-Caveat Lector- also has Radio Host Tells of Incident With Actor (Schwarzenegger)

Research discussing corroboration and accuracy of recovered memories An Annotated Bibliography - This is only one of many peer reviewed abstracts and summaries listed at the website. "Van der Kolk, BA, & Fisler, R. (1995). Dissociation and the fragmentary nature of traumatic memories: Overview and exploratory study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 8, 505-525.  Summary: 46 adults with in depth interviews. Of the 36 with childhood trauma, 42% suffered significant or total amnesia at some time. Corroborative evidence was available for 75%."   http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/suggestedrefs.html

Man arrested in Bahamas missing schoolboys case Reuters, 10/03/03  - Nassau, Bahamas, "Bahamian police held a man for questioning on Friday in connection with the disappearance since May of five schoolboys who worked at a supermarket in the resort town of Freeport. Assistant Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said the man was arrested on Thursday after an intense investigation in Williams Town on Grand Bahama island, where 14-year-old Desmond Rolle vanished on Sunday. All five boys worked as part-time sackers at the downtown Winn-Dixie (store in Freeport, located about 75 miles (120 km) east of Palm Beach, Florida....Residents expressed fears that a serial killer or satanic cult was at work on Grand Bahama. Bahamian police have sought help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the United States and Britain's Scotland Yard to unravel the mystery." http://www.forbes.com/markets/newswire/2003/10/03/rtr1099814.html

Radio Host Tells of Incident With Actor - A campaign aide says Schwarzenegger has no recollection of alleged encounter in the 1970s. By Megan Garvey October 3, 2003
A well-known nationally syndicated radio host on Thursday publicly described being groped and propositioned by Arnold Schwarzenegger more than 20 years ago, when she was starting in the business and he was promoting his film "Pumping Iron." Joy Browne, a psychologist whose advice program is syndicated to nearly 200 stations nationwide, described on the radio an encounter with Schwarzenegger that took place during an interview about the documentary, which was released in 1977. Schwarzenegger fondled her legs under the table during the interview, she said. Then, she said, he left his Gold American Express card in the studio and insisted that Browne personally return it to his hotel room. According to Browne, who was in her late 20s at the time, she took her young daughter along to return the credit card. Schwarzenegger, she said, answered the door in tight pants, wearing no shirt. He had champagne. He asked her if her daughter could "take a walk for a while?" She declined. Rob Stutzman, a Schwarzenegger spokesman, said Thursday that the candidate had no recollection of the alleged incident.
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