is believed to be actual abuse - rose by 64% last year." http://www.guardian.co.uk/child/story/0,7369,1027002,00.html

Federal Sex-Crime Charges Shock Friends of Ex-Judge By Tyrone Richardson Newark 8/22/03 "Friends and colleagues of Judge Stephen W. Thompson were dismayed when he was accused in April of possessing child pornography..... police searched Mr. Thompson's vacation home in Avalon and confiscated more than a dozen videotapes of children engaged in sexual acts...found numerous pornographic magazines and 57 computer disks containing what prosecutors said were thousands of images of child pornography....One of those membership cards...was for the North American Man-Boy Love Association, a group that promotes sex between men and boys." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/23/nyregion/23JUDG.html

Paedophile priest killed in US prison attack 8/24/03 Boston - "Defrocked priest John Geoghan, a central figure in the Catholic Church's sex abuse scandal, was killed today by a fellow-inmate in the prison where he was serving a sentence for child rape....Internal Church documents obtained by the media showed that Geoghan's sex abuse history was well known to church officials but that they continued to let him work with children. The Boston Globe reported last year that Geoghan was removed from four straight parishes between 1974 and 1989 for molesting children.....More than 130 people have filed suits against Geoghan claiming he sexually abused them. Nearly one year ago the Archdiocese of Boston settled the cases of 86 of Geoghan's victims for US$10 million." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3519644&thesection=news&thesubsection=world

SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests http://www.snapnetwork.org/

Secret Saudi History Tuesday, August 12 2003
By Sarah Whalen "I'm sorry," the clerk at the U.S. National Archives says: "You can't see the Saudi Arabian documents." I'm surprised. All the National Archive's documents are already reviewed and then declassified or removed. In theory, whatever's there is no longer secret. Until 9/11. "It's part of the Patriot Act," the clerk averred, referring to Public Law 107-56, the hastily-passed legislation entitled, "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001." "The U.S. State Department records you requested are indeed declassified and theoretically available. But they also may contain information that terrorists can use, like names and addresses and information of U.S. citizens."

22 August, 2003 Guantanamo may free children
The commander of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp has told the BBC the US military is hoping to release children it is holding there. The BBC's Gordon Corera, in Guantanamo Bay, says the US's interviews with the three children - aged between 13 and 15 - reveal they may have been coerced into fighting in Afghanistan.... They have been held with no access to a lawyer or understanding of what will happen to them, our correspondent adds. But the children have been given access to games, even videos, as well as an extensive education programme.

Ashcroft Criticized for Talks on Terror       By Eric Lichtblau
     New York Times      Friday 22 August 2003 
     WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 - Attorney General John Ashcroft faced sharp criticism today from Democrats and others over his decision to give more than a dozen speeches around the country in defense of anti-terrorism legislation passed after the Sept. 11 attacks.

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