-Caveat Lector- also has Naming of CIA agent sends chill through White House

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Schwarzenegger Says He Has 'Behaved Badly'
Women Claim Schwarzenegger Groped Them
By ERICA WEINER, AP SAN DIEGO (Oct. 2) - Gubernatorial front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledged Thursday that he has ''behaved badly'' to women, and he apologized to ''those people that I have offended.''
Schwarzenegger's camp denied the allegations. "Schwarzenegger's remarks, as he kicked off a bus tour of the state in the final days of the recall campaign, came after the Los Angeles Times published a story Thursday in which six women accused him of sexually harassing and groping them. ''Yes, it is true that I was on rowdy movie sets and I have done things that were not right, which I thought then was playful but now I recognize that I offended people,'' Schwarzenegger told a crowd of supports in San Diego." "Three of the women quoted in the times said Schwarzenegger grabbed their breasts. Another said he reached under her skirt and grabbed her buttocks. Another woman said Schwarzenegger tried to remove her bathing suit in a hotel elevator, and the sixth said Schwarzenegger pulled her onto his lap and asked whether a certain sexual act had ever been performed on her. According to the accounts, the first incident occurred in the 1970s, the next two were in the 1980s, followed by two more in the 1990s and one in 2000."

Women Say Schwarzenegger Groped, Humiliated Them
The acts allegedly took place over three decades. A campaign aide denies the accusations. By Gary Cohn, Carla Hall and Robert W. Welkos, Times Staff Writers Six women who came into contact with Arnold Schwarzenegger on movie sets, in studio offices and in other settings over the last three decades say he touched them in a sexual manner without their consent.

several from L Moss Sharman CBC: the fifth estate - The Bishop of Bountiful "Over the years there have been occasional news reports about a mysterious and secretive religiou s community in Bountiful B.C. They call themselves the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - no relation to the mainstream Mormons - and they believe that not only does God condone polygamy,  but the Canadian Charter of Rights does too."  http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/polygamy

also see http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/polygamy/resources.html

Woman to bring suit against Mormon church By ROBERT MATAS   11/19/02 Vancouver - "Debbie Palmer, a women with eight children from three assigned marriages in a Mormon polygamist colony, is going to court in an effort to expose a lifestyle which she says leads to sexual, physical, psychological and spiritual abuse. Ms. Palmer, 47, intends to ask the B.C. Supreme Court this week to consider a class action against the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on behalf of women who say they have suffered as a result of the religion's communal, polygamist lifestyle. At least 25 wives, and possibly as many as 200 from communities in Canada and the United States are expected to be part of the unprecedented lawsuit against the well-established religious institution." ttp://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/printarticle/gam/20021119/UPOLYM

Priest faces charge of indecent exposure 9/30/03 San Antonio "A Catholic priest faces criminal charges after allegedly exposing himself to an undercover police officer in a public park restroom last week.  Rev. Jerzy Sieczynski, 52, was arrested Friday afternoon on a charge of indecent exposure." http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropolitan/2128181

Como, Sexual Abuse in School: Headmaster Removed Immediately (AGI) - Como, Italy, 10/2/03 "The minister of education, Ms. Letizia Moratti, removed from office the headmaster and deputy headmaster of the Ipsia Ripamonti school in Como, Carmelo Nicotra and Giuseppe Palmucci. She did so a few minutes ago, live on TG3 news, during the "question time" in Parliament, replying to an interrogation of Northern League MP Cesare Rizzi. Ms.Moratti was very hard on the two headmasters, currently under investigation, accused of not having paid attention to the 'anomalous' behaviour of the Administrative Secretary, Ermanno Capatti, himself accused of sexual abuse on dozens of students in the institute." http://www.agi.it/english/news.pl?doc=200310011946-1153-RT1-CRO-0-NF82&page=0&id=agionline-eng.italyonline

Affidavit disputes diocese statement By AP, 9/29/03 Springfield "A Chicopee layman who was active in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield said in an affidavit that he believes church authorities knew of abuse allegations against the Rev. Richard R. Lavigne as early as the late 1960s, years before the diocese says it first learned of such allegations. The Sunday Republican of Springfield reported that Maurice E. DeMontigny, a confidant of the late Bishop Christopher Weldon, recounted being told by his former pastor of such allegations in the late 1960s. DeMontigny told The Associated Press yesterday that he had no concrete evidence that the parish priest, the late Rev. Thomas P. Griffin, told Weldon about the allegations against Lavigne. But, he said, "my gut feeling of who he is and who he was is that [Griffin] would have reported that to Bishop Weldon." http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2003/09/29/affidavit_disputes_diocese_statement

Naming of CIA agent sends chill through White House By BETH GORHAM
Canadian Press  9/30/03  Washington - Already there are comparisons to Watergate, the ultimate modern tale of political sabotage. The U.S. capitol is buzzing over allegations about a White House plan to punish and intimidate a former ambassador who criticized some of President George W. Bush's pre-war intelligence on Iraq. Shortly after Joseph Wilson went public about the intelligence flaws, someone leaked the identity of his wife, an undercover CIA agent.
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