-Caveat Lector- also has
Venezuelan Military Intelligence says overwhelming evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane en route to United Nations in New York

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PAS testimony rejected by Court of Appeal, Sixth District, California 2003 WL 1785921 (Cal. App. 6 Dist.) -  Dr. Rand was not allowed to testify and defendant was convicted for sexually abusing a child "In refusing to allow Dr. Rand to testify before the jury, the judge stated  he was familiar with the syndrome because he had heard about it when he sat  in family court for several years. His reasons for not allowing the testimony were: (1) the behavior was not beyond common experience within the meaning  of section 801, subdivision (a); (2) the testimony was not scientific enough  to satisfy the "Kelly-Frye" rule; [FN4] and (3) Dr. Rand's name was not included on the witness list."

SA Catholic Church offers sexual abuse victims cash 'gifts' 9/24/03 "The Catholic Church in South Australia has offered what it calls "gifts" of up to $100,000 to families of sexual abuse victims. Acceptance by victims does not mean they waive their right to legal action in the future and there is no confidentiality agreement. The first offers are outlined in 93 letters being delivered today, with the money coming from a $2.1 million fund set-up by the Catholic Church. The Archbishop Phillip Wilson says the gifts involve sums of up to $100,000 to compensate for distress caused by sexual abuse of their children while in the care of the Catholic Church." http://www.abc.net.au/news/australia/sa/metsa-24sep2003-11.htm

Venezuelan Military Intelligence says overwhelming evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane en route to United Nations in New York

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