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Middle Finger News - Hellish Holograms
Sticking It To The Poobahs

News Hot Enough To Fry Eggs
By Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom



In the view of some, we are living in a time of vast deception. In America, we have had, they say, a fictitious Presidential Election. And add, we have a fictitious President, occupant and resident of the White House. And in the name of common Americans, there is being perpetrated on the people of Iraq, some explain, a terrible Sin, slaughtering them while claiming we are there to bomb them into Imperialistic "Democracy".  

Those who distrust the purveyors of the standard-flavor News, have prepared the ultimate catalogue of their objections.  

[1] Ghosts have been played out on our eyes and ears. Favorite fabricators of Facts have led us to believe that our charming leaders have been each done in by lone assassins, Society's sickies. Thus blown away have been real U.S. money advocate President John F. Kennedy; drum major for Justice Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, itching to revenge the murder of his brother; just to name a few.  

According to the great deceivers, JFK was snuffed out by a magic bullet, dubbed as whitewash Exhibit 399. Circling history, if not the earth, endlessly (thanks to murder-fixer Senator Arlen Specter, R., Pa., he of the Warren Commission), it is blamed by supposed malcontents for snuffing out various doomed eyewitnesses of political murders.  

[2] Happenings and personages are entirely fictitious, so some say. According to sarcastic sorts, we have had the previously mentioned fictitious Presidential Election, leading to the selection of a fictitious U.S. Chief Executive. This, done by a 5-Judge Military-Style Junta on the High Court, and this tied, as well, to top-level federal judges in Chicago.  

In short, a corrupt phantom of Justice, bought and paid for by the great forgeries and perjuries of Judicial Law. Does anyone want to know that entangled in all this is the monstrous bubble and soda machine, Coca-Cola Company, seller of a reputedly cocaine-laced drink devoid of human nutrition. Some doctors use the secret Coca-Cola base to treat stomach ailments (and to remedy their ailing wallets as well). The kick in Coke is from the processing of vast amounts of imported coca leaves, a by-product being the infamous white powder.  

And, some in law enforcement ask (or already know?) how much cocaine is really "Made in the U.S.A." and "leaked out" to non-legal channels, rather than, as the newsfakers say, smuggled in from overseas?  

[3] Rejecting the liars and whores of the Press, some point to 9-11. Outlining all the cover-ups and discrepancies, the critics say we have been the unwitting audience for a tremendous well-planned magic show. How did the twin World Trade Center towers pulverize so quickly? Why was there, that day, a Military stand-down? Why and how did WTC Building 7 get neatly cored out, like an apple, later that day? What really hit the Pentagon, conveniently missing the offices of the war-mongering Secretary of Defense?  

[4] To generalize and simplify this, some stretch out their mental vistas. They remind us that the U.S. War Committee, as to high technology, is usually ten to twenty years ahead of where the common folks believe or understand. So, some say the White House is really not there. And to understand, that the members of the Skull & Bastards Society, the evil brains and satanic cultists, created at Yale University, have some unlabled, secret method, superior to laser, particle beam, or whatever, that is able from the ground and/or from satellites, to create or project apparitions. Such as the following:  

===That George W. Bush is a phantom, part of a team of the homosexual underground including a southern state sizeable city Mayor who travels with Bush and is Bush's male-sex-mate; a former northern state Governor, reputed Florida election corrupter; a long-time prominent journalist, outing the family member of a White House critic; and a reputed Nazi-family White House advisor and demon, that is, a Rasputin, with grab-you eyes like that of the current Moscow resident Putin, an outgrowth of the Soviet Secret Political Police.  

Life and History would, indeed, be clear and simple, if all of the foregoing were just Lucifer's Holograms, projected onto buildings, clouds, and whatever, by the crazies of the Aristocracy.

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